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Everything posted by mritter

  1. That's what WPI is all about. Make your custom Window's CD, but don't put WPI or the programs on the disc. In the cmdlines.txt, or other, put a line to call WPI from one of your servers like so: \\Server\WPI\WPI.hta options=\\Server\WPI\useroptions.js config=\\Server\WPI\config.js Put all your programs on the server so only have to keep those updated, not all the CDs, too. In config.js use paths that point to the server and voila!
  2. It's in the Conditions menu, File System -> File -> fileVersionGreaterThan(). Same place it's always been. I will test some bad conditions and see what comes up. Thanks.
  3. Better yet, start fresh with lang_en.js and do a totally new translatation. Save it as lang_es.js when done and post it in the translation thread. Thanks!
  4. It probably has to do with the Office reg key issue. Search for that thread for details. I have made this an option in 7.6.0, which will be released July 1st. It should fix your problem.
  5. Options -> General tab. Uncheck "Use multiple defaults".
  6. If on XP, getOSeditionID() will return "Home Edition" or "Professional Edition".
  7. Al, Sent you an email, but, thank you again!
  8. Hey, stranger! I have been putting serious time and effort into WPI the last few years. The theme editor is still high on my To Do List; things changed alot in the themes so I put it off for a while to make sure they were "done". I'm not going to be shy: any donation is welcome! Anything helps to keep me motivated. And yes, you would have to donate seperately to Kels and me. THANK YOU!
  9. Steps to update your WPI folder: Download and unRAR to a different location. From your old WPI folder, copy config.js, useroptions.js, and windowoptions.js from WPIScripts to the new WPIScripts folder. Copy your Audio folder from old to new. Copy your Install folder from old to new. Copy Themes folder from old to new. Rename or move your old folder in case something goes wrong. Move the new WPI folder to where you want it. Test it! I have thought about using an actual install package creator, but steps 3-5 would still need to be done manually.
  10. Just a side note: WPI already adds the /Y, so you don't need to specify it. Maybe that is the cause? Double /Y's?
  11. I was messing around with multiple config.js files a while back and noticed something. The Category Sort Order grid starts with what is in the useroptions.js file, but when load a different config.js, those new cats get appended to the end of the list. Could be duplicates, could be new ones. Either way, the list grows when it really shouldn't be. So, I was thinking of moving the list of Configurations and Category Sort Order entries out of useroptions.js and into config.js. That way they will match up properly. Good example why: default settings has Configs of "Server, Accounting, Peons". But now you need to load software for "The Boss" who uses config_TheBoss.js. But there is no entyr in Config for "The Boss" so you have to manually select each item, not just pick the Config and have WPI do it for you. If the Configurations and Category Sort Order were in config.js, the two lists would be updated automatically and correctly. Another example: you have 2 configs: work and home. You start with Work and update your work computer. But you want some other stuff from Home config. Switch. Now your 2 lists are jumbled with a mix of both. If you happen to go to Options Wizard and save, then your lists will be all messed up and have to manually edit them to clean out the unwanted entries. Anyone see any problem with this that I haven't thought of? Understand why and what it will do? Anything else that is config specific need to be moved from useroptions.js to config.js?
  12. @ykchanaed: Encoding problem should be fixed for next version release. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  13. Sent baghera8 a beta copy to test getEnvVar() and setEnvVar(). Waiting for his test results..........................
  14. Change this in WPIScripts\core.js function Pause(secs,milli) { position="core.js"; whatfunc="Pause()"; var duration, sleepCmd; duration=(secs*1000)+milli; sleepCmd='"'+wpipath+'\\Tools\\Sleep.exe" -m '+duration; SleepShell.Run(sleepCmd,0,true); } to function Pause(secs,milli) { position="core.js"; whatfunc="Pause()"; var duration, sleepCmd; duration=(secs*1000)+milli; sleepCmd='cmd /c "'+wpipath+'\\Tools\\Sleep.exe" -m '+duration; SleepShell.Run(sleepCmd,0,true); } It may work, it may do nothing. Something to try.
  15. Since you are on Windows 2003, it may be a permission issue. And I meant CMD /C "D:\WPI\Install\AUTO\START2003.BAT"
  16. Thanks belivakov. Kels, I already did that; you have a copy of it. I got it working 100% right after we hung up. It was the way my editor was saving the file, not in true UTF-8. Anyway, those files are no obsolete in next version, 7.6.0. I hope to have that out soon. I have a few things to do in some themes and maybe a few other small tweaks.
  17. Looks fine. Put CMD \C in front of the script and see what it does.
  18. Post your log file. And what version are you using?
  19. You didn't really specify where they are not getting sorted. If in Config Wizard, then no, it is not sorted there automatically. You can do it by clicking on the top bar of the grid. The actual sorting is done when the installer is started and the above setting checked. Sorting was never done in Config because on big lists the old original style would have been a little slow to rebuild the list. I could do it now, or add a button to manually do it.......................let me know.
  20. {JSCRIPT}=WriteRegKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPI\Test Key",1,"REG_DWORD") {JSCRIPT}=WriteRegKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPI\Test Key","Value","REG_SZ")
  21. I made some improvements to the way the Options Wizard handles the Style of themes. It used to be when you selected a new theme, you had to save then exit the wizard, go back to Options wizard to make any theme changes. Now when you select a new theme, you can make changes right away. The way it should have always been, but WPI didn't have the current Style "editor". This, though, is in conflict with "Randomly select theme". I don't see any need for this option. Would anyone miss this option if I took it out?
  22. || has never been possible with conditions/dependencies. It is all or nothing. That is why they are seperared by commas.
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