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I remeber reading somewhere, I think it was the revolutions 7 thread, that someone requested smitransparent toolbars etc. If I remember Sombody said it was possible however if the window moved it would screw up. Has this had any thought, can sombody make the vista skin do this slight semitrasparency (I don't usualy move windows) or has it been proven it does not work in which case I ask has it had any thought to make it work?



I remeber reading somewhere, I think it was the revolutions 7 thread, that someone requested smitransparent toolbars etc. If I remember Sombody said it was possible however if the window moved it would screw up. Has this had any thought, can sombody make the vista skin do this slight semitrasparency (I don't usualy move windows) or has it been proven it does not work in which case I ask has it had any thought to make it work?



it maybe not possible to have semi transparent in RP9.

but it is possible to have Transparency in win9x.

for the taskbar there is software to make it transparent.

But for windowborders.

there is no software for that.

it maybe not possible to have semi transparent in RP9.

but it is possible to have Transparency in win9x.

There cannot be the difference between RP9 and Win9x in that matter.

And just to say, everything is possible, some things are just hard to do.


Very very good job Tihiy!!!

Only one problem:

I have tested RP9 in two machines, one with a Voodoo3/3000 VGA and one with an integrated SiS530 (SiS6326-like). Obviously, the VGAs is very old and the drivers consequently very old, but the taskbar skin (all skins) partially cover the bottom of taskbar icons (res: 1024x768). The older Uberskin 8 don't have this problem.

Posted (edited)
it maybe not possible to have semi transparent in RP9.

but it is possible to have Transparency in win9x.

There cannot be the difference between RP9 and Win9x in that matter.

And just to say, everything is possible, some things are just hard to do.

I meant it is maybe not coded to have semitransparent on windowborders in rp9.

But it is possible to do it in win9x but not with layered but other ways.

Edited by Tripo
taskbar skin (all skins) partially cover the bottom of taskbar icons
I can't quite imagine that. Can you show me screenshot?

Looks like junk. It's my failure too (for not explaining), but you're not supposed to drop whole dlls from Vista or XP into images. Nobody will like 40+ MB of that trash.

If you wanna extend icon packs (with icons for file associations), you'll have to persuade user into having your icon library. You shouldn't just mindlessly replicate all files with icons; you can't assume what apps user has installed. I'm talking about jpg gif mp3 etc.

So you have to introduce your icon library with neutral 98-Me icon styles, place it into \windows\system, change registry entries and then override it with .images in icon packs. There won't be other way.

Posted (edited)

Edit: I'd grayed out the issues that have been resolved and are no longer relevant to the current release of Revolutions Pack. They were not removed as I'd thought them best as a bug-fix history for references sakes.

Just tried RP9 today on 2 fresh installs. It's pretty well done - although I've found a rather crippling GDI related issue on my end.

Installed components:


-Unofficial ServicePack v3.0beta3 (Other install was v2.1a)

-Nvidia 6800Ultra, Driver v82.16

-IE6sp1 (Other install was IE5.5)

-Required DIBENG.dll and other files needed as requested and indicated for RP9

Issue #1 {Resolved as of RP9.0.9}


-Complete curruption of the GDI layer. Icons garble, Hardward acceloration seems dead (Rendering slows to a crawl), menus, windows, etc cause garbage left behind (similar to an explorar grash due to no resources but the resources are all over 80%)

Reproduction (on my end):

- (*) open an explorer window to 'My Computer' (or any folder)

- Open display Properties and select the Settings tab

- Move the resolution slider back and forth

*=If you disable GDI Resource Salvation, you can skip this step altogether.

At this point if you have two shown monitors in the settings display, the second one will look garbled but then the first one will follow suit. Once the first one garbles the GDI is completely corrupted rendering wise and artifacting/garbage ensues. I would have provided a screenshot of the end result but any and all screenshots taken resulted in a pure-black screenshot image.

If you do not open 'my computer' or such similar windows and just use the display properties resolution slider only, you will see the second display corrupt but no GDI corruption occurs.


Issue #2 {Unrelated with RP9 - is a shell restriction}


- Taskbar size is not restored when changing from 'Watercolor EB_Superbar' theme to a non 'LargeBar' type of theme.


Select 'Watercolor EB_Superbar' then apply. Then select a non-largebar theme such as 'Watercolor EB' or even 'Royale_Small'. Continuing to select a superbar theme afterward during change continues to make the taskbar larger and larger.



Issue #3 {Resolved as of RP9.0.9}


-Access Violation (RPCONFIG.EXE) - Minor, does not interrupt functionality.

[Access violation at address 00440180 in module 'RPCONFIG.EXE'. Read of address FFFFFFFF.]


Select the [X] to remove a wallpaper image in the list without a wallpaper selected.

If there is any more information you need which I can provide you - let me know and I'll provide what I can.

Edited by Chozo4
Looks like junk. It's my failure too (for not explaining), but you're not supposed to drop whole dlls from Vista or XP into images. Nobody will like 40+ MB of that trash.

Oops, I'm sorry, the install script does not install all files. I've fixed the problem.

For you who already downloaded the pack: open install.bat and remove the "/D" option in the xcopy command. Save and run install.bat again.

About the size: you're right, I could have made the files smaller, I just didn't have the time to do it, but I will.

So you have to introduce your icon library with neutral 98-Me icon styles, place it into \windows\system, change registry entries and then override it with .images in icon packs. There won't be other way.

I thought it was a good idea to use the standard MS libraries, instead of painstakingly trying to alter a windows 98 dll. Eventually, you end up with the same icon setup anyway.

Maybe I went over the top with this, but I got excited when I discovered that adding, for instance the mstask.dll.images, not only the Tasks icon changes, but the icons in the Tasks folder are replaced too!

I did the same thing with the inetcpl.cpl for the Vista theme, so now even some icons in the control panel are automatically skinned also.

If I did it how you suggest, then I had to hard-code most of the icon locations. This would result in the usage of these icons in other themes.

If you don't want me to use this approach, could you then elaborate on the way you want the icons to be skinned?


glocK_94, forgive me for not answering. Thanks for translation and bug report.

Chozo4, thanks for reports.

-Complete corruption of the GDI layer.
Not quite for me, maybe because i'm using GDI from Me. Anyway, this bug is a mere cache malfunction which i corrected; it shouldn't ever show in real apps (i hope), so wait a bit for fix. I'm busy with fixing DIBENG misfortunes leading for icons-with-non-standard-palette corruption, and they're tough ones.
Taskbar size is not restored when changing from 'Watercolor EB_Superbar' theme to a non 'LargeBar' type of theme.
This is 98 shell specific behavior; as with overstretch bugs, i can't really fix it.
Posted (edited)

RP9/KEx4 Me/98SE2ME conflict fixed as of RP 9.0.10 refresh!


Issue #3


-Access Violation (RPCONFIG.EXE) - Minor, does not interrupt functionality.

[Access violation at address 00440180 in module 'RPCONFIG.EXE'. Read of address FFFFFFFF.]


Select the [X] to remove a wallpaper image in the list without a wallpaper selected.

If there is any more information you need which I can provide you - let me know and I'll provide what I can.

I get an Access Violation in RPCONFIG.EXE at BFE50496 address BFE51496 read addresss FFFFFFFF.

But this is when trying to run RPConfig, and only when I have KernelEX 4.0 RC2 installed.

I cannot configure or remove RP9 until I have first removed KEx 4.0 RC2.

See here for more details of my RP9/KEx problems:


I can still run either RP9 or KEx4 individually without a problem and have been alternating since their releases.

I would so like to run them together... :sneaky:

Edited by RetroOS
I get an Access Violation in RPCONFIG.EXE at BFE50496 address BFE51496 read addresss FFFFFFFF.
That is certainly memory corruption... Like somebody unallocated section of my library... Which is something extraordinary.

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