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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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like i said :

"Note that I am NO data recovery expert, I DO NOT work with s***gate hard disks daily, and I KNOW NUTS ABOUT THE COMMANDS above, but I know they fixed my crap 7200.11.

I'm just posting the above as a reference, based on my experience using the 1st post to fix my hard disk. I've completed copying out all my data and now am using it (after upgrade to SD1A) but am very cautious about it."

I'm sure you know much much more than me. I admit I know probably 1 on a scale of 0-100. I've noticed that you have posted really a lot of comments and fixes. As someone has mentioned, we are a bunch of victims who are trying to salvage their data at a relatively low cost. If you are so certain, as someone has mentioned, why don't you start a new post with step by step fix like Gradius2's post? His guide may not be 100%, and in fact it may cause data loss - but he's trying his best and he already has the WARNINGS in red at the beginning of his guide.

Let everyone decide which guide to follow and credit can be given where it's due. What you are doing now is just confusing everyone with your techno-speak and techno-questions.

Ok, just as reference to others. I followed the 1st post and fixed my hard disk. Below are details:

Do you some interest it that others will repeat mistakes? I noticed many times where are weak points of this tutorial.

1. Power off everything

2. Unscrew PCB from HDA, put cardboard to isolate the 4 contacts (i think it was 4)

so you think bad, motor has 3 contacts. when you isolate motor, you will not hear when its powered, safer is to isolate heads connector. when power up drive just wait to motor stops, if you rush at this step you got LED 00000CE error on terminal.

F3 T>i4,1,22

F3 T>

8. After the above, I waited a while (few minutes) and then powered off the hard disk (remove and reseat the hard disk power cable from PC)

Imagine how hard disk work: reference

A G-list is a "growth" defect table. As sectors become bad over time, they are added to the G-list, and reads and writes are automatically redirected (remapped) to spare sectors. G-list sectors do slow down drive access, and if the G-list is filling up, it is time to replace the drive.

If your drive has any bad sectors on g-list it means data which belongs to them is somewhere else. When you clear it, all information about remapped sectors will be lost (and data in them). If you dont have any bad sectors in glist why need to clearing it?

powering off/on drive or waiting (with growing level of adrenaline) at this point is not necessary. just relax and send last command. I suggest to type F,,22 before, then without powering off m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 (difference is simple: if you dont specify parameter it will be used with defaults which is not the best option. 0 means no unnecessary rewriting. (Its funny because Gradius2 in solution for 0lba wrote (copied and pasted) m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 but when doing exactly same operation but in BSY solution gives different command: m0,2,2,,,,,22 ) guess why

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Hi again,

Now i've tried the loopback test so my setup is correct.

I dont get any response from the terminal, I dont get "F3 T>", but i can type..

I placed a paper card between the motor connector and the harddiskmainboard like in post #1, attached the tx and rx cables, opened hyperterminal, and then powered on the drive, and then pushed CTRL+Z... But i don't get anything?

Anyone that can help me? Over msn maybe?

I have a 3500320AS with SD15 firmwire. And i bought i RS232-TTL usb-converter.

I have the same problem as Alexx86 the set up is right but I get nothing but the small arrow mark on hyper terminal. Any help would be greatly appreciated

I have the same drive and firmware version Thanks

try connect ground from your cable to pin 3 in terminal socket of disk. i think it finally solved Alexx86 problem. we did everything from scratch, step by step so hard to tell.

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When you say you see the arrow, do you mean the '>' character as shown after the "F3 F" text? If so, then

it may be doing what you want, but you just can't see all the text being echoed to the display but only the

last character which you are interpreting as an arrow head (not the mouse symbol).

I'm not sure if windows terminal allows one to change the terminal emulation from lets say whatever you have to VT100

with 80 columns. For those who have windows setup for other character sets or right to left prompting, could this be

the cause? I'm not sure how windows terminal would handle this too.

Can you post screen prints of your hyperterminal settings under File->properties and show us the settings for each screen tab under this

area? This will help with determining if they are set properly.....

Just some thoughts on the arrow problem. :whistle:

I'll post these when I get home.

Or now...






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Aviko is really specialist, has huge knowledge about all that we discuss here, much bigger than we can even think of.

He helped me with very unusual problem (standard, known solutions haven't worked) of my seagate.

I've got back all data from this drive, the most important all great pictures of my 1-year old son from his born to now.

In opposite Gradius is as i could say "compiler" of others solutions, but he should credit all those solutions he used (as he did initially, but later removed credits).

And i think Gradius should improve his text with good advices from aviko, so all readers/users will be safer with their 7200.11 adventure!

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Big thanks to all who developed the method of recovery. Following instructions, I successfuly restored my Seagate Baracuda ST3500320AS from BSY error using handmade RS232 to TTL adapter. HDD works fine after firmware update. All valuable information is untouched.

Greetings from Bulgaria! :hello:

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THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! :thumbup

I have resolved I too my problem 0 LBA with the my Seagate ST3500320AS


I have tried this method directly on new firmware SD1A and I has used another interface COM to TTL much simple without MAX232 CHIP with battery 9V :whistle:

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Hi again,

Now i've tried the loopback test so my setup is correct.

I dont get any response from the terminal, I dont get "F3 T>", but i can type..

I placed a paper card between the motor connector and the harddiskmainboard like in post #1, attached the tx and rx cables, opened hyperterminal, and then powered on the drive, and then pushed CTRL+Z... But i don't get anything?

Anyone that can help me? Over msn maybe?

I have a 3500320AS with SD15 firmwire. And i bought i RS232-TTL usb-converter.

I have the same problem as Alexx86 the set up is right but I get nothing but the small arrow mark on hyper terminal. Any help would be greatly appreciated

I have the same drive and firmware version Thanks

try connect ground from your cable to pin 3 in terminal socket of disk. i think it finally solved Alexx86 problem. we did everything from scratch, step by step so hard to tell.

I can tell you that adding a ground got my terminal working (finally)...

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I'd just like to give my greatest thanks to Gradius2, aviko, mikew, and everyone else that has been involved in creating this solution. Thanks to you guys, I've learned a lot about terminals, serial ports, hard drives, electronics and many other things, all with a brilliant payoff at the end - getting my data back. Let's just say I owe you all one.

One other thing: aviko and Gradius2, you both seem to know what you're doing, as you've both proven with your helpful posts. The amazing success rate helps prove that the problem is solvable, but if I could ask of you one more thing - don't do as you have done in the past, and worked against each other. There is a common goal here, and all problems are better solved with cooperation than competition. I'm not saying Gradius2 didn't steal the information, but I'm not saying he did, either. The fact is, it is those commands that work. Who came up with them is not the important issue here - it is how they are used. In short, please, stop the fighting and work together. I understand you may have difficulty with this idea at first, but trust me, it will be for the common good if you two can put aside your differences and work together.

Thank you all once again - except for $eagate, the makers of the problem in the first place.

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a very inexperienced guy here.... but really need to recover my drive coz its not detected by BIOS...can i use this adapter???


Hi im used http://cgi.ebay.it/Interfaccia-TTL-RS-232-...1QQcmdZViewItem

i just want to know i only managed to get this one with alot of difficulty..can i make use of this one?

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