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KernelEx 4.5.2

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Generally KernelEx 4.0 RC2 has been running very well.

Perhaps a little delayed, but I have been attempting to isolate these problems:

Issue report:

OS: Windows 98SE + 98SE2ME including Option 3 Me Explorer/Shell

Issue 1 (Solved)

KX: 4.0.11 (RC1) and 4.0.12 (RC2) with or without RP9 - no problem in earlier 0.3.x versions.

Printer: Epson Stylus Photo R290

Driver: 7.1bE

If I want to print something, I normally turn on the printer and after a few moments when the printer has initialised, start printing.

However, ever since installing KEx 4, the printing hangs, requiring a Windows restart (and ending some un-named processes).

Workaround (works most times): After starting Windows, but before any applications have been opened, go into the printer properties, and the Main tab, then wait for the ink levels to appear.

If the ink levels don't appear, then it has hung again requiring a Windows restart, otherwise printing will work normally until the printer is turned off.

Solution Update: Set Compatibility tab for spool32.exe to Disable KernelEx extensions for this program.


System hangs sometimes on startup, seems to involve mprexe.exe (version 4.10.1998) not responding.


Issue 2

KX: 4.0.12 (RC2) - no problem with earlier versions

Many times when starting Windows, the wallpaper will appear and then nothing.

The mouse cursor moves but no other activity.

Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del once does nothing, twice shows a "Windows is busy" blue screen.

Pressing a key, gives the Task Manager.

Task Manager shows only one process - mprexe (not responding).

After I end this task, there is some disk activity then nothing again.

Then Ctrl-Alt-Del again as above, but this time it shows msgsrv32 (not responding).

After ending this task, nothing - I have to restart.

Workaround: Install Revolutions Pack 9 (with KernelEx 4.0 RC2) (!)

Edited by RetroOS
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Generally KernelEx 4.0 RC2 has been running very well.

Perhaps a little delayed, but I have been attempting to isolate these problems:

Issue report:

OS: Windows 98SE + 98SE2ME including Option 3 Me Explorer/Shell

Issue 1

KX: 4.0.11 (RC1) and 4.0.12 (RC2) with or without RP9 - no problem in earlier 0.3.x versions.

Printer: Epson Stylus Photo R290

Driver: 7.1bE

If I want to print something, I normally turn on the printer and after a few moments when the printer has initialised, start printing.

However, ever since installing KEx 4, the printing hangs, requiring a Windows restart (and ending some un-named processes).

Workaround (works most times): After starting Windows, but before any applications have been opened, go into the printer properties, and the Main tab, then wait for the ink levels to appear.

If the ink levels don't appear, then it has hung again requiring a Windows restart, otherwise printing will work normally until the printer is turned off.


System hangs sometimes on startup, seems to involve mprexe.exe (version 4.10.1998) not responding.


Issue 2

KX: 4.0.12 (RC2) - no problem with earlier versions

Many times when starting Windows, the wallpaper will appear and then nothing.

The mouse cursor moves but no other activity.

Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del once does nothing, twice shows a "Windows is busy" blue screen.

Pressing a key, gives the Task Manager.

Task Manager shows only one process - mprexe (not responding).

After I end this task, there is some disk activity then nothing again.

Then Ctrl-Alt-Del again as above, but this time it shows msgsrv32 (not responding).

After ending this task, nothing - I have to restart.

Workaround: Install Revolutions Pack 9 (with KernelEx 4.0 RC2) (!)

I noticed the printing problem as well, but I think I have a solution. Search for the spool32.exe file and right click on properties. Click the compatibility tab, and select disable kernelex extensions. Your printing problems should go away.

Edited by blackwire
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Generally KernelEx 4.0 RC2 has been running very well.

Perhaps a little delayed, but I have been attempting to isolate these problems:

Issue report:

OS: Windows 98SE + 98SE2ME including Option 3 Me Explorer/Shell

Issue 1

KX: 4.0.11 (RC1) and 4.0.12 (RC2) with or without RP9 - no problem in earlier 0.3.x versions.

Printer: Epson Stylus Photo R290

Driver: 7.1bE

If I want to print something, I normally turn on the printer and after a few moments when the printer has initialised, start printing.

However, ever since installing KEx 4, the printing hangs, requiring a Windows restart (and ending some un-named processes).

Workaround (works most times): After starting Windows, but before any applications have been opened, go into the printer properties, and the Main tab, then wait for the ink levels to appear.

If the ink levels don't appear, then it has hung again requiring a Windows restart, otherwise printing will work normally until the printer is turned off.


System hangs sometimes on startup, seems to involve mprexe.exe (version 4.10.1998) not responding.


Issue 2

KX: 4.0.12 (RC2) - no problem with earlier versions

Many times when starting Windows, the wallpaper will appear and then nothing.

The mouse cursor moves but no other activity.

Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del once does nothing, twice shows a "Windows is busy" blue screen.

Pressing a key, gives the Task Manager.

Task Manager shows only one process - mprexe (not responding).

After I end this task, there is some disk activity then nothing again.

Then Ctrl-Alt-Del again as above, but this time it shows msgsrv32 (not responding).

After ending this task, nothing - I have to restart.

Workaround: Install Revolutions Pack 9 (with KernelEx 4.0 RC2) (!)

I think that kernelEx 4.0, by default, when install, sets all software to use it's extensions,

is pretty risky, and unessisary.

I think I only need to enable kernelEx when the program is not compatible,

most software on my system are already running well without kernelEx

or they wouldn't be there in the first place.

I have found many programs which work in pure win98se will crash or produce

error when enabling kernelEx, so it could cause system not to boot properly after

installing kernelex, and people would not know what hit them.


Edited by affter333
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I noticed the printing problem as well, but I think I have a solution. Search for the spool32.exe file and right click on properties. Click the compatibility tab, and select disable kernelex extensions. Your printing problems should go away.

Thank you blackwire!

So obvious! That works as designed.

No more rebooting every time I have to do a print out.

And thanks Xeno86 for providing the disable option in KEx 4!

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I have found many programs which work in pure win98se will crash or produce error when enabling kernelEx, so it could cause system not to boot properly after installing kernelex, and people would not know what hit them.

Details please :whistle:

I have both KernelEx and RP9 installed and all I can say is that I have little to no problems with them.

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I have found many programs which work in pure win98se will crash or produce error when enabling kernelEx, so it could cause system not to boot properly after installing kernelex, and people would not know what hit them.

Details please :whistle:

I have both KernelEx and RP9 installed and all I can say is that I have little to no problems with them.

(wimpy flv player 2.5 and some)

If your little problem is in the boot process, then the little problem becomes big problem.

The bottom line is win98/me users only need kernelEx when trying out new software.

Blindly enabling all existing programs to use the extensions, when installing, is pretty risky

and unnecessary.

Edited by affter333
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Hi, everyone

Which one should I install first?

KernelEx or Windows 98/SE/ME RAM Limitation Patch



In a running system it should not matter.

If you are installing a new system with a lot or RAM already present, you will need to Install the RAM Limitation Patch first.

With all due respect to author of Win98/ME memory patch.

Wouldn't it be nice if KernelEx has this fix too?

The two packages are unrelated so mixing functions would be inappropriate.

In any case, I doubt the Authors of KernelEX would be willing to switch their Software to Commercial Status.

Edited by rloew
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Recently I've messed with my registry (User Agent and others) in an attempt to help someone with a denied access on a website. No ill effects noticed since; however, today Nero started to behave: everytime I tried to add/drag files to an already added folder, it would crash GDI.EXE, making it impossible to start a decent burning operation. I wouldn't blame this on my registry fiddling.

But... in desperation, I left Nero alone and tried to install another burning application, which - surprise - popped up a notification stating I needed Win98SE or Win2000 to install it. But I already have Win98SE!!!

To the point, I readily installed KernelEx (on top of RP9.1.0, assuming any risk) and on setting the compatibility to Win98SE, I managed to install and succesfully run that application. So my question is: what exactly does KernelEx change, to report the fake information to the application? Because whatever the problem is on my system, I intend to fix it, but I have no idea where to search - the registry seems to be OK after I reverted the changes done at the time, but I'm not 100% sure. And if it's some file version at fault, I'd like to know so I could replace it.

Thank you in advance.

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I have found many programs which work in pure win98se will crash or produce error when enabling kernelEx, so it could cause system not to boot properly after installing kernelex, and people would not know what hit them.

Details please :whistle:

I have both KernelEx and RP9 installed and all I can say is that I have little to no problems with them.

(wimpy flv player 2.5 and some)

I have just downloaded wimpy 3 (there is no 2.5 to download anymore). It runs fine here. What are the others ?

If your little problem is in the boot process, then the little problem becomes big problem.

Explanations, examples please. The little problem I had was with one single program, a 16bit one. It has been fixed in KernelEx 3.2. I don't have any other problems and I run literally tons of "native" 98 apps of all sorts.

The bottom line is win98/me users only need kernelEx when trying out new software.

Blindly enabling all existing programs to use the extensions, when installing, is pretty risky

and unnecessary.

What a tone man! :whistle:

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WoW! Thanks so much for the help!

I've got my system (Win98 SE) running great with KernelEx 4.0.12 (4 RC2) and RP 9!

No more problems with mprexe, plus I've now got XP themes!

It's amazing to be able to run picassa 3, my family will really enjoy being able to use that program!

Good Job! :thumbup

You can mark my issue as solved!

What version of Java are you able to install?

I'm on JRE 5 18

Edited by Kevin144
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Recently I've messed with my registry (User Agent and others) in an attempt to help someone with a denied access on a website. No ill effects noticed since; however, today Nero started to behave: everytime I tried to add/drag files to an already added folder, it would crash GDI.EXE, making it impossible to start a decent burning operation. I wouldn't blame this on my registry fiddling.

I had to disable KernelEx in "InCD.exe" and "InCDL.exe" to make Nero 6's "add/drag files" work in 98SE.

Edited by EvanD
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What version of Java are you able to install?

I'm on JRE 5 18

Currently Java 6u7 works with or without KernelEx: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...st&p=779193

Download from here: http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/6u7/index.html

With KernelEx, it is possible to install Java 6u10 and newer, but there are currently problems with applets not running.

I am running, and have been since it's release, Java 6u7. It works very well and is faster than Java 5.

I have tested Java 6u10 through 6u13, but the current limitations on Windows 9x make them unsuitable for many Java based web pages.

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I am running, and have been since it's release, Java 6u7. It works very well and is faster than Java 5.

I know, that Java 6 is faster is than Java 5 but still there's question - it's better using older (unpatched, with bugs) version of Java 6 or latest version of Java 5?

On the other hand, on 30 October Java 5 will reach EOL - http://java.sun.com/products/archive/eol.policy.html

Btw, recently, Sun released Java 5u19 and Java 6u14.

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Recently I've messed with my registry (User Agent and others) in an attempt to help someone with a denied access on a website. No ill effects noticed since; however, today Nero started to behave: everytime I tried to add/drag files to an already added folder, it would crash GDI.EXE, making it impossible to start a decent burning operation. I wouldn't blame this on my registry fiddling.

I had to disable KernelEx in "InCD.exe" and "InCDL.exe" to make Nero 6's "add/drag files" work in 98SE.

1. I am using Nero, not 6.x

2. I have not installed InCD

3. The issue occured before installing KernelEx and long after the registry changes. It also crashes if I try to add files/folders through the Add files button.

(I'm only using Nero Express)

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What version of Java are you able to install?

I'm on JRE 5 18

Currently Java 6u7 works with or without KernelEx: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...st&p=779193

Download from here: http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/6u7/index.html

With KernelEx, it is possible to install Java 6u10 and newer, but there are currently problems with applets not running.

I am running, and have been since it's release, Java 6u7. It works very well and is faster than Java 5.

I have tested Java 6u10 through 6u13, but the current limitations on Windows 9x make them unsuitable for many Java based web pages.

Hi RetroOS, would you mind sharing a few link with applets not working if you can remember any. I have installed java 6 update 13 over update 7 since a few days and I have not encountered any problems with the java apps I have installed on my computer.

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