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KernelEx 4.5.2

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GenuineCheck.exe ver. works with Win98. I don't remember if I had KeX installed or not when I last run this program.

I saved the .exe because somehow I knew I will need it later. :D

Edited by Marius '95
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GenuineCheck.exe ver. works with Win98. I don't remember if I had KeX installed or not when I last run this program.

I saved the .exe because somehow I knew I will need it later. :D

It's possible to send me this file?

Edited by PeterBluewin
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Hi there... today I had to install Windows 98 on some old PC and would very much like to have it run Firefox 3. I was very pleased to read that this is possible now with KernelEx!

Only problem: it doesn't seem to work for me. But maybe I'm just doing something wrong... hope someone can help!

What I did:

- installed a clean Windows 98 SE (German version)

- installed the inofficial service pack from http://www.nandlstadt.com/win98sp.htm (2.1d)

- installed KernelEx 4.0 RC2

- installed Firefox 3.0.10

The installation went smoothly but on start, Firefox tells me that it crashed and that tabs will be restored on the next run if possible. I never even see the Firefox main window.

Any idea? Is the service pack not supported with KernelEx? I uninstalled it but that didn't make a difference...

UPDATE: just did a full re-installation and this time used the 3.x beta of the service pack, same result :(

Edited by mx98
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1. Operating system version: is it Windows 98 Gold (aka First

Edition), Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows Millennium?


2. KernelEx version - as displayed at the bottom of the

Compatibility tab or in Add/Remove Programs tab

-->Unknown; "compatibility tab"? what is that? first i heard about that.

3. Program vendor, program name and program version.

-->KernelEx homepage by Xeno, 4.0 RC2 released on 2009-03-21

4. Description of the problem.

-->No clue that it can work

5. Exact steps required to reproduce the problem - what to click and

what to press after the program starts

-->Starts? Are you kidding?

What i did:

Replaced [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]

* I had: Win98SE Win2K:

Version "Windows 98" <nil>

VersionNumber "4.10.2222" <nil>

ProductName Microsoft Windows 98 <nil>

* Now is:

Version "Windows XP"

VersionNumber "5.10.2600"

ProductName "Microsoft Windows XP"

Replaced [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]

* I had: Win98SE Win2K:

(Default) (value not set) CurrentVersion 5.0

ProductName Microsoft Windows 2000

* I now have:

(Default) ""

CurrentVersion "5.1"

ProductName "Microsoft Windows XP"

Version "Windows XP"

Installed Unicows.DLL and registered it

Installed KernelEX

Modified \Bootsec.DOS (to read MSWIN 5.1 and WIN XP)

Modified \MSDOS.SYS (to read MSWIN 5.1)

Modified \Windows\Winver.exe (to read 5.10.6200 and Windows XP in 2 places)

Modified \Windows\W98setup.bin (to read 5.10.6200 in 2 places)

Modified \Windows\Command.com

*Negative effect: MSDOS shell doesn't work

Even after all of that, sysinfo gives:

Microsoft Windows XP 4.10.2222 A

So do not know what else to fudge to fix the 4.10.2222...

Still..the ASUS M2N-MX SE Plus CD bitches saying it dislikes WIN_4.11

as an OS; cannot find that string *anywhere*.

So, what do i do to make it work?

Is there a way to test the above patch?

6. Did the program work prior to installing KernelEx? Does disabling

KernelEx in compatibility tab fix the problem? - important to classify

the category of the bug.

-->See above

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You didn't have to make all those registry changes in the first place - KernelEx takes care of the version reporting itself. But thanks for the detailed report, I might have fixed my issue with wrong version detection posted previously that nobody endeavoured to reply to.

Best thing to do is revert the registry settings to the Windows 98SE default, uninstall KernelEx, reboot, reinstall KernelEx, go to the offending application's executable or desktop shortcut, right-click it and find the Compatibility tab that you couldn't find previously and select Windows XP (or Windows 2000, by trial and error) from the dropdown list. Then try running that application.

Please note that in case of an installer that unpacks further executables, you may have to navigate to the unpacked folder (usually some weird name in the temporary directory - default is C:\Windows\Temp) and set compatibility to Windows XP for the unpacked exe too.

Good luck! :hello:

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Feature Request:

Product: GIMP 2.6.6 (based on GTK+ 2.16)

GTK+ support for Windows 9x was phased out after 2.6.10-20050823.

GIMP support for Windows 9x was dropped after 2.2.17.

Description: GNU Image Manipulation Program

Download: http://www.gimp.org/

Apparent missing exports:











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Feature Request:

Product: GIMP 2.6.6 (based on GTK+ 2.16)

GTK+ support for Windows 9x was phased out after 2.6.10-20050823.

GIMP support for Windows 9x was dropped after 2.2.17.

Description: GNU Image Manipulation Program

Download: http://www.gimp.org/

Apparent missing exports:











and the suspend function for process explorer :realmad:

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Update on KernelEx/ODFConverter compatibility :

I had previously been forced to uninstall KernelEx 0.3.6a due to compatibility problems with the ODFConverter command line utility, per :


With KernelEx 4.0RC2 now available, it was time to try again!

Well, although the previously reported exception problem still occurs, now I find that disabling KernelEx extensions for OdfConverter.exe (via the Compatibility tab in Explorer properties) is all that's required to fix the problem. (With KernelEx 0.3.6a, adding 'odfconverter.exe' to the [skip Modules] section of 'kexver.ini' was unsuccessful.)

Congratulations, the new KernelEx is a great step forward! :-)


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Can somebody tell me why GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW function was removed from KernelEx 4?

It is now the only function, that is missing for MS Visual C++ 2008 runtime. And it is included in unicows.dll, so there should be no problems with including it to KernelEx. It was present in KernelEx 3.3 - 3.6.

Please if possible return it to KernelEx 4.


Sorry, that was my mistake, this function is present in KernelEx. I just disabled KernelEx for Total Commander, and tried to run the command line app, which require the function from Total Commander. Somehow KernelEx was disabled for that application too. It seems that when KernelEx is disabled for some process, it is disabled for its childe processes, I didn't know about it. It should be written somewhere, I think. Thanks, KernelEx is perfect.

Edited by M()zart
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I am experiencing that problem as well but not always. I experience it in about 25% of the boots. The boot process always locks when the wallpaper has been displayed and using Ctrl-alt-del will show nothing or cmdninst or mprexe.

I am not 100% sure it is KernelEx but as a few people have reported a similar issue I thought I'd mention it as well.

And I am not sure when KernelEx loads with respect to cmdninst or mprexe being used so I don't know if it does make sense or not.

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I am experiencing that problem as well but not always. I experience it in about 25% of the boots. The boot process always locks when the wallpaper has been displayed and using Ctrl-alt-del will show nothing or cmdninst or mprexe.

I am not 100% sure it is KernelEx but as a few people have reported a similar issue I thought I'd mention it as well.

And I am not sure when KernelEx loads with respect to cmdninst or mprexe being used so I don't know if it does make sense or not.

when mprexe.exe is killed, you got a WSoD (White Screen of Death) that you can't continue the system, you must to reboot your machine

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According to the KernelEx 4.0 RC2 release notes:

- change: KernelEx will first load any other MPRServices before initializing

I expect this change has something to do with the start-up problems some people are getting.

It would appear that it fixes some things, but introduces new problems.

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According to the KernelEx 4.0 RC2 release notes:

- change: KernelEx will first load any other MPRServices before initializing

I expect this change has something to do with the start-up problems some people are getting.

It would appear that it fixes some things, but introduces new problems.

I'd like a list of entries under MPRServices of those of you who have problems with booting. To obtain the list follow these steps:

1. Start->Run, type regedit.exe

2. In registry editor browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MPRServices

3. Select (highlight) MPRServices key.

4. From menu select Registry->Export registry file...

5. Select some file name (make sure you don't export everything but only the MPRServices sub-tree)

6. Paste here the contents of the file.

Also did RC1 work fine in this respect (system without RP9) ?

Indeed there has been a change in RC2 to make sure that Tihiy's Revolutions Pack 9 always loads before KernelEx.

In RC1 all entries were loaded by MPR.EXE itself. Now KernelEx pre-loads all entries before doing initialization. Theoretically it shouldn't affect the system in any way...

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I've only got the mpr hang once or twice. Here's the two subkeys under MPRServices (no keys under the main MPRServices key):

DLLName: C:\Windows\KernelEx\KernelEx.dll
EntryPoint: _MprStart@4
Stack size: 0x00001000

DLLName: rp8.dll
EntryPoint: InitAsync
StackSize: 0x00002000

RP 9.1.0 and KernelEx 4.0 RC2.

Edited by Drugwash
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