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[Tool] Windows Live Messenger Creator


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WLM Creator (Windows Live Messenger 9 Creator) enables you to create a single switchless SFX that installs Windows Live Messenger 9 onto you PC. It can be used for everyday installs or as part of an unattended setup. The method used is based on the work of Shark007 and elajua and the original thread can be found here., so a big thanks to him and Shark for explaining how best to accomplish this..

To create the SFX successfully you need to have already downloaded and installed Windows Live Messenger 9 previously on your PC, this will ensure that the setup files will be located where expected. Using the program you can specify options for the SFX such as: title; icon; display level and compressions level. You can also include files that have been patched with A-Patch or MessPatch (Not available at time of writing) to add features or remove annoyances and choose from a selection of tweaks that will be applied to Windows Live Messenger 9 after installation.

The help file is extracted when the program is run and pressing F1 while the program is running will open it.


Change Log (Build 15)

Updated - A-Patch to latest version.

Download (2.80MB)


Edited by benners
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Good work

I've tested it for italian version.

Works like a charm! :thumbup

Thanks jinkazama, As I say it is only just starting off. I am looking at adding a few more things.

1. Patched files tab for files edited using the mess.be patch

2. A Tweaks tab that has various registry tweaks that can be applied to the msi or made into a reg file. These will be normal things like removing the minimize balloon tip that occurs when MSN is 1st run.

3. A tweaks tab for passport specific tweaks like disabling MSN today or showing time stamps in the conversation window.

4. A selection of icons found on the net that can be used for the sfx.

5. Extra gfx for the gui

6. Maybe translate it to different languages, This makes designing the GUI a bit of a ballache :rolleyes:


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I can do italian translation, give me english file and i'll translate.

benners now i've see that there'is no unistaller for windows live, is it normal?

It will be a while before I create a translation file, I want to get the GUI layout done first. WRT Windows Live, do you mean the messenger or other parts. I have tried again on a VM with an English version and I see and ARP entry for Windows Live Messenger, the size is 40.41MB, there are also 2 other entries for sign in assistant and upload tool, but they are made by their installers.

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1. Patched files tab for files edited using the mess.be patch

2. A Tweaks tab that has various registry tweaks that can be applied to the msi or made into a reg file. These will be normal things like removing the minimize balloon tip that occurs when MSN is 1st run.

3. A tweaks tab for passport specific tweaks like disabling MSN today or showing time stamps in the conversation window.

4. A selection of icons found on the net that can be used for the sfx.

5. Extra gfx for the gui

6. Maybe translate it to different languages, This makes designing the GUI a bit of a ballache rolleyes.gif

Great work benners! I :yes: love the idea for the next update,those things would make a huge difference!

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1. Patched files tab for files edited using the mess.be patch

2. A Tweaks tab that has various registry tweaks that can be applied to the msi or made into a reg file. These will be normal things like removing the minimize balloon tip that occurs when MSN is 1st run.

3. A tweaks tab for passport specific tweaks like disabling MSN today or showing time stamps in the conversation window.

4. A selection of icons found on the net that can be used for the sfx.

5. Extra gfx for the gui

6. Maybe translate it to different languages, This makes designing the GUI a bit of a ballache rolleyes.gif

Great work benners! I :yes: love the idea for the next update,those things would make a huge difference!

Thanks Gorki. it should make it easier for people to customise it.


I don't use nlite but is there not a section for runonce that exes can be added to?. You only need to add the filename, no switches are required.

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It worked just fine (the installation process), thanks. Now I need to test it on a PC that has an internet connection :P

I am glad it worked for you. I am still working on this and there have been a lot of things added., but there doesn't seem much interest in it so I am not really rushing.

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It worked just fine (the installation process), thanks. Now I need to test it on a PC that has an internet connection :P

I am glad it worked for you. I am still working on this and there have been a lot of things added., but there doesn't seem much interest in it so I am not really rushing.

Not much interest?? DUDE!!! it awesome not tested mine yet but since they have changed the installer this project is a god send man!!!!!

Please please please continue this please please please!!!

Thank you!!!


EDIT - I use APatch to patch the files to remove the ads etc their homepage is apatch.org this could be a handy thing to include m8!

Edited by Stoner81
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