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Hello there, long time no see :)

hehe im busy with my new house atm and i just peek in time to time atm, dont have the real time to really tests your lovely tool :)

up that could be done.

Just so we understand each other, im not taking about the new feature in windows 7 (wich however will be cool aswell if it can be done) where you can join up the network with password first time your on that network, im talking about like the name change of your homegroup to FX MSHOME, like you did in 2000 & XP :).

im off again to do some more work, the woman is yelling :blushing:

Off i go bye.


I've been testing 0.3.2 version today and besides the lack of information about what every option does, seems to be pretty good so far and no problems found besides the fact I got a power down while was applying the changes and once the power came back, i noticed the mount folder was full and couldn't clean it up to try again.

So I would like to ask for some implementations if it's possible...

01- A cleanup mount folder button. or something like that.

02- Info tooltips for the options so we can actually know what some of the options does.

03- Save the path for "Windows Installation Source"

04- Options to remove components.

I hope can be done since the tool right now seems pretty good so far and I think with some more options could be just awsome...

Thnxs for your work


Removing Components(It will be the last feature to be implemented)

See the first post of this thread. Removing components would the last feature.

So only I am eagerly waiting for the final version of this wonderful application.



hehe im busy with my new house atm and i just peek in time to time atm, dont have the real time to really tests your lovely tool

Good luck man.

Just so we understand each other, im not taking about the new feature in windows 7 (wich however will be cool aswell if it can be done) where you can join up the network with password first time your on that network, im talking about like the name change of your homegroup to FX MSHOME, like you did in 2000 & XP

Yup that what was in my mind.

im off again to do some more work, the woman is yelling blushing.gif

Off i go bye.

hehe good luck man and best wishes. Thanks for dropping by.


01- A cleanup mount folder button. or something like that.

Already discussed and the solution is to use dism to unmount. However it is a good thing to have I will put it in my to do list.

02- Info tooltips for the options so we can actually know what some of the options does.

I think the options are self descriptive and self explaining but do not worry I will also put this in my to do list but it will have to wait because it is not an important feature.

03- Save the path for "Windows Installation Source"

04- Options to remove components.

Read the first post

Thanks for your suggestions


See the first post of this thread. Removing components would the last feature.

So only I am eagerly waiting for the final version of this wonderful application.

Do not worry. I think all the essential feature have been implemented in 7customizer. So it won't be long.


Thanks man for your feedback.

From your log I can see that you used 7Customizer on a German installation source right?

And you successfully integrated updates and drivers and some tweaks right?

If it was successful and you test your iso in a virtual machine than that is a confirmation that 7Customizer works on non-English installation sources. I want to make sure because there was some guy that reported that 7customizer did not work with his Spanish installation source.

Thanks for your time and help.



Do not worry. I think all the essential feature have been implemented in 7customizer. So it won't be long.

Thanks brother, I am waiting for the final version then I would use this for trimming my windows 7. I want to make my w7 run fast and would be around 1.2 to 1.3 GB only.



I didn't test it on a virtual machine. I burned the ISO and installed it on a real pc-system. And it works! The post I write in this moment, comes from this system I installed last night. The system is german and all the updates are german, which are succesfully integrated. The drivers are most multilingual (Nvidia!!) and are also succesfully integrated.




Nice work man. This is a confirmation that 7Customizer works correctly on non-English installation sources.

Thanks for your help and feedback. I really appreciate it.




Thanks for version 0.3.2, nice UI additions, and 7customizer works great everytime I try it.

As to more tweaks, If you want, I can compile a list of tweaks that I would love to see implemented, some of which I've managed to add myself and some

which I don't know how to add.

Thanks again for your fine work and the time you put into it.




Did you get that error on a Vlited windows installtion directory, or on a full disc?

I got that same error lately when trying to run 7customizer on a Vlited windows source.




As to more tweaks, If you want, I can compile a list of tweaks that I would love to see implemented, some of which I've managed to add myself and some

which I don't know how to add.

OK no problem. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Hmmmm still the same problem. I will try to resolve it in the next release.


I got that same error lately when trying to run 7customizer on a Vlited windows source.

If you look at his log, you can find that the size of his image is more than 3000 MB so I do not think it is vlited. Anyways, I will try to resolve it.

Thanks for the feedback.




sorry for my bad english.

I try to use 7Customizer and everything was ok but when the Seven installation is finished and than the computer start for the first time it blocked on the screen "check video performance" and say impossible to finish the install, we must restart and ....and...always the same.

I use Seven and waik for 7 and the last version of 7customizer.

I try a new time only with integration of updates and drivers and without unattented. And it work.

What do you thing. Is that a service that I desactived ?

Or a bug.

I used a french version of Seven.

Thanks for your help :wacko:

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