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Everything posted by mritter

  1. Have you tried the built in way of doing it? {REGEDIT} myreg.reg
  2. I don't know about that, xure. I would assume a line is missing from the lang file. Since translators tend to take my comment lines out, I can't do an easy side-by-side comparison. It drives me nuts some times. ISO 639-2 has Swedish as se, Danish as da. (http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php) ISO 639-1 has Swedish as sv, Danish as da. (http://www.science.co.il/language/Codes.asp?s=code2) WHich is correct? My codes match what is picked from the combobox, so not a bad filename issue.
  3. Kel is wwwwaaaaayyyyyy behind on the manual. He can't keep up with me and my additions. Don't expect v8 manual any time soon. Sorry. The ChangeLog.txt is what you should be reading with every new release. That is written by me as I make changes/additions/deletions.
  4. ............sent Zeus and updated v8.0.2 with some tweaks..............
  5. Zeus: First off, test install 20+ items so you see an issue with the image in the install_text box. It scrolls. I will have to add an extra <div>. Second, let me do some more updating to the themes. Some things need more "automation". As in, if you have your own progress bar in the theme folder, then that one will override the one chosen in Options->Style tab. I don't want people to have to add several files manually to the Common folder. That folder is "do not touch".
  6. This is an "old feature" that was added before my time, so before any major updating. This was first used in a specific way: Say I have Firefox and 5 extensions. Obviously you wouldn't want to be able to check an extension without first picking Firefox. In this case it works perfectly. Now, as software has progressed with Java and/or DotNet, and in your case, it may be time for a new option: Required or Requires. For example: OpenOffice requires Java to be installed. In the current operation, Java would be disabled until OpenOffice is checked. What if I just want to install Java? Can't. With Required(s), Java would still be enabled. So it could be installed without OpenOffice. When click OpenOffice, Java will be checked also. A new combo box would have to be added to the Dependecies tab, like the current two there now. Sound like I am on the right track?
  7. Good points. There are built in defaults, obviously, that will/could be used. It may just be easier to not save a default file if doesn't exist. They don't have to be there, it's just nice to see something there.
  8. @Midiboy and everyone: Do you guys want me to include "empty" default files for config.js, ueroptions.js,and networkoptions.js so this issue does on happen? You would still copy your previous version files over them. At least with the defaults already there,it could be run right out the box with no need for writing files.
  9. Do be careful when removing files: If you remove files in Tools folder, USSF and {EXTRACT} will not work. All of the themes are in the archive because they have ALL been majorly updated. You need to switch the v8.0.0 themes. No exception. If you remove the Graphics/Logos folder, you will not have images for the new Logos layout style. DO NOT TOUCH: Codebase, Common, and WPIScripts.
  10. @Wazer: Fixed. Thanks. Will get v8.0.2 up in the next few days. If you want to fix it now, update this code in configwizard.js. I forgot the line with NavGrid.cells(...); function HandleInstallOrder() { position="configwizard.js"; whatfunc="HandleInstallOrder()"; CopyConfig(cpos); NavGrid.cells(cpos,0).setValue(configList[cpos].ordr); // document.getElementById("desc").focus(); }
  11. ...and sends some custom command line args I use internally.
  12. I know what you are asking, but in seeing other people's screen shots, a majority of people use custom images. I made the Logos folder as a starting place for the new Logos layout style. You want it this way, I want it that way, he wants it this way, etc. You will have to specify the subfolder in the path. Use a text editor to change them all at once.
  13. @Wazer: Added 120Hz and 240Hz for giggles. Deleted your thread since this thread already existed.
  14. Zeus: I am glad you asked about the window resizing. I looked for it a while back, couldn't find anything. I just looked again and found it right away. The Installer window size is now locked. All theme customizations are welcome. Just don't modify the Installer.hta file, do it all through your theme's wpi.css and installer.css.
  15. Xure: You are right. My bad. I was using the default path to test, not realizing what you were getting at. All good now. Look for v8.0.1 to be releases later today with the above bug fixes.
  16. AlBundy33's issue is fixed. Waiting for schnedwui to reply.
  17. @jojo2005: What program/archive are you checking?
  18. Working with schneidwui via email....... Anyone else come across this problem?
  19. There is a new theme engine for v8 that is quite powerful. There are 4 types of themes: Accordion, CorporateIT, euDock, and Windows. These each have their own "core" layout code so all themes of the same type keep a consistant look and feel. In each theme folder is a new file, wpi_theme.js. This is where you will do your customization. Not all themes have every item. If it's not in the file, it's not supported. euDock has a limited list of items, for example. For lack of a better name for now, David theme is based on Windows' engine and utilizes almost all the options. Compare with other similar themes to see how they work. Woody theme is one of the few that uses the Logo option. David uses a background color (no image) and uses the new SidePanel.png image. Read the ChangeLog.txt for more specific details. If you have any new custom theme layouts, send them my way. I am always looking for new designs, especially for "corporate" network share use. If you have any new ideas, post them here or send me your theme via email with the details.
  20. The archive has not been updated yet. Waiting for Xure to check his issue. And if any other small items come in the next day or two....
  21. In your theme folder, optionally make a folder called Cur, put your cursor.ani file in there, or theme root. In wpi.css: body { background-color: #5A7EDC; font-family: arial; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; margin: 0px; /* cursor: auto;*/ cursor: url('../Themes/Vista_Ultimate/Cur/Select.ani'); }
  22. @xure: Are you sure? The paths get saved correctly for me. @ricktendo64: Fixed. @AlBundy33: Fixed. Note: For a new line press Shift+Enter. For a new paragraph, just Enter.
  23. The guy who came up with the mock-up hasn't had time to further expand the David theme that I started for him. It is all done with css, so anyone can do it............
  24. I hope everyone likes this latest version. I spent a lot of time and effort on it over the last several months. I probably could have gotten more done in less time, but my main computer has been down for a few months now; dead mobo and cpu. Once I get a new computer built I will be starting work on a new project or three. I would almost call them "proof of concept" programs since they are just some ideas I have had for a while that I just want to show how powerful JavaScript and web based programs can be. Now to the real reason for this post: I have never been one to ask, but I would really like to see some donations be made. Especially from corporate users. Until you start your own project, you cannot appreciate how much time and effort Kel and I have put into WPI. I take time out of my day to solve your problems and improve WPI for you. WPI is, well, a second job that I don't get paid for. I love programming and have no plans to stop. A little appreciation is always a great motivator to keep working. Thank you.
  25. I will get those added into v8. Have any names you want to use? Windows7_01 Windows7_02 ..... Fish_01
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