submix8c Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 ...I found a 'pencil' next to MAX PHYS PAGE=3E6FF??? is right! wot-tha-heck is a pencil?mine (normal start) -[386Enh]ebios=*ebioswoafont=dosapp.fonmouse=*vmouse, msmouse.vxddevice=*dynapagedevice=*vcddevice=*vpddevice=*int13display=*vdd,*vflatdEMMEXCLUDE=C000-CFFFMaxPhysPage=39999The line in question is a "hex" string and nothing else should be on it...(unless of course Safe Mode/Selective Startup/Reboot is what "inserted" it... unfamiliar with the result; never use it)Oh, yeah, on a side note - FWIW, I have installed 98SE using the UBCD and used Autopatcher (on clean install). I'm using the UBCD-version now... yep, slow on startup but eventually "kicks in"... haven't figgered it out yet (looking into it now; could be "unofficial" IE6/Explorer stuff)...
MikeyHunt Posted December 28, 2007 Author Posted December 28, 2007 The 'pencil' thingy is gone, I presume it was indicating an edit?? It doesn't start with bootlogging, any better than without itUBCD version??Reloaded the ESS audio from HP/Compaqdoesn't seem to make a difference either.ok, It seems like the problem is located somewhere in the configsys. I have to fool around with normal and selective startup settings ,to get it to boot up. No predictable pattern it would seem.hmmm.
Fredledingue Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 I also have occasional failure to start for unkown reasons.For a moment it froze at the middle of autoexec.bat! ? Now this problem is gone, yet still sometimes freezes with the screen totaly black and dos cursor flashing slowly.Ctrl+Alt+Del solves the problem. I never tried to find out why because that's not too often.One day changing the power block solved the problem. Lately I reformated and reinstalled and it was better.On my very fist computer, slaping the case to unblock the HD was the way to go...
submix8c Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 (edited) ok... clueless but a tidbit of info (correct me if wrong, anyone) -the idea behind an attempted normal boot is so you can go back into safe mode immediately after, rename bootlog.txt to bootlogx.txt (just to keep it from getting it renamed if another boot with logging), then open it and look it over. last thing(s) you should find is either an error message or the last successful process (or whatever). this may help to isolate the culprit.using msconfig during safe mode and rebooting (allowing "normal" boot excluding items unchecked in msconfig) should also help uncover the culprit. using msconfig should allow enabling one-by-one each item until the culprit (the last checkmarked-item to finally fail) is found.beyond that, yeah, check config.sys (and/or autoexec.bat). obviously (or maybe not), something is corrupt or hogging the system. Edited December 28, 2007 by submix8c
MikeyHunt Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 I posted this (above)edit: checking bootlog failures:C:\ESSAUDIO.SYS (re-installed successfully, but no bearing on the problem, it would seem)LoadFailed=ndis2sup.vxdinitcompleteFailed=sdvxd???still working on this. Thanks guys
MikeyHunt Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 I posted this (above)edit: checking bootlog failures:C:\ESSAUDIO.SYS (re-installed successfully, but no bearing on the problem, it would seem)LoadFailed=ndis2sup.vxdinitcompleteFailed=sdvxd???still working on this. Thanks guys If I do a selective startup, with load startup items unchecked - it seems to start fine.So now it should be easy to isolate.. right? Wrong! I can try adding different entries one at a time, BUT , again no particular pattern. I add only 2 it boots... try again it freezes ...and so on.My question.. is there a way to delete and replace my startup entries, or a better way to check them for corruption??
alexanrs Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 You could always export and then import the "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Run" and "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Run", but I don't really think they are corrupt (if they were, the system would just display a message about the specific program not being found). Also, these entries are only executed BY THE SHELL, which means AFTER the GUI boots.
submix8c Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 (edited) I posted this (above)edit: checking bootlog failures:C:\ESSAUDIO.SYS (re-installed successfully, but no bearing on the problem, it would seem)LoadFailed=ndis2sup.vxdinitcompleteFailed=sdvxd???still working on this. Thanks guys If I do a selective startup, with load startup items unchecked - it seems to start fine.So now it should be easy to isolate.. right? Wrong! I can try adding different entries one at a time, BUT , again no particular pattern. I add only 2 it boots... try again it freezes ...and so on.My question.. is there a way to delete and replace my startup entries, or a better way to check them for corruption?? Which two work? Any two? Which one/ones cause/causes freeze? No help if you don't give specifics... How about listing the following -system.iniwin.iniautoexec.batconfig.sysstart menu->programs->startup (has a list of items loaded for your user profileany items listed in the registry as Run/Runonce/Runservices, etc. (may be listed in msconfig; AFAIK, all items above will be listed in msconfig)these are the main items that load drivers/etc at startup. please use "insert codebox" function under "quick access" during "reply".go here - for an explanation of what we are looking for. also here - for particulars on ndis2sup.vxd. it may not even matter for that VXD; see here - what's the use of other words, something is being loaded that's clobbering you and if that's all that's showing in bootlog.txt, then we need to look somewhere else at what item is causing it. surely "random" changes via msconfig can/can't cause it to boot/not-boot. please be more specific (make the lists)... Edited December 29, 2007 by submix8c
MikeyHunt Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 Well, I'm just going to leave it on selective startup with all entries other than SYSTRAY unchecked. It boots this way. Unless someone has any more comments or solutions, that's where I'm going to leave it.Thanks to all of you for helping this n00b Mikey
MikeyHunt Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 (edited) I posted this (above)edit: checking bootlog failures:C:\ESSAUDIO.SYS (re-installed successfully, but no bearing on the problem, it would seem)LoadFailed=ndis2sup.vxdinitcompleteFailed=sdvxd???still working on this. Thanks guys If I do a selective startup, with load startup items unchecked - it seems to start fine.So now it should be easy to isolate.. right? Wrong! I can try adding different entries one at a time, BUT , again no cular pattern. I add only 2 it boots... try again it freezes ...and so on.My question.. is there a way to delete and replace my startup entries, or a better way to check them for corruption?? Which two work? Any two? Which one/ones cause/causes freeze? No help if you don't give specifics... How about listing the following -system.iniwin.iniautoexec.batconfig.sysstart menu->programs->startup (has a list of items loaded for your user profileany items listed in the registry as Run/Runonce/Runservices, etc. (may be listed in msconfig; AFAIK, all items above will be listed in msconfig)these are the main items that load drivers/etc at startup. please use "insert codebox" function under "quick access" during "reply".go here - for an explanation of what we are looking for. also here - for particulars on ndis2sup.vxd. it may not even matter for that VXD; see here - what's the use of other words, something is being loaded that's clobbering you and if that's all that's showing in bootlog.txt, then we need to look somewhere else at what item is causing it. surely "random" changes via msconfig can/can't cause it to boot/not-boot. please be more specific (make the lists)...I just saw your response. Thank You. I agree with your prognosis, but some of it is over my head The system will boot ok, with just SYSTRAY checked on a selective startup. But any other additions may or may not work. I have tried adding 1 by 1 (startup menu entries) Sometimes it still boots with a few more entries checked, but not twice in a row. I then have to uncheck back down to SYSTRAY only, to be able to reboot ok How strange is that??My startup entries:SYSTRAYPTSNOOPSCANREGISTRY c:\windows\scanregw.exe/autorunTWEAKUI RUNDLL32.exe c:\windows\SYSTEM\TWEAKUI.CPL,TWEAKMEUPLoadPowerProfile Rundll.32.exe powerprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrSchemeKB891711 c\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXEHP Digital Imaging Monitor C:\ PROGRA~1\HP\DIGITA~1\BIN\HPQTRA08.EXECONFIG.SYS:DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSDEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYSDOS=HIGH,UMB,AUTOFILESHIGH=80BUFFERSHIGH=40,4DEVICEHIGH=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CPQIDECD.SYS /D:IDECD001SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:2048AUTOEXE.BATC:\ESSAUDIO.COM -BLASTERC:\PROGRA~1\GRISOFT\AVG7\BOOTUP.EXE@ECHO OFFSET Path=%Path%;"C:\Program Files\Executive Software\DiskeeperLite\"edit: more info:[boot]oemfonts.fon=vgaoem.fonshell=Explorer.exesystem.drv=system.drvdrivers=mmsystem.dll power.drvuser.exe=user.exegdi.exe=gdi.exesound.drv=mmsound.drvdibeng.drv=dibeng.dllcomm.drv=comm.drvmouse.drv=mouse.drvkeyboard.drv=keyboard.drv*DisplayFallback=0fonts.fon=vgasys.fonfixedfon.fon=vgafix.fon386Grabber=vgafull.3grdisplay.drv=pnpdrvr.drvSCRNSAVE.EXE=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\FLYING~2.SCR[keyboard]keyboard.dll=oemansi.bin=subtype=type=4[boot.description]system.drv=Standard PCkeyboard.typ=Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural Keyboardmouse.drv=Standard mouseaspect=100,96,96display.drv=Intel® 810e Chipset Graphics Driver (DC133 FSB133)[386Enh]ebios=*ebioswoafont=dosapp.fonmouse=*vmouse, msmouse.vxddevice=*dynapagedevice=*vcddevice=*vpddevice=*int13keyboard=*vkddisplay=*vdd,*vflatdPagingDrive=C:MinPagingFileSize=392192MinSPs=16ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1DMABufferSize=64PageBuffers=4[NonWindowsApp]TTInitialSizes=4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22[power.drv][drivers]wavemapper=*.drvMSACM.imaadpcm=*.acmMSACM.msadpcm=*.acmwave=mmsystem.dllmidi=mmsystem.dll[iccvid.drv][mciseq.drv][mci]cdaudio=mcicda.drvsequencer=mciseq.drvwaveaudio=mciwave.drv 4avivideo=mciavi.drvvideodisc=mcipionr.drvvcr=mcivisca.drvMPEGVideo=mciqtz.drvMPEGVideo2=mciqtz.drv[vcache]MaxFileCache=393216[Password Lists]DEFAULT=C:\WINDOWS\DEFAULT.PWL[MSNP32][DISPLAY]BusThrottle=1[drivers32]msacm.lhacm=lhacm.acmVIDC.VDOM=vdowave.drvMSACM.imaadpcm=imaadp32.acmMSACM.msadpcm=msadp32.acmMSACM.msgsm610=msgsm32.acmmsacm.msg711=msg711.acmMSACM.trspch=tssoft32.acmvidc.CVID=iccvid.dllVIDC.IV31=ir32_32.dllVIDC.IV32=ir32_32.dllvidc.MSVC=msvidc32.dllVIDC.MRLE=msrle32.dllVIDC.IV50=ir50_32.dllmsacm.iac2=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IAC25_32.AXmsacm.msaudio1=msaud32.acmMSACM.voxacm150=VCT32150.acmVIDC.YUY2=msyuv.dllVIDC.UYVY=msyuv.dllVIDC.YVYU=msyuv.dllmsacm.l3acm=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\L3CODECA.ACM[TTFontDimenCache]0 4=2 40 5=3 50 6=4 60 7=4 70 8=5 80 9=5 90 10=6 100 11=7 110 12=7 120 13=8 130 14=8 140 15=9 150 16=10 160 18=11 180 20=12 200 22=13 22 Edited December 29, 2007 by MikeyHunt
RainyShadow Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 SYSTRAYPTSNOOPSCANREGISTRY c:\windows\scanregw.exe/autorunTWEAKUI RUNDLL32.exe c:\windows\SYSTEM\TWEAKUI.CPL,TWEAKMEUPLoadPowerProfile Rundll.32.exe powerprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrSchemeKB891711 c\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXEHP Digital Imaging Monitor C:\ PROGRA~1\HP\DIGITA~1\BIN\HPQTRA08.EXEPTSNOOP < If you have a PCTel modem AND you don't use it, you can disable this. If you never installed such a modem, check for spy/add-ware!TWEAKUI RUNDLL32.exe c:\windows\SYSTEM\TWEAKUI.CPL,TWEAKMEUP < You can delete this. TweakUI always recreates it when started (and i always delete it afterwards )KB891711 c\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE < usually you don't need this (unless you are a virus-paranoic), so disable it.HP Digital Imaging Monitor C:\ PROGRA~1\HP\DIGITA~1\BIN\HPQTRA08.EXE < I'd advice you to create a shortcut to this and run it only when you use your scanner.CONFIG.SYS:DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSDEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYSDOS=HIGH,UMB,AUTOFILESHIGH=80BUFFERSHIGH=40,4DEVICEHIGH=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CPQIDECD.SYS /D:IDECD001SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:2048C:\ESSAUDIO.SYS < If you don't play games in pure DOS (not a DOS window) and if your soundcard works within Windows without this, then you don't need it (add a REM at the line begining)C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS < You could cut some startup time by adding /TESTMEM:OFF at the end of the line.CPQIDECD.SYS < You don't need this unless you spend too much time in real DOS, so REM it.AUTOEXE.BATC:\ESSAUDIO.COM -BLASTERC:\PROGRA~1\GRISOFT\AVG7\BOOTUP.EXE@ECHO OFFSET Path=%Path%;"C:\Program Files\Executive Software\DiskeeperLite\"C:\ESSAUDIO.COM -BLASTER < See my comment on ESSAUDIO.SYS above. These two probably work together, so if you disable one you should disable the other too.C:\PROGRA~1\GRISOFT\AVG7\BOOTUP.EXE < disable this for a few boots, just to be sure.[vcache]MaxFileCache=393216How much RAM do you have? If it's 384MB or less, you better reduce this. Try MaxFileCache=65536You could also add NoWaitNetIO=On to the [386Enh] section of system.ini , not sure if it'll make any difference though.HTH
MikeyHunt Posted December 29, 2007 Author Posted December 29, 2007 (edited) SYSTRAYPTSNOOPSCANREGISTRY c:\windows\scanregw.exe/autorunTWEAKUI RUNDLL32.exe c:\windows\SYSTEM\TWEAKUI.CPL,TWEAKMEUPLoadPowerProfile Rundll.32.exe powerprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrSchemeKB891711 c\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXEHP Digital Imaging Monitor C:\ PROGRA~1\HP\DIGITA~1\BIN\HPQTRA08.EXEPTSNOOP < If you have a PCTel modem AND you don't use it, you can disable this. If you never installed such a modem, check for spy/add-ware!TWEAKUI RUNDLL32.exe c:\windows\SYSTEM\TWEAKUI.CPL,TWEAKMEUP < You can delete this. TweakUI always recreates it when started (and i always delete it afterwards )KB891711 c\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE < usually you don't need this (unless you are a virus-paranoic), so disable it.HP Digital Imaging Monitor C:\ PROGRA~1\HP\DIGITA~1\BIN\HPQTRA08.EXE < I'd advice you to create a shortcut to this and run it only when you use your scanner.CONFIG.SYS:DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSDEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYSDOS=HIGH,UMB,AUTOFILESHIGH=80BUFFERSHIGH=40,4DEVICEHIGH=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CPQIDECD.SYS /D:IDECD001SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:2048C:\ESSAUDIO.SYS < If you don't play games in pure DOS (not a DOS window) and if your soundcard works within Windows without this, then you don't need it (add a REM at the line begining)C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS < You could cut some startup time by adding /TESTMEM:OFF at the end of the line.CPQIDECD.SYS < You don't need this unless you spend too much time in real DOS, so REM it.AUTOEXE.BATC:\ESSAUDIO.COM -BLASTERC:\PROGRA~1\GRISOFT\AVG7\BOOTUP.EXE@ECHO OFFSET Path=%Path%;"C:\Program Files\Executive Software\DiskeeperLite\"C:\ESSAUDIO.COM -BLASTER < See my comment on ESSAUDIO.SYS above. These two probably work together, so if you disable one you should disable the other too.C:\PROGRA~1\GRISOFT\AVG7\BOOTUP.EXE < disable this for a few boots, just to be sure.[vcache]MaxFileCache=393216How much RAM do you have? If it's 384MB or less, you better reduce this. Try MaxFileCache=65536You could also add NoWaitNetIO=On to the [386Enh] section of system.ini , not sure if it'll make any difference though.HTHOk...did what you suggested. Yes, I had a PacBell modem but now am on an ethernet connection.Some of the bootup process seems to go faster, BUT it's still freezes a about 2/3 of the way.The only way it will bootup (other than safemode) is to do a selective start with only SYSTRAY or nothing checked. I know thats crazy , but when I next try to add LOAD POWER PROFILE or anything else in the start menu it freezes when it boots --> go figure ??? 1) how can I edit/delete items in the (configsys) startup menu?2) when putting REM in front of a line, should it be in caps? ...and should there be a "space" between it , and the rest of the command line.??Thanks,Mikey da ' n00bedit: during bootup now, I get a DOS screen telling me to 'troubleshoot' rem ESS Audio , which I disabled per instruction. Is this normal and will it go away..etc?? Edited December 29, 2007 by MikeyHunt
RainyShadow Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 1) how can I edit/delete items in the (configsys) startup menu?You just open C:\CONFIG.SYS in Notepad and edit as you like. When you've finished be sure to save it with the same name (Notepad likes to put a .TXT extension on non-text files). If it refuses to overwrite the old file, type C:\windows\command\attrib -R -H -S -A C:\CONFIG.SYS in a DOS window (or in the Start>Run dialog)2) when putting REM in front of a line, should it be in caps? ...and should there be a "space" between it , and the rest of the command line.??You could write it in lowercase if you wish, still works the same. There must be a space after REM.Here's an example...Original line:DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSModified line:rem DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSorREM DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSorrEm DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSor; DEVICE=C:\ESSAUDIO.SYSwhichever you like Also, if you see the boot logo during startup, add a Logo=0 line to the [Options] section of C:\MSDOS.SYS so that you can see if an error message pops.Sometimes you just need to wait a bit. When the bootup freezes next time, press NumLock a few times and if the light on the keyboard turns on-off then the PC isn't fully halted. Wait a min. and observe the HDD light on the PC case. If it flashes then the system is doing something (so you sit and wait). If the HDD light stays lit longer than a minute during the freeze AND the keyboard lights don't turn on/off when you press a Num/Caps/Scroll lock key, then the system probably fully halted (and only Reset works).For managing startup items which load after the GUI is initialised StartupCPL is a pretty handy tool. The Autoruns program from SysInternals (now property of M$) could be used too, but you could screw-up your system if you don't know what you're doing (geeks only app ).
MikeyHunt Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 (edited) I've used autoruns for a while. Now M$ will find a way to mess it doubt.Thanks for the tips, trying them. I appreciate you staying with me on this ..ahem..fairly trivial problem. When I grow up, I wanna be like you guys edit: ok, after doing everything and clearing up my start menu, it's booted 3 times in a row !!!!on bootup a DOS screen tells me to:: T-SHOOT the 2 items rem'd (ESS and AVG)should/could I delete those lines or correct them?? Edited December 30, 2007 by MikeyHunt
submix8c Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 nuts! (per the "tshoot" messages)just boot into safe mode command-prompt only (using f8 at bootup) thencopy config.sys config.bakthe above will backup up the offender (so you still have the "modified original")you can do the same with autoexec.bat if you want... (-> autoexec.bak)now reboot and edit (notepad) the config.sys/autoexec.bat (whatever/both) and completely remove the lines then save... just REM'ing those lines shouldn't have made the messages, but this way POOF no line to give a message... (looks like maybe you need to get rid of entries in both autoexec.bat and config.sys...)Cleaned! @RainyShadow - good 'splanation! such a nice person!
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