strel Posted December 17, 2009 Author Posted December 17, 2009 (edited) These settings control whether SNMsynth process takes that .NET 2.0 SP# and 3.0 SP# (and not in your list, 3.5 SP#) subcomponents from the original installers (YES setting) or not (any other setting) to build your custom installers/add-ons. So any other setting than YES removes them from custom installers/add-ons. And in this case:1. You can replace them with updated versions:- by substituting them in the custom installers, what's possible for MSXML6 and XPS by simply putting updated files in the work folder (see guide).- by using external installers, that's the case for visual C++ 2005 SP1 runtime libraries (VC8), office 2K3 debugger and WIC (and not in your list, visual C++ 2008 SP1 runtime libraries (VC9))There's no more updates.Note that VC8 for 2.0 SP#, WIC and MSXML6 for 3.0 SP# (and not in your list, VC9 for 3.5 SP#) are required to install their related .NET framework versions, and replace them is mandatory.Note too, that VC8, WIC and VC9 can not be substituted in custom installers/add-ons (at this moment), so to replace them you have to install them with external installers prior to install your custom .NET installers/add-ons2. You can keep them removed (that's useful to remove 3.5 SP1 Firefox add-ons subcomponents), unless they are required to install .NET frameworks, in which case you must replace them as point 1 describes. Edited December 18, 2009 by strel
Major Posted December 18, 2009 Posted December 18, 2009 Hi, after installing the custom installer, windows update tells me that i need an update with the date of 16 october 2009.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 y actualización de la familia de productos .NET Framework 3.5 versiones 2.0 a 3.5 (KB951847) x86Fecha de última publicación: 16/10/2009Tamaño de la descarga: 69.2 MB Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 es una actualización acumulativa completa que contiene varias características nuevas creadas de manera incremental a partir de .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 y 3.5, y que incluye las actualizaciones de servicios acumulativos para .NET Framework 2.0 y los subcomponentes de .NET Framework 3.0. La actualización de la familia de productos .NET Framework 3.5 ofrece importantes actualizaciones de compatibilidad para aplicaciones. Esta combinación de Service Pack y actualización es aplicable a las versiones 2.0 a 3.5 de .NET. Mas información are the settings--- WORK FOLDER CONTENT:17/12/2009 22:20 <DIR> .17/12/2009 22:20 <DIR> ..23/10/2009 21:32 4181 _20SP#_SLIMMING.7z12/11/2009 18:55 1400 _20SP#LNGbr_KB829019FIX.7z12/11/2009 18:56 1467 _20SP2_KB974417FIX.7z12/11/2009 18:55 1680 _30SP#LNG_KB928416FIX.7z12/11/2009 18:58 1119 _30SP2_REMFONTCACHEFIX.7z08/12/2009 22:32 17417 _35SP#_SLIMMING.7z08/12/2009 23:01 838 _35SP#_XBAPSWITCH.7z16/12/2009 13:38 1381 _35SP1_KB963707FIX_CLICKONCESWITCH.7z12/11/2009 18:54 4047 _KB951847FIX.7z12/11/2009 18:53 3097 _REM_MSI_BLOCKING.7z16/12/2009 14:09 110605 _SNMsynth.cmd17/12/2009 22:09 4155 _SNMsynth.ini03/02/2009 12:21 536064 7za.exe14/09/2009 02:14 57344 7zSD.sfx10/09/2009 15:44 242743296 dotnetfx35.exe10/04/2009 12:39 33696800 dotnetfx35langpack_x86es.exe04/05/2009 04:09 8981856 NDP20SP2-KB958481-x86.exe14/12/2009 01:59 11459928 NDP20SP2-KB974417-x86.exe04/05/2009 04:09 7256928 NDP30SP2-KB958483-x86.exe04/05/2009 04:07 1424736 NDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exe14/12/2009 02:07 759144 NDP35SP1-KB963707-x86.exe17/12/2009 22:20 26 PROCESSDATA.TXT17/12/2009 22:19 3278200 WindowsXP-KB971276-v3-x86-ENU.exe--- _SNMSYNTH.ini SETTINGS USED:PROCESS_DNF11=YESPROCESS_DNF20=YESPROCESS_DNF35_DNF20=YESPROCESS_DNF35_DNF30=YESPROCESS_DNF35_DNF35=YESDNF20_VC8_RUNTIME=YESDNF20_OFFICE2K3_DEBUGGER=YESDNF30_RGB_RASTERIZER=YESDNF30_WIC=YESDNF30_MSXML6=YESDNF30_XPS=YESDNF35_VC9_RUNTIME=YESDNF35_XBAPPLUGIN=YESDNF35_CLICKONCEEXTENSION=YESPROCESS_LNG_DNF11=YESPROCESS_LNG_DNF20=YESPROCESS_LNG_DNF35_DNF20=YESPROCESS_LNG_DNF35_DNF30=YESPROCESS_LNG_DNF35_DNF35=YESTARGETOS=XPT13ADDONS=ROEADDONS=ALSOINSTALLERS=YESMERGE_FRAMEWORKS=YESSILENT=COMPRESSION_RATIO=HIGH
Pasha_ZZZ Posted December 18, 2009 Posted December 18, 2009 Hi. SNMS 20091216. When I make my .NET installer (2.0sp2+3.0sp2+3.5sp1+LP=RU) I get 5 error messages during build process.These updates are:for .NET 2.0 - NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp, NDP20SP2-KB971030.msp, NDP20SP2-KB971601.msp;for .NET 3.0 & 3.5 - NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.mspAlso right after 3.5 processing finished, I saw in console: C:\.NET\TMP\TRANSFORMDB.VBS(5, 1) Msi API Error: ApplyTransform,TransformFile,ErrorConditionsC:\.NET\TMP\TRANSFORMDB.VBS(5, 1) Msi API Error: ApplyTransform,TransformFile,ErrorConditionsC:\.NET\TMP\TRANSFORMDB.VBS(6, 1) Msi API Error: CommitC:\.NET\TMP\TRANSFORMDB.VBS(6, 1) Msi API Error: Commit
strel Posted December 18, 2009 Author Posted December 18, 2009 (edited) New version is released fixing a bug inserted in 20091216, it was processing 3.5 SP# fixes in the wrong order causing API errors and custom installers didn't work as expected. This should solve Pasha_ZZZ errors too.Also fixed a extremely minor bug.I changed MSXML6 link to the latest version (thx Kurt_Aust).Enjoy! Edited December 18, 2009 by strel
Pasha_ZZZ Posted December 18, 2009 Posted December 18, 2009 New version is released fixing a bug inserted in 20091216, it was processing 3.5 SP# fixes in the wrong order causing API errors and custom installers didn't work as expected. This should solve Pasha_ZZZ errors too. Big thanks, strel, no more API errors at all, but "The upgrade patch cannot be installed..." errors still remains, caused by same updates list I posted earlier...Maybe settings help in debugging: PROCESS_DNF11=PROCESS_DNF20=PROCESS_DNF35_DNF20=YESPROCESS_DNF35_DNF30=YESPROCESS_DNF35_DNF35=YESDNF20_VC8_RUNTIME=DNF20_OFFICE2K3_DEBUGGER=DNF30_RGB_RASTERIZER=YESDNF30_WIC=DNF30_MSXML6=DNF30_XPS=YESDNF35_VC9_RUNTIME=DNF35_XBAPPLUGIN=DNF35_CLICKONCEEXTENSION=PROCESS_LNG_DNF11=PROCESS_LNG_DNF20=PROCESS_LNG_DNF35_DNF20=YESPROCESS_LNG_DNF35_DNF30=YESPROCESS_LNG_DNF35_DNF35=YESTARGETOS=XPT13ADDONS=YESROEADDONS=YESALSOINSTALLERS=YESMERGE_FRAMEWORKS=YESSILENT=COMPRESSION_RATIO=
Kiki Burgh Posted December 19, 2009 Posted December 19, 2009 I changed MSXML6 link to the latest version (thx Kurt_Aust)hi strel! does it matter if this is for xp sp2 only? looking at this post by halfman:I can not install MSXML 6.0 Service Pack 2 (KB973686) on XP SP3 - at all. It's really for SP2.I try install on clean system, and try to install over MSXML 6.0 Service Pack 1 - no result, installation aborted.In other hand, when installed MSXML 6.0 Service Pack 1 on XP SP3, Windows update does not provide any updates for it, critical or optional. So, IMHO, we don't need it for SP3 updates list.thanks!
Pasha_ZZZ Posted December 19, 2009 Posted December 19, 2009 (edited) I changed MSXML6 link to the latest version (thx Kurt_Aust)hi strel! does it matter if this is for xp sp2 only? Yes, it is SP2 only because SP3 already includes MSXML 6.0 SP2. MSXML6.dllMSXML 6.0 SP26.20.1076.0Microsoft(R) MSXML 6.0 SP2 & WIC already included in SP3 too... Edited December 19, 2009 by Pasha_ZZZ
bphlpt Posted December 19, 2009 Posted December 19, 2009 WIC already included in SP3 too...Yes, WIC is in SP3, but MS has chosen not to indicate that there are updates available for it in XP, while they have updated it for Vista. YumeYao has graciously put together an AddOn with these updates that can then be applied to XP to keep WIC more up to date. His AddOn can be found here - Windows Imaging Component (WIC) 1.0.2. Hope this helps explain things better.Cheers and Regards
Kiki Burgh Posted December 20, 2009 Posted December 20, 2009 hi! what is the effect of the change in msxml to the package, specifically if this msxml update only affects xp sp2? cheers!
Pasha_ZZZ Posted December 20, 2009 Posted December 20, 2009 hi! what is the effect of the change in msxml to the package, specifically if this msxml update only affects xp sp2? cheers! For XP SP3 MSXML6 SP2 is ALREADY INSIDE!!! You dont need it at all...
Kurt_Aust Posted December 20, 2009 Posted December 20, 2009 I don't know about XP x32 sp3 (don't have any systems running it), but I can tell you the list of supported operating systems detailed on the download page is not accurate, because KB973686 works on Windows 2000 systems and Windows update will prompt for it if you have an older version of MSXML6sp2 installed.
strel Posted December 24, 2009 Author Posted December 24, 2009 New version released.Pasha_ZZZ I've rewritten restricted hotfixes code, bug is fixed.I've changed firefox add-ons switches names to -noff.... to be more accurate as this features are installed to IE . A bug not creating XBAP switch is fixed also.MSXML6 KB973686 works on XP SP3, there's only an artifact restriction for direct install (not administrative, curiously) in the .msi file for 2K and XP SP3.
zorro1 Posted December 24, 2009 Posted December 24, 2009 news updates for Net1 and net2
strel Posted December 24, 2009 Author Posted December 24, 2009 (edited) Thx zorro1.I hadn't included 2.0 SP1 hotfix for this MS09-061 security bulletin, in the guide, and the one for 1.1 SP1 was maked for 2K/XP only but actually is for 2K3 too. (Look for KB953297 in the guide for both cases).Fixed now. Edited December 24, 2009 by strel
Pasha_ZZZ Posted December 25, 2009 Posted December 25, 2009 (edited) Pasha_ZZZ I've rewritten restricted hotfixes code, bug is fixed.I've changed firefox add-ons switches names to -noff.... to be more accurate as this features are installed to IE . A bug not creating XBAP switch is fixed also.ver 20091224, all the hotfixes integrated now fine, but TRANSFORMDB.VBS(6, 1) Msi API Error: Commit Settings: PROCESSDNF11=PROCESSDNF20=PROCESSDNF3520=YESPROCESSDNF3530=YESPROCESSDNF3535=YESDNF20VC8RUNTIME=DNF20OFFICE2K3DEBUGGER=DNF30RGBRASTERIZER=YESDNF30WIC=DNF30MSXML6=DNF30XPS=YESDNF35VC9RUNTIME=DNF35FFXBAPPLUGIN=DNF35FFCLICKONCEEXT=PROCESSLNGDNF11=PROCESSLNGDNF20=PROCESSLNGDNF3520=YESPROCESSLNGDNF3530=YESPROCESSLNGDNF3535=YESTARGETOS=XPT13ADDONS=YESROEADDONS=YESALSOINSTALLERS=YESMERGEFXS=YESSILENT=COMPRATIO= Edited December 25, 2009 by Pasha_ZZZ
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