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Everything posted by LLXX

  1. I don't know which DLL contains the internationalised words for "Open" and ... delete? but it probably got replaced with one of the wrong language.
  2. More useless eye-candy, no thanks. Maybe for users with small resolutions it can be helpful, but IMHO having to see the background through everything is just distracting.
  3. Just delete the files and use the Norton Remover (see malware forum) to clean up any traces of it remaining. Then get yourself a real antivirus, I prefer Nod32.
  4. I have created a Time Zone update [iexpress installer] for Windows 95/98/ME [all editions] based on Petr's REG + INF files:http://www.mdgx.com/add.htm#TZU * Unofficial Windows 95/98/ME 2007 U.S.A. Daylight Saving Time (DST) Time Zone Update: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=928388 Direct download [66 KB, English]: http://www.mdgx.com/files/Q928388.EXE How to Configure 2007 U.S.A. DST: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=914387 More info: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/timezone/dst2007.mspx MSFN Forum: http://www.msfn.org/board/?showtopic=87399 This Update also deletes obsolete 2006 Australian DST registry changes (if any): http://support.microsoft.com/?id=909915 I have also created a similar iexpress installer for NT4/2000/XP Pre-SP2 [experimental, please test]: File [129 KB, English]: http://www.mdgx.com/files/KB928388.EXE P.S.: Same here, I don't think "Dynamic DST" applies to 9x OSes. HTH Do the files really have to be that huge? Anything over the size of the .reg file posted above just doesn't make any sense.
  5. Do you have any more details on this? For some reason I think a one-byte patch might be all that's required to make it work... (yes, that's what I'm planning to do if it's an easy fix)
  6. Did you really have to revive this thread just to say that?
  7. LLXX

    Task Manager

    ... and save it in .jpeg to make it smaller in size (kB). PNG!!!!JPG is good for pictures but for text and sharp lines it creates annoying artifacts.
  8. Them hives is your registry. Copy them back to system32\config with the appropriate name (SysRestore renames them, but do some Internet searching on what the registry files are named and you'll be able to figure out their correct names).
  9. Extract the original Winlogon.exe from your XP disk and overwrite the current file. This will fix it if it was just a random corruption (but then you should check your hard drive for any other symptoms of failure).
  10. SSL Proxy from home is still the best solution... unless they block SSL (highly unlikely) their packet sniffers etc. will have no idea what data is being sent. Even if they block SSL and the only thing available is HTTP, you can still "proxy" through via hiding data in HTTP requests to, once again, a server you run on your machine at home.
  11. No user that wants to stay secure should enable Javascript nor Java for all webpages. Unless you only visit a very few number of safe sites and strictly stay within those safe sites, you'll soon get yourself infected with something. View the source code of the page and figure out how it's doing the redirection. Doesn't work for me either, but try http://babelfish.altavista.com instead.Also the presence of raw javascript code in place of emoticons also indicates something is seriously wrong with your browser...
  12. Why don't you just copy the whole registry over?
  13. Don't all modern routers support NAT? Or at least routing? The more expensive ones are "real" routers and don't.
  14. Yes, directly to the printer, many network-enabled printers already have a web interface.Some network administrators apparently didn't realise that... and their printer is now available to the whole world to use! http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/index.php/id...722;fp;2;fpid;1 http://utterlyboring.com/archives/2005/01/...nd_printers.php
  15. Your hard drive may be damaged or beginning to wear out if this occurs repeatedly.
  16. Wow, what a b*tchy software...Now you know why keeping autorun disabled is a good thing, as if the Sony rootkit scare wasn't enough. As an aside, in addition to copyright laws, there are laws against software written with the intent of doing damage to user's data or hardware. The author of that program could get into big trouble for this...
  17. See http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...mp;#entry592042 At the least see if you can get a command prompt, that'll pave the way for more 'exploration'. If the task scheduler is enabled, you'll be able to get real root access (not just Administrator account, but SYSTEM) quite easily.
  18. Three 750Gb drives in external enclosures will work for that...
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