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[Tool] Windows Live Messenger Creator


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I can not understand why 3 files are skipped cache.



2010-05-12 23:05:26 : ########## <ERROR #1> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache\9ba31cc61ca2b46\dw20shared.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #1> ##########
2010-05-12 23:05:26 : ########## <ERROR #2> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache\a0496aca1ca2b46\crt.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #2> ##########
Live\.cache\ac3d38ba1ca2b46\WLXSuite.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #3> ##########
2010-05-12 23:05:26 : ########## <ERROR #4> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache\c6ff490f1ca2b46\Messenger.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #4> ##########

Edited by DMD61
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I can not understand why 3 files are skipped cache.



2010-05-12 23:05:26 : ########## <ERROR #1> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache\9ba31cc61ca2b46\dw20shared.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #1> ##########
2010-05-12 23:05:26 : ########## <ERROR #2> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache\a0496aca1ca2b46\crt.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #2> ##########
Live\.cache\ac3d38ba1ca2b46\WLXSuite.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #3> ##########
2010-05-12 23:05:26 : ########## <ERROR #4> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache\c6ff490f1ca2b46\Messenger.msi was not found. Skipping MSI <ERROR #4> ##########

The program reads entries from the cache.ini file. If the entries are there in the but the folders or files aren't this will produce the error. Can you check that this is the case.

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone knows how to apply the tweaks to ALL incoming new MSN Profiles generated on:


I've tried looking on all DLL, EXE (ResHack) and MSIs(Orca) to find where are those settings and change the default values, but I had no luck at all :(.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hello to all

I need help

First: How to extract the files from Messenger.msi through dos

I tried all these commands, but the result failed

msiexec / ac: \ Messenger.msi / qb TARGETDIR = c: \ temp \ test

msiexec / a "Messenger.msi" TARGETDIR = "C: \ archive" / qn / le "% Temp% \ WLM.log"

What is the correct way to extract the files using dos

Second: I want to program Rlator Final version

Thank you for all

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