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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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Ok, here's what I did -

1. With power off, unscrew the PCB from the HDA. Place a small cardboard between the PCB/HDA contacts to isolate them. Then screw in all but not tightly (not tight enough that you cannot pull out the cardboard)

2. Connect the TX and RX on the hard disk to the RX and TX of your rs232 board.

3. Connect power (red is voltage, black is ground) to the rs232 board.

4. Connect to the rs232 board using hyperterm, make sure it's set correctly

5. Now power up the drive by plugging in the power

6. At the hyperterminal window, press Enter once to connect (make sure it says connected at the bottom)

7. Nothing will happen/show up, but hit Ctrl-z now and you should see this prompt:

F3 T>

If you cannot get to this stage, check your rs232, cabling, check your hyperterminal. If you are using small connectors to the RX and TX on the hard disk, please make sure they are not touching one another. I used a small piece of cardboard in between the pins to make sure there are no contacts. Here are some pics of my fix.


I got a new controller, same output in the terminal:

just an arrow.

Plz, can anyone help me? :)



I had the arrow at first too even though I was sure I followed the terminal connections correctly; when flipped the terminals and completely removed the pcb there no problem. I want to mention I restarted hyperterminal-I didn't just flip the connections while hyperterminal was on.

OK, I have the PCB off the HDA. I still get the Arrow but thats all I get now. Is this correct? Also thanks to the people that put this together but can you move your credit fight to another topic, some of us are still trying to figure this out and it's a b***h to read through the stuff for info and the who gets credit.

You all get credit for this if this works!

I still get only an arrow. Hm, is it right that I need a 5v-connection but not a 12v-molex-adapter?

Thanks to everyone for helping dissapointed seagate-user. :)



Edited by Jason Husky
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I then review the situation did several tests the terminal does not receive any command :angel .

the cable and I'm using a serial cable and com 2 does not exist

There are doors com 1 and com 3 is shown with the com 1 and com 3

When do the command ctrl z nothing happens I have tried both with the paper (Visit ticket) is not the terminal does not see anything.

Going into property of the resources of the computer hardware settings I also tried to change the com port 1 and put on the out com 2

terminal does not respond to the ctrl z :realmad: .

help me plase!

sorry for my english its very bad B)


Edited by Tristano_74
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i think you may have covered this, but are you sure you have power going to the rs232?? try all the com ports and none of them work? what about RX and TX? make sure they are connected correctly. RX on rs232 to TX on hard disk and vice versa.

Maybe take a photo of your setup and see if we can spot anything out of the ordinary?


I then review the situation did several tests the terminal does not receive any command :angel .

the cable and I'm using a serial cable and com 2 does not exist

There are doors com 1 and com 3 is shown with the com 1 and com 3

When do the command ctrl z nothing happens I have tried both with the paper (Visit ticket) is not the terminal does not see anything.

Going into property of the resources of the computer hardware settings I also tried to change the com port 1 and put on the out com 2

terminal does not respond to the ctrl z :realmad: .

help me plase!

sorry for my english its very bad B)


Edited by poolcarpet
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see the photo with the white piece of paper. once you open the pcb, you can see there are about 3 or was it 4 contacts. isolate that section.

anyway, i think you should get a response regardless of whether you isolate or not. if you are connecting to the hard disk without isolation and you don't get the prompt, something is wrong with your connectivity or the rs232.

Do I want to isolate the motor contacts or all contacts on the PCB?

I had the arrow and was just covering the corner, when I took off the pcb I notice there was an ic that had 8 contacts near the middle of the pcb; I surmised covering just the corner of the pcb was not sufficient to isolate the hdd assembly- therefore I removed the pcb from the hdd. Another thing, this might be the trick, I was using a cr2032 3.3v watch battery - perhaps using the molex is overvolting the pcb. but aside from that I don't know; I had the arrow- changed some stuff and everything went as it was supposed to.

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On a hunch, I hooked up another drive that I knew was good. Another Seagate and I got the same errors. I suspect that the RS232-TTL connector that I bought off ebay is bad. Going back to the start and buying the parts from the parts list in the first post that we know work.

Also, this is the setup I purchased. Is this the right one?


Edited by WeatherPaparazzi
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OK, I've been trying to get this to work for a couple of days... can anyone take a look at my setup and tell me why it isn't working?

I've been following this schematic: http://sodoityourself.com/max232-serial-level-converter/

Be warned - the images below are absolutely huge - no resolution changes were made. That is why only preview links have been included...



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looks correct, but can never be sure.

i bought this and it worked for me.


Looking at yours, it should work as well.

Are you drawing power from one of your PC's connector? Try the small power socket normally meant for floppy drives. Connect the red wire to VCC and black wire to GND on your rs232. Then make sure TXD on it goes to RX on 7200.11 and RXD on it goes to TX on 7200.11. Also the rs232 you bought seem to have power indicators, does the blue light come on when you apply power to it??

On a hunch, I hooked up another drive that I knew was good. Another Seagate and I got the same errors. I suspect that the RS232-TTL connector that I bought off ebay is bad. Going back to the start and buying the parts from the parts list in the first post that we know work.

Also, this is the setup I purchased. Is this the right one?



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Hmmm not too sure, And you will need some more bits of cables etc.

This will definately work and the delivery is quick, and the guy there Rob is really helpfull (in an Electronics type way).


And its at least £10 cheaper.

A nokia 3210 fbus data cable is still the cheapest an easiest option, at around 2 quid and only needing the rx and tx connecting (no gnd or power)

Thanks for the reply...

The above adaptor arrived yesterday... have tried for the last few hours to make a connection with the Drive. Have quadruple checked all of the connections but still get a blank terminal screen. The only sign of life from my RS232-TTL adaptor is a solid red light... anyone an idea what this means? (If anything..)

Note that I have set up the connections EXACTLY like those shown on the first page of this topic... and nothing, nada, sod all, bugger all, nowt! and zilch.

Any help appreciated... specifically in testing the RS232-TTL...

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looks correct, but can never be sure.

i bought this and it worked for me.


Looking at yours, it should work as well.

Are you drawing power from one of your PC's connector? Try the small power socket normally meant for floppy drives. Connect the red wire to VCC and black wire to GND on your rs232. Then make sure TXD on it goes to RX on 7200.11 and RXD on it goes to TX on 7200.11. Also the rs232 you bought seem to have power indicators, does the blue light come on when you apply power to it??

I tried this with two AA bats for power and got the blue light to come on the board and I also tried this with the 5v power from the computer. I still get nothing but jiberish and the arrow depending on how the wires are hooked up. The funny thing is, the Arrow only shows up if the wires are backwards.

One thing to note, I am not using an RS232 cable. I plugged this right into the port on the back of a laptop.

Do I need to have it hooked up to a cable vs right into the port on the computer?

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Any help appreciated... specifically in testing the RS232-TTL...

Do a simple loopback test, first on the TTL TX/RX, then on the RS232 TX/RX.

Details are here for the RS232:




I get NO response to this test... just a blank screen. Echo is on. I think this thing's a dud!

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Is someone able to tell if this DKU-5 cable should work and possible tell me which of the cables inside are going to be RX TX.


Reason is i tried to look it up on the pinouts.ru website but im not sure if its the official cable or not. The one i bought on the image doesnt look to be an official nokia cable.

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I ordered the TTL from sparkfun.; I am sorry if my suggestions are not working for you- I don't mean to send anyone on a wild goose chase; but I would like to encourage you to continue to try and not give up- because the method does work.

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I would say the real credits of this are from PC-3000 guys, then SalvationDATA copied from PC-3000 guys and okzo copied from them.

PC-3000 costs around $10k, there are pirated China version costing $500 or less, but not always works, or not work at all (with no support at all, of course).

Hmmm thats really weird because SalvationData released solution on 25 november 2008 and was immediately availavble for download to all current customers as a update. source: http://www.salvationdata.com/data-recovery...ny/news0811.htm

ACE Laboratory released update for PC3K UDMA on 11 december 2008 as update to users who paid for technical support as I remeber it was 500EUR per year.

source: http://www.acelaboratory.com/news.php

I got information from Okzo how to work with F3 architecture a far far earlier befory both above companies released their solutions. So I am asking you how old are you? 15? Because you are acting like an teenager, you said Okzo (aka Yura) is a thief, that he stole solutions from SD or ACE. You are terribly wrong.

BTW original PC3K UDMA costs for my country about 3500EUR its much less that you said. Maybe they dont like you and your country.

YES, I am working on original PC3K ISA, PC3K PCI with DE, PC3K SCSI (old ver), PC3K SCSI (new ver), PC3K UDMA with DE. I also have all products from Salvation Data. I have to say there is no way to see that commands which use both commercial solutions on screen. How Okzo could stole from them if he even doesnt have any of their products which supports 7200.11???

I think you are very sad guy.

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Not that it means anything, but for the record ACE:


announced a solution on 18th November:

18th of November 2008

PC-3000 for Windows UDMA with Data Extractor UDMA

We are preparing the release of Beta Version of PC-3000 Utility for HDD Seagate 7200.11 which helps to solve the problem of HDD being detected with 0 GB.

That will be the unique feature which no other HDD repair and data recovery tool in the whole world possesses!

I presume that at the time of the announcement they alredy had made some tests, and had the sequence of commands at hand...:unsure:


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