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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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I hate the updates on this Patch Tuesday. :(

I haven't figured out everything in the MS bulletin, but here are my additional notes.

The optional KB969395 is replaced by KB2845187.

Office 2003 update

2817480 | MS13-054 | gdiplus (Office 2003) | 39558 | replaces 2598253 (MS12-034)

Edited by Explorer09
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What I've figured:

MRT 5.2 Replaces 5.1

IE8 2846071 replaces prev. cum. updt.

2834886 supposedly replaces 2659262 (although the MS bulletin says it doesn't replace anything and after installing it, WU still wants 2659262)

2845187 (according to explorer, it replaces 969395 which I didn't have)

2850851 replaces 2829361

and then

2834904 wmp11

Sorry, the new layout sucks. I wrote each update in a separate line, but this F#$%@%#^#% bb screwed it up.

Edited by jvidal
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2834886 supposedly replaces 2659262 (although the MS bulletin says it doesn't replace anything and after installing it, WU still wants 2659262)

2834886 DOES make 2659262 obsolete. However gdiplus.dll is a WinSxS component, so installing 2834886 does not necessarily "replace" 2659262. Both updates can be installed side by side.

969395 is an optional update. Mimo has it in his update list.

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For a running system, yes it's OK to have both but when you are slipstreaming it's only going to slipstream one.

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I can confirm that KB2834886 completely replaces KB2659262. It is possible that multiple versions of dll files can coexist in the WinSXS folder and they can have different functionality. When an application tries to load a specific version of a dll Windows looks up the policy file in the Policies directory.

This is the manifest file of KB2834886:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">    <assemblyIdentity type="win32-policy" name="policy.1.0.Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus" version="1.0.6002.23084" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"/>   <dependency>      <dependentAssembly>         <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus" processorArchitecture="x86"/>         <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="1.0.6002.23084"/>      </dependentAssembly>   </dependency></assembly>

The bindingRedirect shows that all previous versions of gdiplus.dll are replaced by this update.

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The optional KB969395 is replaced by KB2845187.

Thx for this info. I promise that I update the Office 2003 list with your infos also... :)

I posted the reg file days ago.

Also thx for this. I replaced the WindowsXP-KB2659262-x86-XXX.exe with your reg-file!

New file-checker for XP:

2013-07-16- Added: KB2850851 (MS13-053: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers)- Added: KB2834886 (MS13-054: GDI+)         This update replaces KB2659262 (MS12-034: Windows, GDI+) but         Windows Update still searches for KB2659262. For this reason,         a reg-file will be used which says that KB2659262 is installed.- Added: KB2846071 (MS13-055: Internet Explorer)- Added: KB2845187 (MS13-056: DirectShow)- Added: KB2803821 (MS13-057: Windows Media Format Runtime, WMP9)- Added: KB2834904 (MS13-057: Windows Media Format Runtime, WMP11)- Added: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.2.9201.0)- Added: Adobe Flash Player 11.8.800.94- Removed: KB2829361 (MS13-046: Kernel-Mode Drivers, replaced by KB2850851)- Removed: KB2838727 (MS13-047: Internet Explorer, replaced by KB2846071)- Removed: KB969395 (Movie Maker crashes with >100 video transitions / effects, replaced by KB2845187)- Removed: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.1.9100.0)- Removed: Adobe Flash Player 11.7.700.224

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2013/01/06 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2013/07/16

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