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Somebody who arrived with he's configuration can put here is 7customizer configuration file to download ?

It will be great to compare !



Hi there again, i saw some of you guys had problems when applying stuff to the image file and the your computer had crashed or whatever happend, and your image file was locked, you can simply use this command in cmd.

dism /Cleanup-WIM

it unlocks everything that you were working with.

I suggest that blue implent a button or something into hes tool, that does the above. That would be awesome, or what if it started the command at the same time as 7cust.

Merry christmas guys.


Did you get that error on a Vlited windows installtion directory, or on a full disc?

I got that same error lately when trying to run 7customizer on a Vlited windows source.


Nope, i use full image, only deleted with GImageX Home basic, premium, professional and left only Ultimate vers. so its on index 1.


Maybe add options to customize special folders... like program files, my documents, my libraries, etc which can be easily modded on registry...

Thnxs for this great tool... waiting for a version that allows you to remove components since that's what I'm looking for...


Posted (edited)

Hey Blue:) Great app ;)

Successfully integrated LP, updates and tweaks and the isofile..

Now im whondering, would it be possible for you to add something to the unattended file?

Id like 7C to create a xx GB big partition automatically and alsio if possible, delete all other partitions, this could save some more time:)

Being able to enter a value for the mainpartition and a checkbox wether if u want to delete all partitions or not would be great!


Edit: tweaks, To hide/remove the WMP and library icon at the taskbar? & to costumize the icons on the right side? hide/show, clock, network, audio etc ?

Would that be possible to do ?:)

Edited by grabben

Blue, I got an idea. Can you, in a future far far away, add the possibility to customize the installation (the name of the program implies total customization anyway :P) even more by adding user's own batch files? For example I might want to move libraries from my home folder to another disk, which is doable from command line I think. It would be nice to screw around as little as possible after the installation. What do you think? Is that doable?


@blue4603 - love the new release (0.3.2) and I want to make two x-mas wishes :rolleyes:

No 1 As I use the "windows classic theme" I would like a Theme-tab among the tweak-tabs

where oldfashion guys like me can choose the "windows classic theme" in an easy way.

No 2 An option to import/append my working autounattend.xml which I like very much...

Big thanx from a snowy Sweden

/SwedenXP B)



No 2 An option to import/append my working autounattend.xml which I like very much...

This is already implimented if u choose to save a preset.

it will auto fill your details in the unattended tab if you load it.


Posted (edited)

Blue4603: Great start and fantastic to see some software out of SA.

Can you fix the paths, cos every time it looks for one of the batch files it gets the path wrong.


Unexpected Error: Could not find a part of the path 'E:\win7_build\Win7_x64_updates\work\updates.bat'.

... work\iso.bat


So instead of using relative paths maybe have a fixed working directory.

Also could you wrap your code in more try{} catch{} blocks cos it's annoying having to restart every time it falls over.

Also the all important question... any plans to add a component removal tab?

One last thing, none of the changes I made the the "services" section applied... so the install was a complete vanilla.

OS: Win x64 Test: VM

Edited by rayone
Posted (edited)


Also the all important question... any plans to add a component removal tab?

I recommend that you take the time to read the first page of this thread.


Edited by avnerk

@avnerk - to a certain extent I agree with You.

But I would still find it very handy - just to append

a precise file to a precise computer, since I have

a couple here at home :lol:

From a snowy Sweden

/SwedenXP B)



I can not help you without your log. Also, if you tweak services, it is your responsibility to check the dependencies.


Yup that is the way to do it. Also, I think adding the command /Unmount-Wim won't hurt also. I will look into that.


OK. I will replicate what you've done and I will try to resolve the problem.


Maybe add options to customize special folders... like program files, my documents, my libraries, etc which can be easily modded on registry...

I did not understand that.


It would be helpful if you post your successful log.

For the partitioning part, read the first post.

Regarding tweaks, most of the tweaks you could think of could be implemented easily but it will need time.


Yup of course it is doable. It is called application install it is planned for future release. You could add your own batch or any software to execute after the installation has finished.


Regarding themes it is already planned in a future release.

No 2 An option to import/append my working autounattend.xml which I like very much...

You mean that if you had your autounattend.xml and want to include it in your customized installation?

If that so you could just copy your autunattend.xml to your installation source.

If not could you explain in more details.


Blue4603: Great start and fantastic to see some software out of SA.

Thank you.

Can you fix the paths, cos every time it looks for one of the batch files it gets the path wrong.


Unexpected Error: Could not find a part of the path 'E:\win7_build\Win7_x64_updates\work\updates.bat'.

... work\iso.bat


So instead of using relative paths maybe have a fixed working directory.

Also could you wrap your code in more try{} catch{} blocks cos it's annoying having to restart every time it falls over.

Could you post your log?

And yes my code is in a try catch block

As avnerk said you really need to read the first post.


Posted (edited)

It would be helpful if you post your successful log.

For the partitioning part, read the first post.

Regarding tweaks, most of the tweaks you could think of could be implemented easily but it will need time.


Absolutely, i will try find them :P


I only have a logfile of my latest test.. (if there isnt a logfile somewhere else besides in 7work\work\log.txt?)

=== 7Customizer Started===
7Customizer verion: 0.3.2
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
OS architecture: AMD64
Work folder found: True
Mount folder found: True
Extract utility found: True
Configuration file found: True
bootorder.txt file found: True
Boot sector file found: True
Getting drive info
Free space: 4,80141448974609 GB
Getting drive info: Done
Saved Imagex path: E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe
Saved DISM path: E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe
Saved odcdimg path: E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe
Windows source path selected
Sources folder found
install.wim found
install.wim size: 3500 MB
Testing imagex
Imagex result begin:

ImageX Tool for Windows
Copyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Imagex result end.
Testing dism
dism result begin:

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

dism result end.
added: "E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /XML /info "E:\7work\DVD\sources\install.wim">work\imagesinfo.xml
Starting imagex
Imagex created imagesinfo.xml Successfully
Reading images information from imagesinfo.xml
First 5 lines of imagesinfo.xml
Number of Available Images: 11
Available Images: Begin
Windows 7 Starter
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Enterprise
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Enterprise
Available Images: End
Reading info finished
Start button pressed
added: "E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /XML /info "E:\7work\DVD\sources\install.wim" 5 >work\imagesinfo.xml
Starting ImageX
Imagex created imagesinfo.xml Successfully
Reading selected image information from imagesinfo.xml
First 5 lines of imagesinfo.xml
Installed Language: Begin
Installed Language: End
Image Architecture: x86
Image Edition:Ultimate
Finished Reading selected image information
Preset file selected
Preset file: E:\7work\7Ctest1.txt
Tweaks Enabled
Preparing instructions for registry editing
added reg.exe load HKLM\7user "work\mount\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT"
added reg.exe load HKLM\7soft "work\mount\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE"
added reg.exe load HKLM\7system "work\mount\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM"
added reg.exe import "work\reg.reg"
added reg.exe unload HKLM\7user
added reg.exe unload HKLM\7soft
added reg.exe unload HKLM\7system
Finished preparing instructions for registry editing
Language Pack Selected
Reading Language Pack Info
Reading Language Pack info finished successfully and saved
Adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Added: "E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"work\mount" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"E:\7work\Stuff\LP\ChineseTraditional_zh-hk x86.cab"
Finished adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Language Pack Selected
Reading Language Pack Info
Reading Language Pack info finished successfully and saved
Adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Added: "E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"work\mount" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"E:\7work\Stuff\LP\German_de-de x86.cab"
Finished adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Language Pack Selected
Reading Language Pack Info
Reading Language Pack info finished successfully and saved
Adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Added: "E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"work\mount" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"E:\7work\Stuff\LP\Swedish_sv-se x86.cab"
Finished adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Update Selected
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Finished adding instruction to integrate updates
After apply ISO file selected
ISO file: E:\7work\7CTest2.iso
Added: "E:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe" -u2 -m -o -l -b"work\etfsboot.com" -yo"work\bootorder.txt" "E:\7work\DVD" "E:\7work\7CTest2.iso"
Presest save selected
Presest save file: E:\7work\7Ctest2.txt

Altho in 7CTest1, i successfully integrated LP's (Swedish and traditional Chinese), windows updatea (.msu) , tweaks, and also the unattended file.

Worked flawless, altho this was on a english version, i will try on a swedish/chinese dvd later, but its good to know its working fine:)

Thanks for the softwre

Tack för programmet

Edit: Ah now i see bout the partitioning part.

Edited by grabben

@blue4603 - Thanx for a quick and good answer.

It is exactly what I meant and I wasn´t sure...

+ looking forward to the "theme-choice" option.



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