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Image viewer for 98SE?


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I'm wondering if there is a program for 98SE that mimics XP's Image and Fax viewer.

Nothing special, I just want to double click a picture and be able to scroll through photos without the hassle of going back to explorer and finding the next picture. I've read about some kind of KODAK program that comes with 98, and I found some program called Imaging, but it does next to nothing, and getting it to associate with photo formats will be a long, manual process. I also did a search of the 9x and special project sections of this forum, with no luck.

I know there must be something I'm missing.

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You may also like ImgView... ;) It's freeware (from the time all PC Mag Utils were freeware).


ImgView (VERSION 1.00)

Copyright © 1996 Ziff Davis Publishing Company by Jeff Prosise

First Published December 3, 1996


About ImgView...

Purpose: ImgView enhances the Windows 95 Quick View facility by adding

viewers for seven additional graphics formats: GIF, JPEG, Kodak PhotoCD,


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I'm wondering if there is a program for 98SE that mimics XP's Image and Fax viewer.

Nothing special, I just want to double click a picture and be able to scroll through photos without the hassle of going back to explorer and finding the next picture. I've read about some kind of KODAK program that comes with 98, and I found some program called Imaging, but it does next to nothing, and getting it to associate with photo formats will be a long, manual process. I also did a search of the 9x and special project sections of this forum, with no luck.

I know there must be something I'm missing.

This one is the best!!!!!


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This one is the best!!!!!


O_o I remember it.

good: image conversion "on the fly"(like acdsee), faster than irfanview, better zoom effect than irfanview.

bad: Avoid it if you have a intel celeron, some features takes a lot of time to load(and brings me ugly icons/thumbs in RP6/7), takes more resources than irfanview.

I take irfanview as reference because i used both programs.

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IrfanView, one of the best.

I'm with you on this one. IrfanView is nice because it does not need the file extension to know what the file is. Stick a shortcut to it in Quicklaunch and drop a file on it, if the file is an image it will display it. The ability to do screen captures, lightweight image editing, slideshows, cycle through icon libraries and extract them from any file is very useful.

To the Original Poster, be aware that most good file managers (e.g., Powerdesk) have image viewers integrated into them. You may already have the ability you seek.

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Well, I went with Irfanview.

All the others either didn't install, gave a DLL error, or best of all, gave me registry corruption.

Didn't try the last 2 mentioned after I posted... and I don't think I will. I'm content with Irfanview, though I wish it's icon wasn't so ugly.

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