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Posted (edited)

I have a small glitch with Revolutions Pack 9 version 9.1.0: transparency of skins is broken in WMP9.

Have a look at the screenshots.

(I had already reported the bug in the KernelEx thread, but was not sure from where it was coming.)

I think now it is definitely due to RP9, because some Themes are doing it and others not:

- BlackMesa, Vista, WindowsXP & ZuneXp are breaking transparency

- while Royale & WatercolorEB are not!

If someone (Tihiy?) has the answer, just give the point because all the others (non-official) skins has also to be corrected ;) .

EDIT: With any classical 'Appearance' not using the RP9,

transparency is also completely normal.



Edited by CharlesF
  • 2 weeks later...


I recently installed RP9 on my Kernel EX equipped Lite-98SE unit. Everything seems to be working well except for one problem. If I'm using any window skin other than the default, PDF-Xchange crashes when I open a document. If the PDF is already open when I switch themes, the reader crashes when the skin is applied.

The error message is as follows:

PDFXCVIEW caused an invalid page fault in

module <unknown> at 0000:bf9c5138.


EAX=fffffdff CS=016f EIP=bf9c5138 EFLGS=00210202

EBX=00000004 SS=0177 ESP=01005bb4 EBP=01005c34

ECX=00000004 DS=0177 ESI=00000000 FS=291f

EDX=000101f1 ES=0177 EDI=00000000 GS=0000

Bytes at CS:EIP:

0f b7 0b 23 c1 8b 5d 80 66 89 03 eb 13 b8 00 02

Stack dump:

00000004 82c082a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 001301a7 00000000 0be79be2 001317cf 00000001 23440048 00000000 23440048 00000000 bff728a2 00000000

This happens with both the installed and free standing viewers, versions 2.0.0047.0000 and 2.0.0049.0000. None of the other RP9 settings or options have any effect on the problem. The 32 bit icons look good, as does that black mesa theme. I only wish I could use it without having to switch back to classic whenever I open a PDF.


Seems the black icons problem in Miranda IM is not the only thing like it... recently Opera got a new version and it experiences same/similiar thing in some cases like seen in this screenshot :


Transparencies don't seem to get worked out right in some cases... only time I see this black frame is on the URL list, in other places its all fine :


Posted (edited)

Seems the black icons problem in Miranda IM is not the only thing like it... recently Opera got a new version and it experiences same/similiar thing


Transparencies don't seem to get worked out right in some cases

Same thing here with Opera 10.51.

You can see the "black frame" in several places.

For instance, also with the 'zoom' button:


Edited by CharlesF
PDF-Xchange crashes when I open a document.
Now this is a serious bug which must wake RP9 from hibernation. Stay tuned.

Here are some parameters to greatly tweak ClearType rasterizer:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\ctras.dll\parameters]

"Decimation"=dword:00000001 <- Decimation: advanced processing. Gives less color fringe. Disabled (0) by default.

"Gamma"=dword:00000064 <- Text gamma. 100 (0x64) by default.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\ctras.dll\flags]

"CompatibleWidth"=dword:00000001 - Force glyph into default metrics. If enabled (1), uses standard (non-aliased) metrics. Very useful for small fonts. Disabled (0) by default.

"NonCTDIRAA"=dword:00000001 - Additional anti-aliasing. Works only with Decimation enabled. Don't enable without Decimation. Disabled (0) by default.

"CTDIRSPP"=dword:00000000 - Sub-pixel positioning. Disabled (0) by default.

I like those i specified. Note that changes apply only for newly-started programs.


Wow, this is terrific, I just came here to lurk but you almost make me want to roll back from W2kP

but I think I'll stick with it even after July 13.


Wow, this is terrific, I just came here to lurk but you almost make me want to roll back from W2kP

but I think I'll stick with it even after July 13.

No need to roll back from 2K. Dual boot and have the best of both worlds. When Tihiy has the time to address the few remaining bugs in RP9, 98 will look as good as it performs with this and the other unofficial updates available here. It's a better OS now than it's ever been!

  • 4 weeks later...

This is awesome! It seems like Windows 98 won't die anytime soon :)

Do you have any plans on porting it to Windows 2000?

Posted (edited)

Revolutions Pack 9.5.0 RC

lol just 1 year for new release



* New: RP has been re-architected and partially rewritten into C to improve reliability and performance

* New: system libraries shared memory (IAT) is protected from damaging

* New: a load of user32 functions were rewritten to reduce resource usage, improve system performance and stability

* Critical fix: parts of RP functionality could become disabled if shared libraries were swapped out

* Lots of minor changes

[uSER salvation]

* New: window properties are moved out of 64K heap, reducing USER resource usage

* New: SendMessage*/PostMessage* functions have limit on message count per thread to prevent resource drain

(and thus solve hangs after file operations, forever)


* Critical fix: menu/icon drawing bugs could lead to crash

* Fixed some control painting bugs

* Removed ZuneXP, Vista* skins

* New Windows 7 skin

[32-bit icons]

* MMX is used for blending

* Mirror icon set is cached for faster loading

[Ctrl-Alt-Del dialog]

* Rewritten from the scratch; simplified

* Added into the Core; ktm8.dll removed


* Output is tweaked to match Windows XP/7

* Fixed Firefox 3 metrics

* Added into the Core; rpclrtyp.dll removed


* Improved wallpaper loading speed

* Removed several advanced settings

* Minor UI changes


* Simplified; less options.

* Does not require GDI or USER updates anymore.

* Automatically updates DIBENG.DLL if needed.

Highlights of this release: bugfixes, USER resource usage, Windows 7 skin, RPConfig UI.

I wanna hear first adopters.

Edited by Tihiy
Posted (edited)

First, congratulations for a new and improved version! :thumbup

Second, sorry for my lame question but those updates from your site should be applied before installation of Revolutions Pack or after it?

Edited by rainyd
updates from your site should be applied before installation of Revolutions Pack or after it
It doesn't matter. Previously, setup would block installation if all updates weren't installed; now you practically don't need any. Only if there wouldn't be gdiplus.dll setup will warn you but still continue.

Tihiy ...

Thanks, just love revolutions pack. Ran into an

error after a smooth install. A screenshot....

After install and reboot, opened Rpconfig and tryed

the Windows 7 and Windows 7 superbar themes, settled

for Windows 7, then clicked on wallpaper tab which is

when the error occured. Now it happens everytime I open

Rpconfig, but if I clear the error everything works.



Ran into an error

Would you please upload here all wallpapers you have? (list is at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\RPConfig\Wallpapers)


Tihiy, first of all, thank you for your continuous improvement of RP! It is very helpful to us who are still using Win98 for day to day work

Secondly, thanks so much for combining "task list" and "uptime / resource percentage lamps" in KTM as per my suggestion. It is really convenient now

I shall let you know if there is any problem in this release

Meanwhile, hope you could tell us more about the improvement in USER resource usage and salvation

Thanks again

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