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Revolutions Pack 9.7

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Report based on installation and usage of 9.0.3:

• Scrollbars behave erratically: jump down when clicked, jump at the bottom (and the file scrolls with them!) when thumb dragged close to the top (both happen in relatively large files)

• Installer and RPConfig dialog start between screens in a multi-monitor environment and don't remember last position; try to display them either on primary monitor or on the monitor with the active window and save position on close

• 32-bit support & icons were left out at install time, yet the RPConfig dialog started off with 32-bit icon quality selected

• the groupbox showing the selected theme needs to be about 4-6px higher as it's currently cut at the top and bottom... or is this a desired behavior (I see the system icon set behaves identically)?

Use Clear Type gets marked everytime RPConfig is started (doesn't remember being disabled)

I believe the installer should automatically move (or at least, copy) all the themes found in Resources - regardless if they're official or not - since most likely one of them is active and should be automatically reapplied from the new location.

So far no clash with KernelEx 4.0 but there's still a long way to go. Good job so far! :thumbup

P.S. Please fix the scrollbar behavior, it's killing me. Used to work fine in 8.3.6... :(

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THANK YOU ( Great Work ) Tihiy .

Yes [Drugwash] - (32-bit) Icon setting is an INDEPENDENT Windows registry setting ,

that might already be set to 32-bit icon color before installation.



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

"Shell Icon BPP"="32"

"Shell Icon Size"="32"

"Shell Small Icon Size"="32"



These are my personal preference settings .

"Shell Small Icon Size"="32" : is not a sticky setting .

If Windows theme is changed , it is erased from the registry

and all the " small icons" fall to a smaller size - like 16 pixels .

I keep the "small icons" regfix on my STARTmenu

so that I can merge it to set my small icons back to 32 pixel size.

The installer might be sensing the "Shell Icon BPP" registry setting.

Edited by Win98SEonSteroids
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Tihiy , . . . In RP8.dll ( OriginalFilename rp9.dll )

version 9.0.2 or now version 9.0.3 -- the call to UBERHACK.EXE

which returns the results of " resource salvation " patch

and the results of the " kernel32 patch "

Can You allow a User setting to ' TURN OFF ' the " kernel32 patch failed " - on BOOTup ?

I managed to modify RPSetup.exe to allow install of RP9

over top of uberskin-v8.3.8.exe AND RP4_b2700.zip .


I had to re-install Win98SE " clean "

after a complete crash of Win98SE ( back in September 2008 ) .

I needed the features of RP4 that I didn't have in Win98SE " clean " .


Uberskin v8.3.8 worked GREAT .

My only ( important ) program that would crash on exit -- and corrupt it's database files

was ' CA- Simply Money ' .

With RP9 & Uberskin , ' CA-Simply Money '

:) opens , closes , and saves its' database perfectly !

I wish to keep using ( and testing ) RP9 & Uberskin .

Thank You if there is a way to DISABLE the RP9 " kernel32 patch failed " popup .

Edited by Win98SEonSteroids
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Which files are critical to making GDI Salvation work? When I do a minimal install, I get uberhack.exe, shl8.dll, rp8.dll and ktm8.dll.

I know ktm8.dll is the task manager replacement and can be deleted. rpclrtyp.dll is obviously for Clear Type; what is comctlv8.dll for and why doesn't a minimal install include it? uberskin.dll is presumably the awesome-sauce skinning engine.

Anyhow, I'm mainly just looking for reassurance that any installation choice will include GDI Salvation.


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Test report on 9.0.3

- no more "kernel32 patch failure" on startup of Chinese Windows

- new kenerl task manager (ctrl-alt-del) now works in Chinese Windows

These are good news for DBCS Windows users! :thumbup

New issue:

SimpTerm (sptnet32.exe, a terminal program) crashed the whole system in a few seconds for "kernel32 performed illegal operation". The system froze and could only be hard reset, so I cannot provide more detailed information. No such problem in the first version of RP9 and in Uberskin

It happened even when GDI resource salvation was disabled

Now I use PuTTY instead for terminal purpose and do not have problem so far

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I have encountered a small issue while running RP9 on Windows ME. It seems that the clock in the system tray is not skinned regardless of what theme I choose. Also it seems that not all icons have been changed when I selected a theme.

The test platform is Windows Me with Internet Explorer 6 SP1 running inside Vmware Player. I have installed RP9Updates.exe before installing RP9.exe and deleted ShellIconCache just to make sure.

I hope this helps :)


Edited by amocanu
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...it seems that not all icons have been changed when I selected a theme...

Had same problem on Win98SE. Had KernelEx 4.0RC1 installed first. Then installed RP9. After uninstall RP and KernelEx, then reinstall RP9, was fixed. Then reinstall KernelEx, stayed fixed :thumbup

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