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Universal Extractor Feature Requests


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File Browser.

Their are times when i only want to extract certain files, or want to preview the archive before extracting. This feature would make it a complete replacement for the WinRAR program that i have.

Also, I know its called Universal Extractor, but what about Universal Creator, or at least creating the major formats out there? It would be nice to have only 1 or 2 programs to do almost any type of archive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got another request, though I'm not sure about its feasibility.

The 7zip SFX module that is used around these parts is actually a modified SFX module (as I'm sure everyone knows), but what a lot of people miss are its command line parameters. Specifically, one such parameter is -sfxconfig, which outputs the SFX config.txt file. The problem, though, is that if this switch is used on a 7zip SFX archive that did not use this modified module, then the SFX will run normally. Can UniExtract create a controlled environment to automatically close down the extraction process if this happens?

To be more specific, I would like the following feature to be added: When a 7zip SFX archive is extracted, I would like for the SFX config.txt file to spat out as, much in the same way that NSIS config files are spat out when you extract one such package.


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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all, thank you for this terrific utility. I'm not a developer or programmer, but I use it occasionally to check what version is packed in a saved download or look for documentation, etc., and I really appreciate it!!!

I would appreciate an option to keep Universal Extractor open when it completes its task. Often when I use it, I want to check several files, and it would be nice if it just stayed open to be re-used.

I didn't know (until yesterday when I was browsing the forum) that you had included context menu commands with the installer version, and I had simply installed it as a standalone. I've now run the installer and the context menus certainly make it simpler to access, and reduce the need for the option to have it stay open.

But if it isn't too difficult, I would still appreciate that option.

Thanks! :)

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is it possible that u can pack all the possible utilitys into one arcive in the next edition so we dont have to download so many archives and extract...ect, ect

this would be most apretiated considering i once spent an entire day trying to find all the utilitys

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

this isnt so much a request as it is an idea i have yet to find a use for this off hand but i found a free utility for extracting SWF files

here's link:http://www.freewarefiles.com/SWF-Compressor-Decompressor_program_20081.html

ps:idk if this is already incoperated but i didnt see this format on uniextractors homepage

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  • 3 months later...

Needs better MSI support. The current MSI unpacking process isn't that great...

The best MSI unpacker I know is LessMSIerables which is open source but .NET... If someone could learn from the source and implement this (or port it to C/C++ and integrate it with Universal Extractor) it would be perfect... I'm not a coder so I can't be of any more help...

Edited by frmariam
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