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Everything posted by mritter

  1. Depending on the steps you are taking, type in the name, HIT TAB KEY, then continue on.
  2. The more I thought about it, does WPI even run at all? If not, then you wouldn't have a log file yet. The installer makes it on C: drive. Do a "fake" install run from desktop to make the log file.
  3. WPI should have been cleaning up after itself for a long time now. BUT, if you have a window border and click the X close gagdet, WPI is not notified to quit and does not clear reg entries. You have to click the actual WPI close buttons.
  4. I see what you are asking for now, but see no reason for it. Most people DO NOT want the desktop loaded so reg entries can be made, drivers installed, etc. You could do all that first, reboot, rest of software. I will think about it.....................
  5. The only way to get that error about bit64 is if you overwrote your old WPI folder with the new one and globals.js didn't get updated for some reason. Or you have some old reg keys hanging around. 1) Delete the entire WPI folder in registry: HKCU\Software\WPI 2) Download WPI again and copy in your old options.js and config.js 3) Run WPI and update your config file. 4) Quit and run again to see if works properly.
  6. There is more to it than that. My internet was down last night so I couldn't post an update. I will send you a link to it. The command line args paths was getting checked in the wrong place/time, so wasn't being "saved" properly. And I found another little bug in the mean time. Try the fixed version with and without the above reg keys.
  7. @mr_smartepants: What WPI theme are you using? It also looks like you have some custom Window's theme going on. The installer window is only 436x510. The bottom text is also messed up size wise.
  8. Don't do that way. Use the "regular" scripts to launch WPI after XP is installed. BUT also use "Load desktop before installation starts" option. Desktop will load first and not require user to click on your script file.
  9. Categories need some work still. There is another issue I don't like about them, so they will get some work done to them soon.
  10. Some dude decided to be helpful and localize the categories automatically. He claimed they worked for French just fine. I could only take his word for it. Is "Anwendungen" German for Applications? But it's not being translated in all places?
  11. Not a bad idea. I normally just use the customthemecode.js file, but then that is theme specific. I will start a file as you suggested. To call it, use the existing function: JSCRIPT={SetNeroCompatibility()} You can call any JavaScript function with this.
  12. I don't like it when people manually edit the config.js. It only leads to problems down the road. Changes like global replacements of text are fine. There will be no support for user entered comments.
  13. Make 2 useroptions.js files. One with the option checked, one without. Make the without checked the default file so can run anytime. On your DVD use command line arg to point to the other file. WPI.hta options=useroptions_LoadDesktop.js
  14. That has been updated in 7.3.0. I posted a message about this a long time ago. Not many responded to how they wanted it handled, so I left it. 7.3.0 will be released in about a week.
  15. That's what it is supposed to do. That option assumes you just did a fresh Windows install, desktop loads, then WPI starts. It is not meant to be used from the desktop in a testing situation. It will do nothing. A RunOnceEx key is being set to run at next desktop load. If you run WPI from desktop, hit Install, it will exit. If you do a reboot, once the desktop is loaded, WPI will start.
  16. Thanks. I was bored and kept seeing Lance on TV......both of these themes have significance to me. Just whipped them up. If anyone would care to update the graphics, please do so and send me a new copy. LIVESTRONG Pink Ribbon The tool tip colors need to be updated. Forgot those.
  17. Will WPI run correctly from the desktop, or same problem?
  18. There is a way to check if on a 64bit system, but you need to do some checking. getmshtaBits()==64 WPI started on a 64bit computer AND using the 64bit MSHTA.exe getBits()==64 Computer is 32/64bits. Not necessarily need to check MSHTA.exe There is no if/else way to do it. Have to use Conditions and may have to make 2 entries, 1 for 32 and 1 for 64 bit, do check and exclude the other.
  19. Could be your language file. Switch to english and see if it works. If it does, tell me what language you were using.
  20. I haven't seen that error on system, but have been asked about it. Visual Studio 2005 had this problem alot. Could even be youw swap file size, but not likely. Take out your condig.js and useroptions.js files and see if it runs from desktop. Don't have a real answer. Sorry.
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