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Windows 7 & vLite *DEPRECATED*


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Which version of the Italian language pack are you integrating? Make sure it's 7600.16385 :hello:

Also, can anyone give me some pointers on how to reduce ISO size? I use the DISM script and vLite, but then I get an image thats over a gig. Even after trashing winre.wim, extra desktop backgrounds, WinsXs backup, and only rebuilding Home Premium. Thanks to all you guys, I really need this to fit on a CD!

Is there an option to use maximum compression when unmounting or something? I only have that option when capturing...

There no exist yet the italian LP for 7600 and the previous versions does not works. I have also tested .

Ok i have repacked my 7600 but it's happened a strange thing. When i have saved the ini of my 7600 repack i have see "7264" in the first part of the ini file but i don't know if are writed whith the previous repack or the image is a really 7264 masked from 7600. The winver.exe command in a 7600 repack declare Seven 7600.

The provenience of the 7600 iso is genuine so i think that is a remain of the previous 7264 repacked version. Also the 7264 LP does not work and this is good :D .

Edited by Zumoc
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make sure you have the boot.wim, install.wim and setup.exe files in your sources directory and make sure you remove manual install with vlite :)

Setup.exe isn't there, why is that? Is that the problem? Are you folks not using any different WIM version than the one in vLite or something?

edit: Do you mean to copy setup.exe back there just before I make vLite create the image?

Also, do I need newer version of the .sys and .inf files that are normally present in vLite? I just installed Win7 version of AIK and they are not there at all!

Edited by TheWalrus
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Jeronimo, how can you remove game explorer ( even wlan support and network and sharing center? ) without getting error during the setup?

That is because I remove packages before running vLite, see my guide (link a few posts up). I think liquid0624 pointed out it is because of Snipping Tool.

@Zumoc: if you have build 7600 and it says 7264 in your preset (ini-file), then isn't that in the part where it states on which Windows version you ran vLite? For me this was build 7132 and that what it states in my preset. This is no problem.

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I updated my post post here with slightly different preset (Task scheduler poses no issues and now is removed) and some additional remarks. One remark is that on the dummy run of vLite, that you should not remove any components or it will provide an error and exit.

Edited by Jeronimo
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sniping tool does not work but i do not why....

Seem that the 7600 are indentical to the 72xx. This because Vlite recognize the 7600 version in 7264 (x64)...

Edited by Zumoc
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I finally managed to solve my problems entirely by not removing manual upgrade AND error reporting (seems like this is required in all these builds).

Question: what is the difference between Vista and W7 in vLite? Just some components that are not recognized? Rest of the stuff vLite is capable of doing is identical?

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Does anyone know which package to remove to allow deletion of the files in the sources folder (manual setup)?

Even then vLite gives you a new file in that folder install_Windows 7 ULTIMATE.clg so I am sure you have to keep that at least (and of course the 2 WIM files)?

I got errors removing all those packages last time, but then I was using the dead0 bat file and its not for 7600.

If you only have to remove one package that allows those files in the sources folder to be removed, which package?

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@Zumoc: if you have build 7600 and it says 7264 in your preset (ini-file), then isn't that in the part where it states on which Windows version you ran vLite? For me this was build 7132 and that what it states in my preset. This is no problem.

O had delete the string of the windows version in the ini file BEFORE acquire the content in the iso and write always 7264. Also in the last_session.ini of the fresh 7600 forler created whith non previous ini version, appear 7264.I think that the 7600 is only a name whiutouth a change from the 72xx....OR the real 7600 the real 7600 it must again leave . In my 7264 the boot cursor was changed but in the 7600 it return like previous...

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Anyone managed to get the iso under 1.7gb ? I can't seem to. On my latest image of build 7600 its at 1.73gb with a post-install size of just over 8.5gb with no drivers or anything integrated. I attatched the .ini used to the post :)

Yea my tested x64 iso are from 1,78 to 1,9Gb and about 6gigs of space..i think.

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There is a bit more stuff I would like to remove such as WinSxS but from what I've tried if it is removed installer wont work. I think someone would be extremely lucky to get it safely under 1.7gb and working.

My WIM size is 1.27gb, and the install size is 3.32gb compressed. 64bit Home Premium. :thumbup

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I updated my post post here with slightly different preset (Task scheduler poses no issues and now is removed) and some additional remarks. One remark is that on the dummy run of vLite, that you should not remove any components or it will provide an error and exit.

I've followed your guide and got an error about the product key. I've run all steps 3 times now, and it keeps giving the same error. Setup will loop if i pressd ok there. Maybe I do something wrong:

- Run removal.bat

- Run removal.bat packages in the newly opened window

- Run vLite with the preset form your post

- Run removal.bar cleanup (edited II to 1 because I rebuild it to 1 (Home Premium))

- Run vLite dummy, creating the ISO

I don't integrate any language packs. Any ideas?


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