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Everything posted by mritter

  1. I need to double check some network things. I think I have them right, but...... Workgroup names are always uppercase. Are domain names uppercase, too? Case sensitive? How long can a domain name be? How long can a domain user name be? Case sensitive? How long can a domain group name be? Case sensitive? What special characters can be used in group name, domain name, user name, and password? (spaces, # $ ^ * / " etc) Is a domain user always a member of at least 1 group? (admins, accounting, peons, etc) If above is yes, do you specify it when creating user account? When on a workgroup you make a Windows User Account so not using Administrator (even though new user can be administrator), usually just your name, Mark, Bob, etc. Now, when formatting a computer for use in a Domain, do you still make a Windows User Account (not Administrator) AND domain account? Are client computer names important on Domains? When done installing Windows on client machine, do you make the user account on the machine, or through the server? Spaces are allowed in Windows User Account names, but do you allow them? (Mark Ritter, or MarkRitter, or Mark_Ritter) If you want to volunteer any other important information that may come in handy, please post it or email it to me. I will also be contacting some of you via email or PM about this.
  2. For one, if you read the ChangeLog.txt file you will see I moved the above settings from useroptions.js to config.js so they are specific to that config file. This is needed when have multile configs, like Work and Home, with different Configuration names, but only one useroptions.js. Are you editting the config.js file directly? If so, why? As you can see above: the fix is working. Works for me and Kels. Send me your useroptions.js and config.js files and I will see what is up.
  3. Download the latest copy. It will prompt you about updating the config files. Do it. Close WPI. Test from cmd line again.
  4. Francesco wrote a new launcher we will start using in next version. Send me an email and I will send you a copy. Size keeps growing. Not going to stop.
  5. When you first run the latest WPI, it should open an alert like above. Make a backup of config.js and then let WPI update your config file. It will actually do it twice. The number of commands was raised from 10 to unlimited, so the format has been changed a bit.
  6. I have plans to update the config wizard more this upcoming version. Can't guarantee the order won't get moved around because of sorting, but will be a major improvement to allow for future updates and expansion.
  7. I totally agree it is backwards, but I didn't make it that way. The original person who wrote it only intended for simple checks like FileExists(), and didn't look ahead to the future. So back when it was first written !FileExists("C:WPI\Install\MyInstaller.exe") hide item becaue doesn't exist and FileExists("C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe.exe") hide item because already installed made perfect sense. Then more items slowly got added, never got straightened out, I came along, added more, people didn't want to change their configs, so it was always left that way. I hate it, too.
  8. Nothing. You are doing it right. Conditions are a little hard to grasp at first. Conditions are meant to hide things. Grayed conditions are meant to show but disable things. Look at it like this: if the condition is met, I am going to hide the item. You may want to use Grayed Conditions, and use "If grayed condition is true, disable the checkbox" option.
  9. Wrote down ideas on my To Do List. Keep them coming! Kabers: are you using a winnt.sif file? Can do both in there. Or are you using a "universal" package and need to make set names for different computers/users, say in a work place?
  10. Holy cow! I figured it out, but that one had me stumped! What a pain! I am going to leave things that way; it makes much more sense having those settings in the config file, not the options file. Download the fix here:
  11. isDesktopLoaded() or !isDesktopLoaded() First one yes, second no. Don't do the =="true" check.
  12. I don't know what happened. I am still looking in to it. It gets the command line arg fine, but it is getting set back to default somewhere. I will get figured out............ Sorry about that.
  13. My bad. I forgot to move 2 lines of code. I already fixed it in next version; I was hoping no one would have a problem. Download the attached fixed WPI.hta.
  14. Are you running WPI from desktop manually, or after Windows is installed? Does the installer open? Do any programs get installed? Or error right away? Post your log file.
  15. That will probably make in the next version. I have a note sitting right on desk, on top of my To Do List.
  16. Are you reading my mind? That is what I am doing, but I can't "look ahead" to where in the config the children are. They have to be right after the parent's install order so when the items are laid out they will be sorted by install order under each category, not by name. It's a mess right now. I am thinking about it all the time, working things out in my head. I will get it figured out..........
  17. I have had the sub-item code done for quite awhile now. I have not included it yet because it relies 100% on Install Order values. I have posted at least twice on how to accomplish this: force values in if not there with no consideration of other values, leave it up to the user, etc. I got next to no replies. I have been working on it more, but again, not sure how to force an Install Order value. For sub-items to work the "parent" has to have a value. I have played with opening a requester asking for it. Then sub-items would be n.001, n.002, etc. It will probably end up with a new tab in the Config Wizard. Just a matter of sitting down and making a decision that I feel is right and not worry about what the masses will think. But right now I am in the middle of another big project. The next version is going to be HUGE.
  18. That would be a bad idea to move WPI.hta. It will throw off %wpipath%. And not everyone is going to use the launcher. Keep the launcher simple.
  19. I know how to enable {CMD}, I wrote the code. Why are you turning it on? It is not needed, yet. It may some day.
  20. That is curious. As John said: were you trying to edit/save from/to a cd? On a network and the share wouldn't allow you access to save? Having the folder open would not cause it.
  21. Another thing John mentioned is to be sure you are using the proper 32/64bit mshta. Look at the main version thread for scripts. John also has one he can give you. And the new launcher from Francesco will use the proper one.
  22. I think I know what the problem is. WPI is trying to launch %sysdir%\shutdown.exe to reboot the computer. Your %sysdir% is: c:\windows\system32 But you are on x64, so the path is wrong. Do a search and tell me where your shutdown.exe is located so I can fix the paths.
  23. Try it without the {CMD} tag. Or do: cmd /c Tuneup1.cmd Where did you find {CMD} and why did you use {CMD}?
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