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Everything posted by mritter

  1. Sorry, dude. I have it updated in my archive. Kels should update it online shortly.
  2. Just go into the Config wizard -> Dependecies tab -> the drop down box, pick what you want. As many as you want. They will be seperated by commas.
  3. Alt+Enter. All the shortcuts are Alt+key, except ESC. I will look into the no ESC option. FORCED is always a possibility to use if you require certain programs to be installed.
  4. Yes, that is how it is supposed to work. That is a function meant to be used from DVD after Windows has been installed. Useful for registry tweaks that need the desktop to be loaded or certain user to be logged in.
  5. I meant the registry keys needed for WPI to work with Office. REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "Disable Script Debugger" /T "REG_SZ" /D "no" /F REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "DisableScriptDebuggerIE" /T "REG_SZ" /D "no" /F This will prevent WPI from having to set the keys, quit, then restart. That is why thw white screen is hanging on you. Put those lines in your batch file just before WPI is started. Then when WPI is done, you can use the same lines again but use "yes" to set them back.
  6. One thing that may help speed things up is disable Allow For Internet Check. If your network card is not installed yet it will choke there for 5 seconds or so. I have IE8 installed on my laptop. I will do some simple testing at work, more this weekend. It may be the Office reg tweaks. Also, are you changing the reg keys before WPI starts, or letting WPI do it? Try it before WPI starts.
  7. call C:\Program Files\MyDirectory\Batch2.cmd /run Give it full path.
  8. Michael, I was looking through the script you sent me.....should all user names and computer names be compared in UPPERCASE, or does it matter? As of right now, my check is case sensitive. I will see what I can come up with for your 2 requests. I don't use Active Directory so I can't test it as I go. I will need your help with that.
  9. If you update to the latest version of WPI you will no longer need TaskKill.exe. WPI does it internally now.
  10. I have to claim ignorance: what is OU you are referring to?
  11. Cool. It will be a starting place for other "pop-ups" to make life easier.
  12. It seems like a lot of people just can't grasp the fact that you have to hit the TAB key after entering the name of a new Config entry. So I was thinking....what if after hit the Add button, a window pops up asking for the name of the new item. Then WPI will have it for sure and fill in everything properly. Sound like it might help?
  13. I added these functions for starters: * Added function isUserName() Usage: isUserName("Joe User") Returns: true or false * Added function isComputerName() Usage: isComputerName("Accounting") Returns: true or false * Added function isUserDomain() Usage: isUserDomain("Workgroup") Returns: true or false Note: If not on a real network, domain will be the same as computer name. * Added function isLogOnServer() Usage: isLogOnServer("\\Server1") Returns: true or false I will send you an email to work any details out.
  14. That would be very annoying if you select 10+ items manually. If other people post here that it could be useful, then I will look in to it more. Else, not going to add it.
  15. I made the theme. I wanted a clean, simple theme, too. The accordian may be used later in the Theme Wizard so I wanted to test it out first. I don't have the issue #2. #1 is designed that way because there is so much space to fill in. #3 I will look in to it. Didn't bother me at the time. The entire bar/page will be hidden, not just blank. #4 Probably has to do with the category being 2 columns long. Shouldn't be too big of a deal to fix.
  16. I have been looking to get WPI in the business field more for the last few years. I just never had anyone to offer some ideas that are needed and willing to test out until the last few months. I can probably figure out the group, domain, computer OU concerns. I will email you and talk more details. I have been debating on building in a wizard to set up network information: IP, DNS, user name, domain, etc. Not really needed for home use, but wanted feedback on corporate use. Watch for my email..........
  17. Also, when you add an entry, type in the name, then hit tab key. If you don't WPI will freak out because of the way the text gadgets are updated.
  18. I downloaded your example config, worked for me. Since the installer is starting, post the log file here (if it gets far enough to make one).
  19. This is not the forum to be asking this in.
  20. I just added a new feature for 7.4.0, {RUNBG}, run in background, to start an installer but not wait for it to finish. WPI will continue on it's merry way while Adobe could be churning away in the background. But like someone else said, once you get 2 installers going at the same time, your computer will still slow down.
  21. It has to do with the Office check. Search for it on the forum to see why it does that.
  22. I like it! I was trying to think of a better way to do this. Good job!
  23. How are specifying the args? I took out "backwards compatibility" a while ago. WPI.hta options=myoptions.js config=myconfig.js check="Server" timer=30 theme="Windows" resolution=1920
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