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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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Seagate modify commands in the new firmware:


Level T 'i': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, InitDefectList, i[DefectListSelect],[saveListOpt],[ValidKey]

Level T 'm': Rev 0001.0000, Flash, FormatPartition, m[Partition],[FormatOpts],[DefectListOpts],[MaxWrRetryCnt],[MaxRdRetryCnt],[MaxEccTLevel],[MaxCertif



Level T 'i': Rev 0011.0000, Overlay, InitDefectList, i[DefectListSelect],[saveListOpt],[ValidKey]

Level T 'm': Rev 0012.0000, Flash, FormatPartition, m[Partition],[FormatOpts],[DefectListOpts],[MaxWrRetryCnt],[MaxRdRetryCnt],[MaxEccTLevel],[MaxCertif



¿What is [DataPattern] in Level T 'm'?

Can be SD1A bricks repaired with the new commands table?

Rev stands for Revision.

I would say no problem [DataPattern] doesn't looks mandatory, just a comma (,) after 22 will do (example: 22,).

Edited by Gradius2
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hi i reconnected the drive through the computers power supply and still no difference. i either get nothing or garbage. tried several drives too. it cant bee this difficult. loopback works connecting tx to rx. i am using the alldav powered at 5V. settings are 38400,n,8,1. Oh...I am using Vista so I had to find a hacked copy of hyperterminal.

Hey guys, I finally FIXED my drive!!! The garbage characters were gone!!!

I'm so ashamed of myself. The garbage characters were appearing because I was powering on my hdd through an external hard disk case. When I powered it though my computer PSU, I could use a PERFECTLY CLEAR terminal window.

Bsobel, perhaps you're doing the same as me? If so, try powering on through your PSU.

Gradius2, many thanks for your kind help!!! I'm definitely donating to you!!! It'll be a small gratitude for your help since I don't own much, but it's my sincere thanks. I'm not too familiarized with paypal, but I'll manage to do it.

Cheers (domo arigatou gozaimas***a - I can speak a little japanese too since I'm a japanese descendant :) )

Nice to know you managed to fix it and is working perfectly now.

Thanks for donating, it will helps with my hosting expenses, believe it or not, it will be the 1st one so far. :blushing:

Hello, yes I was powering drive through a ext power supply i will try your method...thanx...

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Big thanks to Gradius, fatlip and all the people involved in this project!

Two quick questions here: I have a 7200.11 ST31000340AS, but with SD81 firmware (Freeagent Desktop) instead of SD15 firmware. Is it likely that my SD81 drive will run the same commands as SD15?

I've bought the USB FT232BM DL from the eBay link provided... besides the jumper cabling, will I need a battery, or can I use the power provided by the USB port?

Thanks a ton.

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OK, got everything but have run into problems.

Successfully does a loopback test.

Driver installed, using the right COM port, tryed using the ground cable on the third pin, have no clue how to turn echo off/on or what or if it effects anything.

If I plug the RX - RX, TX - TX it does the "arrow thing" which is the same result as when doing a loop back test.

If I plug in RX - TX, TX - RX it won't allow me to type.

My theory at this stage is that it may be a power issue (via USB).

Please, please help :wacko:

Awesome work Gradius2, can't wait to get everything I need to fix my ST3500320AS.

I have one question & it may be a dumb one, however...

Would a "TTL-232R Converter Cable" found here: http://www.ftdichip.com/Products/EvaluationKits/TTL-232R.htm bypass having to use most of the equipment you have suggested.

It can be powered via USB and if I can figure out what colour the TX and RX are I'd be set.

Of course this seems far to simple :blink:

There are also alternate cables on that link.

It will works, the IC is inside the USB connector, choose TTL-232R 3V3 model.

Here is the IC, this is the PCB version:


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Thank You Gradius, Fatlip, Pichi, Poolcarpet, MSFN, and all others that have contributed to this great Seagate rescue project.

Thanks to Gradius' guide, I've now restored almost all 700GB of my 1TB drive. I had the BSY issue, and the Gradius Guide worked flawlessly. I know because I've now had to use it on 4 separate occasions in to rescue the data from my drive. I'd backup about 200GB of data, and then my computer wouldn't recognize the drive anymore, so I'd have to do the "Gradius" BSY fix again. Now all I have to do is wipe the DATA, and send this piece of s*** back to Seagate.

Thanks again Gradius, please PM me If you've got a paypal account, I'd like to make a donation to you for all your time and effort.


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I have developed programs to automatize the repairing process, to do it more easy.

Some people have probed these programs and them works.

I am colaborating with Fatlip to give a worldwide low cost solution (adapter and torx), there is people that cannot find adapters.

Soldering station aren't neccesary, electronic knowledge neither.

The work is behind and thanks to a lithuanian webpage we have the solution:


Due to some people that only know copy and paste, and later request donations ... I am thinking if I will give the programs or not. :angry:

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Due to some people that only know copy and paste, and later request donations ... I am thinking if I will give the programs or not. :angry:

I know, that's a little selfish. You could just host it yourself though. Don't let a few greedy people stop you from helping hundreds of others. :angel

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I'm now waiting for the delievery of a ca-42 cable.

I've got a st31000340AS and fw SD15.

Is it better to upgrade quickly to SD1A if I can reanimate the drive?

I think it's always better do a quick backup first!

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I'm now waiting for the delievery of a ca-42 cable.

I've got a st31000340AS and fw SD15.

Is it better to upgrade quickly to SD1A if I can reanimate the drive?

Other people have updated to SD1A and their hard discs continue with LBA 0 problem.

Then, they have updated to AD14 for repair the 0GB problem.

It is better than you continue with SD15, because you cannot return to this firmware.

Edited by pichi
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Hmmm not too sure, And you will need some more bits of cables etc.

This will definately work and the delivery is quick, and the guy there Rob is really helpfull (in an Electronics type way).


And its at least £10 cheaper.

A nokia 3210 fbus data cable is still the cheapest an easiest option, at around 2 quid and only needing the rx and tx connecting (no gnd or power)

Edited by Anth
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