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[Tool] Windows Live Messenger Creator


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Hi :)

First all, thanks to benners for the fantastic tool :thumbup

I have a question:

I try to use the switchless SFX to create a cab file to use like addon with nLite, but not install WLM2009.


The program will only create an exe not a cab file. You can use the settings to create a total silent install then I think you can use nlite to add it to the RunOnceEx section?, not really sure, or you could create an addon. There is a link here to a program that may be effective in creating the addon for you.

thanks for answer.

I know what work your tool (very fine), but I think...expressed badly cause of my english :blushing:

I create a switchless SFX with your tool and created a cab file (to use with nLite) but WLM2009 is not installed.

I tried to use switchless SFX with RunOnce (ever with nLite) it's worked.

I read the post of elajua and him wrote...

Note: SVCPACK compatibility is not tested.

but in the thread i've found a user (mickmack) who create a switchless SFX SVCPACK compatible:


So, I think your tool create a switchless SFX not SVCPACK compatible.

Thanks for the link and info. I can update the program to add the line supplied by mickmack (cheers), if you would like to test it when it is finished?.

YES! of course :thumbup

PM sent

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Could you write it so you can choose to make an addon instead of an SFX installer m8 give folks the options of which one to use? Personally I love the SFX version works very well with the WPI.

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Hey benners,

I just tested your tool on Vista x64 Ultimate and sadly it does not work. When I pressed start, nothing happened (ini is present ad processed) and after that I cant close program, it's like it stuck in some loop, or you blocked window with some flags. Here is the log:


If you need some testings to fix this, I'll do it gladly, just PM me. I can help with the code if necessary.

Cheers ;)

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Could you write it so you can choose to make an addon instead of an SFX installer m8 give folks the options of which one to use? Personally I love the SFX version works very well with the WPI.
Hi Stoner

I could look into that. thnx4thepen has reported back and adding the line referenced by mickmack didn't work so I am at a loss.

Hey benners,

I just tested your tool on Vista x64 Ultimate and sadly it does not work. When I pressed start, nothing happened (ini is present ad processed) and after that I cant close program, it's like it stuck in some loop, or you blocked window with some flags. Here is the log:


If you need some testings to fix this, I'll do it gladly, just PM me. I can help with the code if necessary.

Cheers ;)

Hi mara

It stops when it tries to export the registry entry using reg.exe. I am going to look at installing some 64bit OS in a VM to see if I can improve it. I normally only support 32bit apps due to lack of free hardware to test on. Thanks for the offer.

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Program stops working before finishing without notice, no installer is created.


Last line of logfile a slash is missing:

2009-04-05 21:53:10 : Cmd Line: 7za.exe a "G:\!!! PROGS\Messenger\createdMessenger_Addon_v2.0.2313.0.7z" "C:\TEMP\WLMCTemp\Addon\*" -mx9

Should be "created\Messenger_Addon_v2.0.2313.0.7z" I think.


Everyting in TEMP is created, maybe just copying fails.

Edited by g-force
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Program stops working before finishing without notice, no installer is created.


Last line of logfile a slash is missing:

2009-04-05 21:53:10 : Cmd Line: 7za.exe a "G:\!!! PROGS\Messenger\createdMessenger_Addon_v2.0.2313.0.7z" "C:\TEMP\WLMCTemp\Addon\*" -mx9

Should be "created\Messenger_Addon_v2.0.2313.0.7z" I think.


Everyting in TEMP is created, maybe just copying fails.

Yes you are correct, thanks. I had my destination as root and it already had a '\'. Fixed and updated.

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Still buggy.

Destination is now set correct, but Addon-Creation fails.

entries.ini and svcpack are created, but then program stops without notice.


There was a problem with the program looking for 7z in the wrong place. I have it on my machine which is why it works :blushing: First post updated.

Edited by benners
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