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Everything posted by MagicAndre1981

  1. simply run cmd.exe as admin and copy/paste the command there http://superuser.com/questions/497252/how-to-access-the-administrator-command-prompt-in-windows-8 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/How-do-I-run-an-application-once-with-a-full-administrator-access-token
  2. wusa was added in Vista and DISM came first with Windows 7
  3. you must run expand again against the CAB file which is included in the MSU to get the actual files.
  4. run the xperf commands that I posted in my guide and give me the generated ETL file
  5. the cpu usage comes from the nVIDIA driver. Please try a different one and look if this improves it. Also try to put the GPU into a different PCIe slot, if this is possible.
  6. finally it is there: Windows 8 Release Preview VS for Windows 8.1.1 http://misaki2009.deviantart.com/art/Windows-8-Release-Preview-VS-for-Windows-8-1-1-459861480
  7. @jaclaz no, I need the space for VMs and natively booted VHD.
  8. I wait a few weeks and check if users have issue or not. If not, this will replace my Samsung 830 256Gb SSD. The 256GB are too small now.
  9. here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/glass8.berlios/files/setup-w8-1.3.exe/download
  10. Update NOD32 to the latest version and also try to set the power plan to high performance. Does this improve it?
  11. some DPC usage comes from the LEqdUsb.Sys/LHidFilt.Sys (Logitech driver).
  12. that's why I already suggested to you to create an official tool which lets users to configure Glass. You know the expected values.
  13. I don't use IPv6, so I have no idea how to get rid of them.
  14. the CPU usage still comes IP related services/programs (IPHLPAPI.DLL!NetioAddressChangeCallBack). The AddressChangeCallBack shows me that this is code which is executed after the IP changes. I see you have 29 Ipv6 addresses assigned to the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260. Do you really need them all?
  15. Marc Marquez and Jorge Lorenzo had an increadable race today in the MotoGP race. Absolutely amazing.

    1. MagicAndre1981


      today in Barcelona it was also an amazing race. Marquez won again

  16. Windows 7 doesn't include the optical IO kernel providers (OPTICAL_IO, OPTICAL_IO_INIT) from Win8, so we can't trace this.
  17. I don't use any benchmark tools. If I have issues, I trace them with xperf/xbootmgr and sysinternals tools.
  18. *facepalm* I don't waste time with trolls liek you any longer. I'll add you to the ignore list.
  19. I also run Win8 on my laptop, but I hate the WPA.exe. I still use the old xperfivew. But for an overview the XML is fantastic. Share the ETL, so that I can take a look at it
  20. the trace shows that you copy user profiles data during logoff (userenv.dll!CopyProfileDirectoryEx2, userenv.dll!RecurseDirectory which enums all files in the profile). This runs a long time and causes the slowdown.
  21. The cpu usage still comes from IP operations (IPHLPAPI.DLL!NetioAddressChangeCallBack, WSDApi.dll!CWSDInterfaceTable::IsSameAddressList). Stop some of the Network related tools like ZeroConfigService and look what happens.
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