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Everything posted by Zumoc

  1. Hi Winter, why do not consider to leave out of the packet the MS file?Simply the user can download the file separately and autonomously...
  2. Ok winterstorm but is not a problem. Thank you.
  3. Hi wint . So i have used RT7 Boster after RT7 and the difference between the programs are only 30mb. Infact with only RT7 my 7 x64 as been sized to 2.32gb an with RT7 + RT7 Booster is 2.29. Yes 2.3gb is ok for x64 i queston if is normal. booster.xml
  4. http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10042-win-toolkit-rt7-lite-rt7-booster/#entry89247 Seem to be a interessant job...
  5. Not really abbandoned because I developped a simple seperate tool to optimize even more the process removal (only it) of RT7 Lite. You could find it here : http://www.rtwincustomize.net/web/index.php?/topic/8953-rt7-booster/ You need to use RT7-Lite first to customize your ISO and ONLY AFTER you could use my tool : RT7-Booster. B) Hi yes i try in this moment...the removal component seem very slow (one hour and i'm in the wifi removal with the last modules packs) but seem on the good way..Fortunately for now i had got few problem with RT7 and i've managed to integrate the services pack 1 and updates on the iso created by the original DVD. I'm italian so i've remeved the it languages exe. The rest is like a original last packs.
  6. Because the tool is abbandoned...And there are no equivalent alternatives...
  7. There are so many other things to do while waiting for a test and programs... Sure...
  8. I do not believe until I see but i hope it. Bye
  9. Auto quote me. Sorry if a topic is already covered. 1) I read that had been resolved the problem of removal of the snipping tool. I removed the Tablet PC is gone but also the snipping tool. 2) Is possible to disable the swap file like as the ibernation ? 3) Is possible to config the Lan setting? I can't find a cofig section if present. Bye If tablet PC was selected then snipping tool will also be deleted. There is a way to keep the file to run? Perhaps it would be enough to constrain the program does not delete them regardless. So takes up little space and is very useful.
  10. Auto quote me. Sorry if a topic is already covered. 1) I read that had been resolved the problem of removal of the snipping tool. I removed the Tablet PC is gone but also the snipping tool. 2) Is possible to disable the swap file like as the ibernation ? 3) Is possible to config the Lan setting? I can't find a cofig section if present. Bye
  11. Hi, i have integrated the SP1 on Win7 . Normally before this integration ,the size of the "tweaked" ISO was 1.5gb. Now after the integration of the SP1 the size is arrived at 2,5gb. I'ts normal this? Also the size of installed Sysop is increased for some gb. Bye
  12. Already made but does not work. The difference is that my working dir for modded the sysop are in the user folder and not in the principal root like have you made. Can be this?
  13. When it happens to me, I delete my folder where is located Windows 7 and I copy a new time my Windows 7 Ultimate DVD and I do all the process! Did you have to reinstall the operating system on the physical machine? But there is no way to fix without reinstalling windows? But if you mean delete the temporary working folder of RT7, it empties itself every time it closed.
  14. Thanks for updating the ULZ file that is very useful.
  15. RT 1.6 on VMWare WS . The problem persist also disabling unattend function. Seem to be a problem of 1.6 version because the 1.5 is not never happened.
  16. Has it ever happened to someone who does not integrate the hotfixes? That is, charge them one after the other but not really integrates them and they have confirmed that the measured traffic data HDTune is almost zero. I am using 1.5.
  17. I'm lost something? Why the modified sysop image don't decrease your size? Byez
  18. Hi, why do not release only one release on RT7? Is not possible one release for SP1 and no SP1 SYSOP ? bYe
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