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7Customizer - a Windows 7 Customization and Deployment tool

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Hi, I tryied to insert a language pack but it's say it's not a valid language pack ( the file is a .exe and I have take it on the website of microsoft ).

Where can I download Cab file LP. for windows 7 ?

Thanks in advance.

im finally back!

lotus006: use proggie cab2exe


Do as lotus006 says or just run the exefile and wait till installation starts, then u will have your lp.cab file, so thena bort the installation, but its easier to use the cab2exe :P

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The problem you have has been reported so many times. It will be fixed in the next release.


Your program's already gaining attention. It's even shown in an IT magazine

Could you provide me a link for this magazine?

Multilingual support will be implemented in a future release. Then feel free to translate 7Customizer


im finally back!

Welcome back.

Happy new year.


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Ermmm.... It's actually in Chinese.. but sure.

Here's the link --> PCMarket

And, yeah, would definitely love to help.

Im not sure if blue understands chinese :P.. i dont even tho i have a chinese gf lol.

Altho you only gave link to the website not the article itself :P

Oh ill translate it!

Edited by grabben
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Hi, I tryied to insert a language pack but it's say it's not a valid language pack ( the file is a .exe and I have take it on the website of microsoft ).

Where can I download Cab file LP. for windows 7 ?

Thanks in advance.

im finally back!

lotus006: use proggie cab2exe


Do as lotus006 says or just run the exefile and wait till installation starts, then u will have your lp.cab file, so thena bort the installation, but its easier to use the cab2exe :P

Thanks for the help, it's worked :)

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Could you provide us with the link of the article as grabben (The guy with the Chinese gf :P:D ) said we do not know Chinese. Also I searched for 7Customizer in the search field and it did not show anything.

Thanks and happy new year to everyone.


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this looks great. will test it out tonight. is there any way to use this to set the Users folders to a separate partition during the install? that is my ultimate goal so that i can then deploy it that way on the computers i 'manage' for my family. many thanks.

During install? no, you can probably get that by regsettings or something, but now its not supported by 7C..as far as i know and i used the app for awhile:P

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can anybody help me?

i hav a clean win7 x64.. yesterday installed

=== 7Customizer Started===

7Customizer verion: 0.3.2

OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

OS architecture: AMD64

Work folder found: True

Mount folder found: True

Extract utility found: True

Configuration file found: True

bootorder.txt file found: True

Boot sector file found: True

Getting drive info

Free space: 29,4665222167969 GB

Getting drive info: Done

Saved Imagex path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe

Saved DISM path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe

Saved odcdimg path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe

Windows source path selected

Sources folder found

install.wim found

install.wim size: 2693 MB

Testing imagex

Imagex result begin:

Unexpected Error: Die Datei "H:\Win7\7Customizer\work\testimagex.txt" konnte nicht gefunden werden.

bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)

bei System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize)

bei System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks)

bei System.IO.File.OpenText(String path)

bei _7Customizer.Form1.selectImagePathBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

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this looks great. will test it out tonight. is there any way to use this to set the Users folders to a separate partition during the install? that is my ultimate goal so that i can then deploy it that way on the computers i 'manage' for my family. many thanks.

During install? no, you can probably get that by regsettings or something, but now its not supported by 7C..as far as i know and i used the app for awhile:P

thanks. yeah i know the reg keys to change. when you create a new user the new profiles are created on the new partitions. works pretty well. was just hoping to be able to accomplish that w/ the first user and not need to create a dummy user first.

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this looks great. will test it out tonight. is there any way to use this to set the Users folders to a separate partition during the install? that is my ultimate goal so that i can then deploy it that way on the computers i 'manage' for my family. many thanks.

During install? no, you can probably get that by regsettings or something, but now its not supported by 7C..as far as i know and i used the app for awhile:P

thanks. yeah i know the reg keys to change. when you create a new user the new profiles are created on the new partitions. works pretty well. was just hoping to be able to accomplish that w/ the first user and not need to create a dummy user first.

Yea, that'd be nice actually, altho 7C wont support diskpartitioning, but maybe if blue adds that regtweak (but not sure bout that:P), we will see what he'll tell us.

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I think that could be done. I will put it in the to do list for future releases.


From your log you could see that the imagex test fails, I suggest you uninstall WAIK and reinstall it.


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Here is what you can do:

1. Go to the start menu

2. All programs

3. Microsoft Windows AIK

4. Start Deployment Tools Command Prompt

5. Type imagex in the command window and press enter

6. Take a screen-shot.

7. Type dism in the command window and press enter

8. Take a screen-shot.

9. Post the screenshots here.


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