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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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Thanks strel.

I actually do know how to make silent installers that work for Vista.

Just haven't figured out yet how to install a language pack and hotfixes silently...


Just found a thread that might be very usefull to me (and others):


Edited by bucketbuster
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SNMsynth script basically uses administrative installs points (kind of preinstall method) that has been patched with .msp hotfixes files and builds scripted installers from this admin installs. Haven't tried with vista/7/2K8 installers but I suppose there would be an equivalence. You can check the script to see what it does, you may get ideas. Feel free to ask.

EDIT: Method you mention is easier than this one, it uses untouched .NET installers, so they are not size optimized and are more limited; also 3.5 SP1 redistributable installer needs to connect to MS servers to download adhoc langpack on the fly (unless you include langpack(s) in the packet), and doesn't seem to install regular hotfixes. But for your vista needs is a good start if installers for vista behave similar.

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Running XP Pro X86

Svcpack addon of .net 3.5sp1 created with snmsynth 20091127

In the Event log, i always have and error (ID1111) with this content:

.NET Runtime Optimization Service (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) - Service reached limit of transient errors. Will shut down. Last error returned from Service Manager: 0x800736b1.

now the .NET Runtime Optimization is delayed at the fisrt run i believed this error was gone ?

i also install antivirus and some finisher at guirunonce, is this the cause ? How can i avoid that ?

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This error doesn't cause any harm. As you said it only delays assemblies compilation process. Logs or event viewer are not clear about what's causing it. It happens on some conditions and not on others with no apparent reason, all this probably point to multiple causes for this error and probably related with the compilation process itself. As you probably know, compilation is a process highly dependant on each machine, and tuning it fine is an art, and this one is tailored to a very wide spectrum of machines and conditions. So that's probably the reason why an automatically tuned compilation process is failing at some stage.

Anyway, if you make a search on that problem you probably won't find an specific cause nor a general solution, but if you're a more lucky than me please let me know.

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Although I have not written yes on the settings above, it tells me that the components will be removed. I don´t want to remove that components.

Checking .NET stuff to build installer(s)/addon(s) for XP...

NOTE: Visual C 8 runtime libraries from 2.0 SP2 framework will be removed.
Use another source to install them. See guide.

NOTE: Office 2K3 debugger from 2.0 SP2 framework will be removed. See guide.

NOTE: RGB Rasterizer will be removed from 3.0 SP2 framework.
Install it from another source. See guide.

NOTE: WIC will be removed from 3.0 SP2 framework.
Use another source to install it before 3.0 SP2 framework. See guide.

NOTE: MSXML6 will be removed from 3.0 SP2 framework.
Use another source to install it 3.0 SP2 framework. See guide.

NOTE: XPS print driver will be removed from 3.0 SP2 framework.
Use another source to install it. See guide.

NOTE: Visual C 9 runtime libraries will be removed from 3.5 SP1 framework.
Use another source to install them. See guide.

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So set them yes to get included in the installer(s)/add-on(s) you're building.

Otherwise, may you prefer to use updated versions of some of these subcomponents, by substitution (whenever possible, read the guide) or by external installer (see guide too), or maybe even get rid of some of them (whenever possible, again see guide).

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New version released. Features added. Check changelog.

I made changes in the guide contents not to break forum rules and avoid being noticed.

It's a pity, there was useful info. But still there's info that may help you find some of what's removed.

Enjoy! :thumbup

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WOW! and I mean WOW! What an absolutely incredibly complete list of potential Restricted Hotfixes! I had NO idea. But then again, as many people have had problems with .NET over the years, it really shouldn't surprise me at all. But, WOW!

Well not having any idea if any of those apply to me, not having had any particular problems with .NET myself, wanting to have a reasonably sized install package, not wanting to spend the next umpteen hours/days reading all that info, (lazy at heart, I know, my own fault), really appreciating all the time and effort you spent collecting, evaluating and distributing this info for us, (wild applause erupts!), and yet wanting to head off the most likely potential issues, can anyone possibly suggest a reasonable subset of those to request, or at least read about further? Kind of a top 10 most likely issues you've seen? I would assume that it is very likely that adding too many unnecessary hotfixes is just asking for trouble, so I don't want to do that, but I do want to be as appropriately prepared as possible. Suggestions?

It is a shame about the info removal. We definitely want and need to obey all forum rules, but it was useful info. And it seemed very democratic, I wasn't aware of anyone you missed in your references. I would have thought they would have all appreciated the referrals. And after you added that mammoth list of restricted hotfixes, I wouldn't have been surprised if many people just decided to use one of those pre built alternatives. Of well.

Keep up the great work! It'll be interesting to see this continue to evolve. Maybe some kind of file checker front end where you could check off the various options you want, or designate them in the ini, then the program would verify that the necessary hotfixes are correctly in place, and if not, would either just let you know or offer to download them for you? Kind of like the HFSLIP file checker program by Mimo? I can dream.

Thanks again for this wonderful program.

Cheers and Regards

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Everything is in change logically.

Almost everybody can perfectly live without restricted hotfixes. It seems ms builds a lot of them for various of his products, not only for .NET, they fixes uncommon errors. MS recommend to install them only if each especific failure happens, and states they could require further testing and ocassionally may be included in future regular updates. I think they are tailored thinking in high end systems administrators and developers.

About the number of restricted hotfixes applied, SNMsynth can apply all in the same go without installer databases generating errors, and this doesn't necessarily mean size increment as files get replaced by fixed versions. My test with all fixes applied didn't reveal any problem, but conclusions cannot be extracted.

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I did not understand well.

@strel: you means if i put yes to the sections described below, the components will not be removed or will be removed and updated with a new one form an external source like you have said?


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