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Need Advice re: Startup Problems 98se


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I appreciate all of your help! Looks like it's solved..well..it works now :rolleyes:

Being new here , I am amazed at the knowledge and your collective patience in helping me.

On some other boards they would have run me off, but you guys are the BEST.

I'm glad I found this board and hope to help anyone, any way I can!


( my friends call me Mike - Mike Hunt :lol: )

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uh...oh.. dammit... after several successful boots, the problem returns...and now even worse.

I incorporated all the suggestions in this thread, and thought we had the problem licked.

Heres what I know:

The computer freezes 1/2 way during boot process -randomly

it reboots OK in Safe mode.

There is no evident pattern - although messing with the configsys startup seems to help - sometimes

Now, when normal boot is accomplished - any program I try to run FREEZES & the 'end task' box comes up..then even that freezes.

cntrl/alt/del/ doesn't work , so a hard boot , back into safe mode is the only way back. During Safe Mode boot -the scan disk then tells me that the volume on C is incorrectly reported , do I want to fix?..Yes..then scandisk finishes

I'm frustrated as hell, I must be overlooking something obvious , maybe..

I don't want to format, if I can help it, since I don't have an 98se disk

(98se came preinstalled on this computer)

I was too stupid, at the time, to make them give me the disk, for situations like this.

oh..well If anyone has any ideas... Please feel free to advise me.

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Hmm, this looks like a hardware problem (or a very damaged Windows).

Check the voltages in the BIOS setup.

Have you maintenanced your system recently, like cleaning the dust inside, etc. ? If not, maybe it's time do do it. A compressor (air pump, not sure about the english name) does pretty goog job at cleaning, just be careful to not blow away any parts.

Remove the side cover of the PC case, check for blown capacitors and for excessive amount of dust on the fans and heatsinks.

Remove each expansion card inside, clean it with a brush and reinsert it to the same slot (if you switch places Windows will detect it as new hardware). Avoid static electricity (don't wear woolen clothes, etc.).

Call an electrician friend if you feel unsure.

Make a backup of your system (at least the Windows and Program Files folders and the files in the root folder).

When the PC freezes what's the last thing shown on screen? Does it respond to NumLock? Does the HDD light stay lit?

Attach a couple bootlogs from unsuccessful boots.

P.S. the ""t-shoot" thing is a comment added by msconfig when you disable stuff. If the line starts with REM or ";" (semicolon), it's not executed.

Usually you need to press Ctrl-Alt-Del twice when in GUI (graphics) mode.

Edited by RainyShadow
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Hmm, this looks like a hardware problem (or a very damaged Windows).

Check the voltages in the BIOS setup.

Have you maintenanced your system recently, like cleaning the dust inside, etc. ? If not, maybe it's time do do it. A compressor (air pump, not sure about the english name) does pretty goog job at cleaning, just be careful to not blow away any parts.

Remove the side cover of the PC case, check for blown capacitors and for excessive amount of dust on the fans and heatsinks.

Remove each expansion card inside, clean it with a brush and reinsert it to the same slot (if you switch places Windows will detect it as new hardware). Avoid static electricity (don't wear woolen clothes, etc.).

Call an electrician friend if you feel unsure.

Make a backup of your system (at least the Windows and Program Files folders and the files in the root folder).

When the PC freezes what's the last thing shown on screen? Does it respond to NumLock? Does the HDD light stay lit?

Attach a couple bootlogs from unsuccessful boots.

P.S. the ""t-shoot" thing is a comment added by msconfig when you disable stuff. If the line starts with REM or ";" (semicolon), it's not executed.

Usually you need to press Ctrl-Alt-Del twice when in GUI (graphics) mode.

Thanks RainyShadow, for the response.

Hardware seems to check out perfectly.

Watson and the internal Compaq diagnostics (yes, I know , it's a p***-Sorry-O)

all tests pass..memory, HD...everything.

voltages in BIOS?? (over my skill level :rolleyes: )

I clean the inside of the computer every 2 months.

With proper tool and safeguards , as you mention.

Recently I cleaned & re-seated the memory cards (see earlier in this thread) ... thinking the problem might have to do with memory. (It doesn't seen to be the cause)

I looked around carefully inside,inch by inch, looking for anything unusual. Nothing. Fan works good, no burnt or tangled wires or ...unseated cards..no burnt smells...etc

Once I get it to boot NORMALLY, (other than the Internet) , anything I then try, freezes the machine.

Sometimes the: PROGRAM NOT RESPONDING / END TASK box appears, but doesn't respond , even to ctrl/alt/del, or numlock HDD stays lit..until I hard boot the machine.

I have current backups of my files and program files, and my system.sav D drive .

If I try to boot in safe mode, with bootlog.txt option, it won't boot and freezes. - even though it's in 'safe' mode.

Earlier in this thread I posted the failed items that showed up before in the bootlog.

The random nature of this problem get me the most frustrated. I've tried to use common sense , logic , process of elimination, and re-tracing my steps, but can't seem to find any pattern..

The more I try to solve this problem, the worse it's seeming to get.

RainyShadow, I appreciate your help and advice - Mikey

edit: ran: System File Checker, no altered or corrupted file listed , No ASD failures, Nothing in Version Conflict.

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If you haven't done it yet, try removing all PCI/ISA cards, even the video one, if you have one and your motherboard has onboard video to fallback on, and keep testing. I've had some serious issues with a GeForce 4 MX and a PCChips motherboard, although both were perfectly fine. It seems that my mobo had faulty support for AGP fastwrites and my graphics card exposed it, just disabled it in the drivers and it ran fine for quite some time (until I sold it to buy me a better PC).

If it still crashes with all the expansion cards removed, I'd format the computer. If it still crashes afterwards, well, save some money because you'll probably have to replace the PC.

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If you haven't done it yet, try removing all PCI/ISA cards, even the video one, if you have one and your motherboard has onboard video to fallback on, and keep testing. I've had some serious issues with a GeForce 4 MX and a PCChips motherboard, although both were perfectly fine. It seems that my mobo had faulty support for AGP fastwrites and my graphics card exposed it, just disabled it in the drivers and it ran fine for quite some time (until I sold it to buy me a better PC).

If it still crashes with all the expansion cards removed, I'd format the computer. If it still crashes afterwards, well, save some money because you'll probably have to replace the PC.

Thanks alexanrs! Your suggestions are a bit over my head :rolleyes: If you could dumb it down , or walk me through it, that would be great.

Right now I can get to boot past the M$ logo screen - most of the time, but now, any program I try to open immediately LOCKS UP the computer , except the mouse can move, but it can't perform any functions.

I have to hard reboot the system and scandisk runs - now it's saying the volume of C drive is being reported incorrectly..bla bla...do I want to fix it...Yes ...and it completes... and usually boots up now, only to repeat the cycle.

I can get on the internet , but that's it. I've downloaded 2.0a patch (Gabes) and the October service package.

Are there any issues with these , that could be contributing to the problems, I'm having??

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uhhh, some toopid questions that may have a bearing(?) (Compaq :( ) -

- does you BIOS have "Auto" set for detecting the HDD? force it to re-detect (there's a selection for that in main menu); sometimes bad setting will cause BAAAD things to happen DO THIS FIRST!

- do you have enough space on HDD, e.g. clearing Internet Cache, deleting contents of TEMP folder, emptying Recycle Bin... (assume YES since you downloaded stuff)

- are you absolutely certain you don't have a virus (eg a memory-eating one); they "hide" under real Opsys filenames sometimes...

If it's pre-installed Win98 (SE?), get the WINDOWS\OPTIONS folder off-HDD (C-drive) backed up at least and the WINDOWS\INF folder (to help get a clue of you drivers). I suggest this in the event that you may have to re-install. Oh, yeah, get you Windows Install Key out of the Registry (NOT product-id) and write it down. Also back up any files that you don't want to lose and find out what software (other than Windows) is is installed and make sure you have (Re)Installs. (Last-resort stuff here...)

It really seems like you have something running at startup that is "eating" your system (no indication of that though). But a BIOS setting misinterpreting your HDD parameters will cause real havoc. Selecting the "Autodetect" then selecting "Y" on the first HDD should force it to correctly detect.

One more silly thing (probably won't help?) - boot to Safe/Command-Prompt and delete WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP and reboot (forces a rebuild of the Swap file).

I hesitate to suggest a Re-Install of Windows (from Windows\Options\Cabs folder) because it's not a totally reliable solution. (GET THAT COA KEY!)...

Anyone else want to chip in and help?

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uhhh, some toopid questions that may have a bearing(?) (Compaq :( ) -

- does you BIOS have "Auto" set for detecting the HDD? force it to re-detect (there's a selection for that in main menu); sometimes bad setting will cause BAAAD things to happen DO THIS FIRST!

- do you have enough space on HDD, e.g. clearing Internet Cache, deleting contents of TEMP folder, emptying Recycle Bin... (assume YES since you downloaded stuff)

- are you absolutely certain you don't have a virus (eg a memory-eating one); they "hide" under real Opsys filenames sometimes...

If it's pre-installed Win98 (SE?), get the WINDOWS\OPTIONS folder off-HDD (C-drive) backed up at least and the WINDOWS\INF folder (to help get a clue of you drivers). I suggest this in the event that you may have to re-install. Oh, yeah, get you Windows Install Key out of the Registry (NOT product-id) and write it down. Also back up any files that you don't want to lose and find out what software (other than Windows) is is installed and make sure you have (Re)Installs. (Last-resort stuff here...)

It really seems like you have something running at startup that is "eating" your system (no indication of that though). But a BIOS setting misinterpreting your HDD parameters will cause real havoc. Selecting the "Autodetect" then selecting "Y" on the first HDD should force it to correctly detect.

One more silly thing (probably won't help?) - boot to Safe/Command-Prompt and delete WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP and reboot (forces a rebuild of the Swap file).

I hesitate to suggest a Re-Install of Windows (from Windows\Options\Cabs folder) because it's not a totally reliable solution. (GET THAT COA KEY!)...

Anyone else want to chip in and help?

agreed (PlSS-SORRY-OH)

cannot find BIOS auto detect setting -dumb it down for me :lol:

WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP (from DOS prompt) doesn't work - did I enter it wrong

Plenty of space on HD and kept clean , empty using CCleaner & RegSeeker

I have been checking spyware and virus check almost daily - I use Dr. WEB & AVG - sometimes Anti-Vir

should I try another /better program??

If I try to open any files or backup anything - right now , it almost always locks up the computer.

VNETBIOS.VXD 4.90.3000 Millennium??

BIOS.VXD 4.10.1998 - Should i have both of these? with 98se system. Ram memory is '383'

Thanks for the comments and help -


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Enter Bios by pressing what ever you're prompted on 1st screen "to enter BIOS" or "to enter Setup". For most brands, it's the "Del" key or F1 or F2. Navigate the options. Recheck the HDD auto detection. Also check any "agressive" setting on the RAM speed. If there is an option to restore some "safe settings", I'd use it.

If any doubts about moved parts, open your case and recheck the HDD connections, both sides of the signal cable.

I agree with Mickey on the fact intermittent problems often have a hardware cause.

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VNETBIOS.VXD 4.90.3000 Millennium??
Uhhh, yeah... never seen that, even in "unofficial" patches... but I don't think that's the problem. (been using the "unofficial" patches, have we? 's ok, you just may have went overboard or installed in the "wrong sequence")

First need to make sure BIOS is properly recognizing your HDD (ref. Ponch' post). We may have to (since you have plenty of HDD space) resort to a "stunt" to "clean install" 98SE on a separate partition. More on this later/tomorrow; this is Dec-31-07, after all... Don't worry, this "stunt" won't cause a loss of the "original" install partition or data, pics, music, etc., but may require complete re-install of any/all software you have installed since (on the "new" paritition)... we'll see how it goes.

For now, just enjoy the nite and see ya tomorrow...

oh yeah, slim your "quotes" down (use the DEL key)... no need to repeat everything, just what's relevant ;)

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Thanks guys, Happy New Year. we'll look at it tomorrow.

edit: when I tried to install another antivirus program, I got this..

Application requested runtime to terminate in an unusual way..bla..bla.

In checking on the internet ...its supposedly has something to do w/Google toolbar, which I don't have (it's already present in upper corner of firefox. Anyhow, I tried an LSPfix tool and it said 'no detection'.

edit2 : upon bootup I now get a message: ATAPI IDE CD-ROM driver detected...bla ..bla ..then it continues to boot.

(I haven't installed any new software or hardware relating to CD-ROM)

Still can't find BIOS settings ..I tried the F1, F2 F5 10 all of them. Besides 'safe mode boot' I can only access: Compaq Computer Corporation Startup Menu (DOS) no BIOS settings there.

I'm just noting anything I see out of the norm, in hopes it will contribute to solving the problem.

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Actually Mikey is an 'old geezer' self taught... almost 60 years young.

I know a fair amount about the inner workings of a computer, but not as much as most of you guys.

Several places in this post I stated , Being a n00b and indicated when instructions and comments were-over-my-head.

That being said .....

Yes,I am able to download off the internet, actually all internet functions are normal, quite snappy actually. The problem remains freezing at startup at the M$ screen 8 out of 10 times, no apparent pattern.

Starts in safe mode everytime.

When I'm not on the internet and I go to , say , MY COMPUTER icon..it locks up.

When I fiddle around with the msconfig settings - (in Safe mode) it seemed to increase the odds of booting normally, but again, no pattern.

I had downloaded the 'patches' service packs..in hopes that they might replace anything that might be causing my problems.

I won't download or fiddle with anything until this is resolved :lol:

I have printed out your comments (yes, the printer works - while I'm on the internet).

I will follow your instructions carefully, and report stuff more accurately.

Thanks for having patience and breaking this down for me.. Mikey

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That having been said, the list you will get from AIDA32 should be invaluable for your problem resolution. No offense (again), just a kind of curiosity that you couldn't get into the BIOS... I, too have "relative experience" (Mainframe, mostly - buh-byee!); these beasties are toughies, though... at least Mainframes were more-or-less "standardized" (and source code was available for an extra $)...

Good luck digging through the list. Hope it isn't hardware related. (a thought... a bad driver?)

And if you have the CABS/Install files (should be there) you can use a product call "BootIt NG" ("Next Generation"; trialware) for installing to a second partition (from scratch) as a last resort (or at least to see if the problem persists). Just don't "install" it; use the functions (Maintenance selection) of the Boot Floppy to "shrink" the primary and to create another "primary" in the retrieved space (after a Defrag of the original primary first). If you wish to pursue that course, let me know and I'll try to assist... it's easy and painless. ;)

Oh yeah... fair warning. Some of the "unofficial" stuff (very few) doesn't correctly/accurately uninstall. Ask (in the appropriate topic) first. There is definitely a recommended sequence to the installation of multiples. I say this since you obviously have WinME files on your system...

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ok, a couple of things, I can only get on the internet (and this board) if i get it to boot in normal mode.

Which takes several tries.

I can fiddle around and make changes and produce files in Safe mode.

I follow instructions---> but cannot find a way to attach report you wanted to this post.

If I try to import REPORT7Z from 'my documents' - the computer freezes, or it doesn't recognize the cut-n-paste function... ctrlC and ctrlV don't work either

I have to boot and reboot , scan disk , defrag, throw garlic over my shoulder , summon the rabbi ...etc... to get it finally to boot in normal mode ...again...no stinking pattern.

re: Bios and settings. here it is...

as i claimed before..NO Bios setting in the CCC StartupMenu. My setup is different than what was shown at the (link)


I have looked inside the menus. I found an IDE Self Test - (which was successfu)l . Other IDE info : IDE drive transfer, Enhanced IDE transfer, Ultra DMA, Primary & Secondary IDE controller ..all show: accept = F10 or ESC..no other screens beyond. So there must be another similar screen or a different place the BIOS is on my machine.


am I getting stooopider or what?

oh yeah, My floppy drive doesn't work, never has. I have no floppy or CD disk other than a Compaq 'recovery disk CD'

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