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Everything posted by rehbar

  1. use this option in nlite "disable pop on first boot" Then it will not happen as you said.
  2. rehbar

    strange problem

    where is this option in nlite?
  3. rehbar

    strange problem

    Hi users' I nlited my xp disk and i have to faced strange problem with desktop icon. These look like i lokup them or i set any html page in background. but in orignal disk it dos't happen.
  4. this will delete all partation of hard drive and then create only one partation then it format it with ntfs... If you skip file system NTFS to * then i hope no error will occer. And take in mind don't provide Key when upload file on net
  5. Why not reply me?
  6. I have not test it with M$ Vista. But i hope it will not work with it. I test it on Windows XP Professional SP2. And i also not know how to upload by rapidshare or other..
  7. I like this addon and hope same addon of IE7
  8. rehbar

    start up help

    and boot.ini file in hiden and readonly mode. So first make it in read/write mode and then open it in notepad and then delete line that is not you need. or set time to 00 for skiping this option. And in the last and first step is boot.ini file is located in "c:\" partation of your Hard disk.
  9. If this can be added. 1. There is option "Password never expire" when select blank password was used. 2. Option for enforce OOBE to run in every PC. Some PC bypass it like Intel Glad, Asus P4GE-MX, Intel GVSR, etc... 3. First icon on desktop (My Computer, My documents). 4. For local language there is option to integrate LIP(setup.msi) that can be download from microsoft.
  10. ok i found the problem source file. I edit syssetup.dll file so it made problem ... I replace this file with orginal file by coping from xp cd(orignal). So then i reinstall it in VM and i see that it work normaly.
  11. As i can understand your question you have to buy MUI XP disk from M$.
  12. If you want's to use third party software then use these sofwares like (Winxp manager, Registry Macqunic, Tweak XP etc...)
  13. no need if you want's simple way........ just set password to account and then restart pc and see waht happen. Did it solve your problem? I am 100% sure that it resolve your problem. In the last i am sorry for "Net framwork V1.0". I am also want's to said about Net framwork v1.1.
  14. Click on Start => Run type regedit and when reg editor open press F3 and check the "Match whole string only" and type " run " in search bar and press Enter. It will find and show your startup programs. Now delete the startup programs carefully.
  15. press Alt+Ctrl+Del and task manager appear . Click on shutdown manu and click on log off user . After log off again log on then it will work fine. After succes full logon just install Net framwork 1.0. It will resolve your problem.
  16. This is not single file. It is combination of files ... If you want's to find .xml, .html these are found in OOBE folder in i386 folder... The .jpg files found in i386 folder of source CD.
  17. yes you are at right nuhi....
  18. No dll it is xml, html, and jpg combination....... You can find jpg in i386 folder and others in OOBE folder.
  19. same issue had occer when i change my sorce cd. I also burn it at 12x in CDRW but problem remain their. If there is any requirment of nllite ie.. net framwork1,2,3, java code. Or any restraction of software?
  20. Why not reply me? None can understand my problem.
  21. Ok it's mean that i should use your addon........ that's i like very much. If there is same addon for IE7 ? That directly replace source files.
  22. ok but my user name is "XP User" and i want's that password never expire. What command will ?
  23. But I want users that DO have admin privileges, DO have a blank password but that expire. It was a checkbox "blank password" for each user, in nLite.
  24. boooggy i like your addon bc it directly replace source files. But My question is if i use wmp11.exe and extract it with winrar then which file i add in nlite?
  25. in all of 1.3beta, 1.3 rc2 and 1.3 final.......... if you not agree with me try to create administrator privllage user with nlite having blank password and then install xp and check this user by administrator tool like "Computer Management" and then you will be find that "password never evpire" option was remain uncheked. If you create user with OOBE then this option is cheked(true) as Built-in account administrator.
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