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KernelEx 4.5.2

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I'd like a list of entries under MPRServices of those of you who have problems with booting.

Nothing apart from KernelEx here.

DLLName: C:\Windows\KernelEx\KernelEx.dll
EntryPoint: _MprStart@4
Stack size: 0x00001000

Also did RC1 work fine in this respect (system without RP9) ?

I can't recall unfortunately.

Now KernelEx pre-loads all entries before doing initialization. Theoretically it shouldn't affect the system in any way...
Well I hope I am not blaming KernelEx because of another problem I have.
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:whistle: Gdiplus.dll 5.1.3102.5512(from my xpprosp3 version) may help with Firefox3 install, as i installed this after RP9+KEX4.0RC;,but also copied another Firefox3 install from PuppyLinux-Lighthouse4.12rc2 and this version of Firefox3.0.8 has yet to "Crash" :thumbup
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I've only got the mpr hang once or twice. Here's the two subkeys under MPRServices (no keys under the main MPRServices key):

DLLName: C:\Windows\KernelEx\KernelEx.dll
EntryPoint: _MprStart@4
Stack size: 0x00001000

DLLName: rp8.dll
EntryPoint: InitAsync
StackSize: 0x00002000

RP 9.1.0 and KernelEx 4.0 RC2.

I've only got these two entries too.

It did not happen in RC1 and installing RP9 fixes the problem in RC2...

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1st GREAT job. I now can run Firefox 3.0.8 on a PII running ME

I am having trouble getting Flash to install. It says unsupported OS and the Flash install log show ME.

I did the reg update and tried the campat tap too.

Are you running KEx4 RC2? Also, do note that only the firefox / netscape version will work. The ActiveX version will not (flashplayer_10_ax.exe or something to that effect).

WHat I find also worked (might be in this case) was changing the OS version in the other reg path too. The one on the second post indicates:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]

Instead, using regedit, navigate to:


.. and change the key 'VersionNumber' to something like 5.10.2222, making sure to keep note what your version said before changes so as to set it back to the correct one after install.

Many many thanks, I can now listen to on-line streaming of a DAB Plus station which (regrettably) required the newest version of Flash. This worked perfectly. We owe you guys a huge debt! I was unaware Kernel Ex or even this forum existed. :thumbup

Adobe Flash 10 Plug in (for browsers other than IE)

Opera 9.64

Windows 98 SE 4.10.2222A

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it's possible add the pause button for process explorer 11.13? On Windows 98 SE, i click right on a process, i haven't the pause button, but on Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 i have the pause button :unsure:

Adding "SuspendThread" to Kernel32.dll may be good

Declare Function SuspendThread Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _

ByVal hThread As Long) As Long

Edited by luluthefirst
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With regards to boot freeze issues, I can report that I have reduced considerably their occurences by enabling bootlog. I have failed booting just once out of around 20 boots since I have enabled it. Does not make much sense to me but here you got the information anyway.

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I can confirm too, that FF 3.5 works smoothly with one exception: I've problem with Chinese/Japanese characters - they're not displayed properly.

Could anyone help me, how to fix that (if this is possible of course)?

Edited by rainyd
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I can confirm too, that FF 3.5 works smoothly with one exception: I've problem with Chinese/Japanese characters - they're not displayed properly.

Could anyone help me, how to fix that (if this is possible of course)?


Problem with instaled font?






Edited by Philco
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