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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Hi Kiki,

thanks to you for extreme-testing :)

these were the 2 lines pertaining to the warning:

File Not Found


was this for WindowsXP-KB944043-v3-x86-ENU.exe? this particular error hasn't come up in recent runs though

It has nothing to do with KB944043. I have no idea. I don't get this msg. I'm just calling getlang.cmd (which I create temporarely from hfslip.cmd) to get the language. :(
(6) SP=3, SOURCE with SP3 integrated (win51p.SP3) ---> this one was strange (& confusing) ... i was expecting, there'd be no error here (since both conditions of SP3 are the same) but then again, here's the result:

Checking existing updates for wrong, obsolete or unknown:


wrong (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe (Service Pack 3 for Windows XP)

When you start hfslipfc and see this:


File-Checker (Build 2010/01/07) for HFSLIP

See following site for further details:



HFSLIPFC will report missing, obsolete and

unknown updates for Windows XP SP3.

Start this from your HFSLIP-folder.

Service Pack included in source: SP3

Language: ENU (EN-US)

Selected components:

Internet Explorer = IE8

Windows Media Player = WMP11

Remote Desktop Client = RDC7

Update-Sites: WU MU

Folders to check: HF\*.*;HFGUIRUNONCE\*.*;HFCABS\*.*

Update-lists: hfslipfc.cmd;hfslipfc.ini

List missing optional updates: YES

DirectX 9 already extracted: NO


(:-) 2009 Mimo


Then hfslipfc expects that SP3 is already included in SOURCE and SOURCE must not be updated to SP3 (doesn't matter where the info comes from, either from ini, either from source or from both). To install the SP3 (936929) is wrong then. And if WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe is found in HF it will be listed as wrong.

It's correct and it's the expected behaviour of hfslipfc.

indeed, i have WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe in HF which i think is only being identified as wrong if manually assign SP=3 while the SOURCE doesn't see what it expects: win51ip.SP3 cd tag ... which brings me back to the conflict between having manually assigned values for SP= in hfslipfc.ini vs hfslipfc.cmd checking on SOURCE's cd tag (win51ip.SPx) ... say for some reason a user unintentionally assigned value to SP= in hfslipfc.ini which is different with the SP level of SOURCE, then the error comes up ... hehe! i'm not trying to make this difficult for you Mim0 ... just suggesting since atm, i think the value of SP= in hfslipfc.ini must be the same with cd tag (win51ip.SPx) in SOURCE :P
Probably I have to wrote some more comments in the INI, e.g. that's only values has to set manually which are not default, but anyway, for hfslipfc it's important what it's shown at the start (at the first "press any key...").

Thx again!!! :)

Edited by Mim0
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Hi Mimo,

sorry for the KB905474 report, i didn't know that HFSLIP accepts these format of 905474 (tested and working):

WindowsXP-KB905474-HUN-x86.exe, i've always used this format: WindowsXP-KB905474-x86-HUN.exe


KB976098-v2 (TZ update) in HF folder is installed perfectly, not needed to be in the SW1 folder

Checking existing updates for wrong, obsolete or unknown:


unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB976098-v2-x86-HUN.exe

Check missing updates for Windows XP SP3:


missing (O): HFSVCPACK_SW1\WindowsXP-KB976098-v2-x86-HUN.exe (Cumulative Time Zone Update)

And thanks for your hard work! :)


Edited by pityu100
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sorry for the KB905474 report, i didn't know that HFSLIP accepts these format of 905474 (tested and working):

WindowsXP-KB905474-HUN-x86.exe, i've always used this format: WindowsXP-KB905474-x86-HUN.exe

Fine, so I don't have to change hfslipfc for that! :)
KB976098-v2 (TZ update) in HF folder is installed perfectly, not needed to be in the SW1 folder

Checking existing updates for wrong, obsolete or unknown:


unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB976098-v2-x86-HUN.exe

Check missing updates for Windows XP SP3:


missing (O): HFSVCPACK_SW1\WindowsXP-KB976098-v2-x86-HUN.exe (Cumulative Time Zone Update)

You're the second one who told that. Thx! I will put this information in hfslipfc and in the update list.

Regards, Mimo

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- Removed: KB959772 (wmp.dll 11.0.5721.5260) replaced by KB973540 (wmp.dll 11.0.5721.5268)

- Added: Information about obsolete updates

- Changed: KB976098 (Cumulative Time Zone Update) moved to HF

Edited by Mim0
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I'm not sure what is exactly the problem but i would like to report this:

Check missing updates for Microsoft Update:


missing (O): HFCABS\MUAuth.cab (Microsoft Update Engine)

missing (O): HFCABS\"""MuCatalogWebControl.cab (Microsoft Update Engine)""""

missing (O): HFCABS\MUWEB_SITE.CAB (Microsoft Update Engine)

missing (O): HFCABS\IEAWSDC.CAB (Office Template and Media Control)

missing (O): HFCABS\"""MuCatalogWebControl.cab (Office Update Engine)"""

missing (O): HFCABS\OGAControl.cab (Office Update Genuine Advantage)

missing (O): HFCABS\opuc4.cab (Office Update)

This update section verify twice for the same file, this i'm sure is wrong(or the message it shows maybe)

Second there must probably have another file that should in the place of one of them but in the section of updates for Microsoft Update there is only 6 updates not 7.

Another thing took me somtime to realiza is the smart card original name that must be renamed.

WGA download link isn't it the old one, 'cause the version i do have here is 1.9.40 not says the brazilian portuguese version downloaded from hfslip hotfix list, yeah i could have donloaded direct from Mimo's list but there is only the english version in there. What to do on this case?

This tool is great, thanks a lot.

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I'm not sure what is exactly the problem but i would like to report this:

Check missing updates for Microsoft Update:


missing (O): HFCABS\MUAuth.cab (Microsoft Update Engine)

missing (O): HFCABS\"""MuCatalogWebControl.cab (Microsoft Update Engine)""""

missing (O): HFCABS\MUWEB_SITE.CAB (Microsoft Update Engine)

missing (O): HFCABS\IEAWSDC.CAB (Office Template and Media Control)

missing (O): HFCABS\"""MuCatalogWebControl.cab (Office Update Engine)"""

missing (O): HFCABS\OGAControl.cab (Office Update Genuine Advantage)

missing (O): HFCABS\opuc4.cab (Office Update)

This update section verify twice for the same file, this i'm sure is wrong(or the message it shows maybe)

Second there must probably have another file that should in the place of one of them but in the section of updates for Microsoft Update there is only 6 updates not 7.

You're right. In the Windows XP Update-List I removed already the second MuCatalogWebControl.cab but not in hfslipfc. Thx for reporting this! :)
Another thing took me somtime to realiza is the smart card original name that must be renamed.

WGA download link isn't it the old one, 'cause the version i do have here is 1.9.40 not says the brazilian portuguese version downloaded from hfslip hotfix list, yeah i could have donloaded direct from Mimo's list but there is only the english version in there. What to do on this case?

Isn't WindowsXP-KB952013-x86-ENU.exe the wrong download? There you can select brazilian portuguese and rename it after download. *confused* :D
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Your site lists KB971276 as English only and the file-checker also displays the ENU filename when it's missing, but there are localized versions of this fix, recheck the download page.
I was sure that this DL was only in English. I've written a hint for that in the update-list. Could it be that at the beginning no localized versions are available for KB971276? But probably I've made a mistake. Thx for reporting this!!! :)


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- Removed: KB959772 (wmp.dll 11.0.5721.5260) replaced by KB973540 (wmp.dll 11.0.5721.5268)

hi Mim0! just something minor ... KB959772 has already been removed & replaced, right? table 9 shows:


· KB959772

could be a little confusing since i compared other removed & added notes you have in other rows. should it now show as Removed instead?

how about this:

Probably I have to wrote some more comments in the INI, e.g. that's only values has to set manually which are not default, but anyway, for hfslipfc it's important what it's shown at the start (at the first "press any key...").

and this one:

Also, while this
like hfslip.log ;)
hfslipfc nopause >hfslipfc.log :D
is easy enough, the few times I've run the tool I've usually forgotten and had to run it again or cut and paste from the command window. It might be nice for there to be a Log - Yes or No line in hfslipfc.ini perhaps. Your thoughts?

kindly see too what i posted here about MSXML6.dll.


Edited by Kiki Burgh
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- Removed: KB959772 (wmp.dll 11.0.5721.5260) replaced by KB973540 (wmp.dll 11.0.5721.5268)

hi Mim0! just something minor ... KB959772 has already been removed & replaced, right? table 9 shows:


· KB959772

could be a little confusing since i compared other removed & added notes you have in other rows. should it now show as Removed instead?
Yes, should be "removed" THX!!! :)
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On KB971276-v3 download page there's a listbox for choosing the language as usual.

But the name of this file still remain as: WindowsXP-KB971276-v3-x86-ENU.exe

Another buggy hotfix from MS maybe ?

Same here.. can change language, but download is still ENG, seacrhed all over, but can't find a localized download.

another localizable update:

msxml6-KB973686-enu-x86.exe is reported as missing, while msxml6-KB973686-nld-x86.exe is reported as unknown

Edited by Glowy
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Your site lists KB971276 as English only and the file-checker also displays the ENU filename when it's missing, but there are localized versions of this fix, recheck the download page.
I was sure that this DL was only in English. I've written a hint for that in the update-list. Could it be that at the beginning no localized versions are available for KB971276? But probably I've made a mistake. Thx for reporting this!!! :)
On KB971276-v3 download page there's a listbox for choosing the language as usual.

But the name of this file still remain as: WindowsXP-KB971276-v3-x86-ENU.exe

Another buggy hotfix from MS maybe ?

That was the reason why I listed this update only as english, but I didn't remember why :D Thx!!!
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