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Your Handwriting


Handwriting style  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your handwriting style?

    • Cursive (joint writing)
    • Clear (not connected letters)

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In the grade school I attended, we called it "Writing" (cursive) and "Printing" (clear)

We spent several years, learning the "Palmer Method" of Writing, with all the swoops and swirls.

I can do either very well, even at my advanced age, but I prefer Writing over Printing, because

it's much faster.

A few years back my handwriting got really shaky. I was still writing letters to people at the time

and wanted them to be readable, so I dug out a Calligraphy Set that I'd received as a Christmas

present a few years before. Then for several months, every letter I wrote was with the Calligraphy

pen. I must admit, those were fairly Short letters. :rolleyes:

But that exercise helped me to get my handwriting back under control.

There are times, when printing something is better than trying to write it.

I thank God and my grade school teachers, that I can do both.

I checked "Cursive" in the poll.


Edited by Andromeda43
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  • 3 weeks later...

i just remembered something funny and sad, haha.

so when i was taking the SAT a few years ago, they told us we had to write something in cursive and sign it, basically one of those i won't cheat things.

multiple students in the room said they don't know cursive..

one of the ladies in charge said just write normally and connect your letters.

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That's really sad, but I can believe it. Schooling has dropped quite a bit here in the States. I had gone to a Catholic school (if you can believe that haha) so as of 3rd grade, you had to use cursive for all assignments and tests. I remember failing a test once or twice because I didn't use cursive! Even when I did use cursive, which I always did afterwards just for essays, it would start out readable, but a few pages in even I couldn't read it. It was about that time I switched to regular printing.

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That's really sad, but I can believe it. Schooling has dropped quite a bit here in the States. I had gone to a Catholic school (if you can believe that haha) so as of 3rd grade, you had to use cursive for all assignments and tests. I remember failing a test once or twice because I didn't use cursive! Even when I did use cursive, which I always did afterwards just for essays, it would start out readable, but a few pages in even I couldn't read it. It was about that time I switched to regular printing.

ya i went to a catholic school for high school, luckily by then teachers have given up on cursive since they know kids can't to it well, it just makes the teacher's job harder. so they would have to find other ways to fail us.

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... it just makes the teacher's job harder...
That's just lazy *ss, if the teachers were good teachers they would TEACH how to write well. But then, who knows how it will be in 10 years from now, IF we still use the plain paper; by then "writing" will be an art :P.

Anyway, I'm faster in "writing" than "printing", printing I only use for technical stuff, a letter would be written. Most stuff I print on the printer by the way, and especially if it includes quotes from text on the computer.

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