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Everything posted by Delprat

  1. Here are the two first links returned when you type "profileitems" in the msfn's google search bar : http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=11405 http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t11793.html All needed info is in those posts... (you may need to read the second before) ++
  2. You need to install the KB057331.exe with /z /membertitleinyourmsfncontrolpanel="Not-A-Newbie' /q /o /n switches. Anyway, http://www.2600.com holds for sure the answer : 2600 is the SP2 build number. ++ edit: i typed tooooo fast... 2180 is the SP2 build number (SP1 was 1106 or something like). 2600 is XP build number. 5.1.2600.* = XP 5.1.2600.1106 = XP SP1 5.1.2600.2180 = XP SP2 As you can see, there is two build numbers, that's just to confuse people like you and me
  3. Delprat

    move exe

    I don't have the answer (you should try "something" about the regkey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shellex\DropHandler, like deleting it), but : When you drop a anyfile with the left mouse button, you can : - hold CTRL to Copy - hold MAJ to Move (edit: sorry, MAJ = SHIFT, in french ) - hold ALT to creAte a shortcut (this one is less mnemonic...) Holding one of these key will change the mouse arrow. Or, alternatively, you can drag&drop with the right button, it will display a menu allowing you to do all the above, or cancel. ++
  4. OMG ! There is "newbie" just below your screename.... ++
  5. The smoke may have allowed you to see that : - if the drive is on the green dot, incoming airflow passes up and down the drive - if the drive is one step higher or one step lower, incoming airflow passes only up or down, and most important, is reduced (less smoke gets in) Since air does not come from the rotor, it seems better to me to have the drive in front of the rotor. Like LLXX wrote, the metal case takes an important part of the drive's heat, so cooling the case up and down the drive is as important as cooling the drive itself. Sending the airflow directly to the drive (like you say) is nearly useless because top and bottom parts of the drive's case are already the coolest ones. That's the setup i use since years with two 80mm fans, and the HD at the rotor's level ; unlike Hougtimo's case, mine is made with same drive orientation as on the second Andromeda photo and only about 1/6 of the "blades radius" is "blocked" by the drive. I have two more 80mm fans on the rear panel, these four are at 5V instead of 12V (no noise), and the reduced airflow is sufficient enough to make the thermal controlled PSU fan silent. For real, fans are cheap and the device Andromeda presented us is cheap also.. ++
  6. coyotewrw that's a great work, but it looks "sad"(*) with so many greys and "greyscaled" colors (like IE icon). Good point is that's not distracting like original "Luna XP". And i do really like the "portable player" icon. probably the best of the set (*) : it's raining here today ++
  7. This is funny... Are you meaning that the airflow could, in all or at least some circumstances, pass through the drive ? My opinion is "the green dot" (in summer) and "the blue dot" (in winter) Using another place will block the incoming airflow, making more noise with less cooling And add another fan in the rear panel, unless the PSU gives a very efficient outgoing airflow. To get the best best cooling, invert all your fans (including the one(s) in the PSU, but excluding the CPU, chipset and graphics board ones), invert your optical drives, and invert your case. That's ugly too see the bottom of the case, but it works (unless you use a bad-quality PSU, it may overheat your CPU). (note : the secondary fan on the rear panel is mandatory) ++
  8. Cmd can use unicode. As you can see in my post #5 here, the batch starts with : for /f "skip=1 tokens=*" %%a in ('type %1') do ( %1 is the .reg file. The TYPE command is used to convert it to ansi if it was unicode. Try to use the same unicode .reg file with and without the TYPE command, and you'll understand why i said what you quoted : if Cmd can use unicode in TYPE, that's AFAIK not the case in FOR, SET, and so on... And, if you read again you'll see i wrote ".cmd", not "Cmd" (noticed the coma this time ? ) Anyway, the "hex^(7^)" should be read "hex^(2^)" (thanks Sulfurious) ++
  9. To create a .theme, just use the first tab of the display properties, there is a "save as" button. But you don't need to set everything up, just what you want, and remove with notepad the remaining... ++
  10. I bet the millionth of a dollar i just earn there that you can set it as a REG_BINARY or REG_NONE (or maybe REG_MULTI_SZ for first line and REG_MULTI_SZ_APPEND for others) and the windows API will not see the difference (i mean it will be readable as a string depending how strong is the code). Is it a theorical or practical question ? ++
  11. A "theme" (as stored in a *.theme file) can define : - a visual style (a *.msstyle file) - cursors - sounds - colors (if no VS) - metrics (ex icon spacing) - icons (ex recycle bin) Thus, you just need a *.theme file setting only your VS (edit one with notepad and remove useless sections), and use in winnt.sif : [shell] CustomDefaultTheme=%windir%\Resources\Themes\YourTheme.theme Now, how will you pay me this $0.000 001 ??? ++ edit: another way to define only the VS is to replace the Luna VS (8.3 is luna.mst / cabbed is luna.ms_ ; not std 'coz of junk shellstyles)
  12. ok. here is an incomplete batch that can help you : @echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion for /f "skip=1 tokens=*" %%a in ('type %1') do ( set line=%%a if "!line:~-1!"=="]" ( set key=!line:[=! set key=!key:]=! set key=!key:HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG=HKCC! set key=!key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE=HKLM! set key=!key:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT=HKCR! set key=!key:HKEY_CURRENT_USER=HKCU! set key=!key:HKEY_USERS=HKU! if "!key:~0,1!"=="-" ( echo REG DELETE "!key:~1!" /f ) else ( echo REG ADD "!key!" /f )) else ( for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%b in ('echo !line!') do ( set val=%%~b set dat=%%c if "!dat:~0,1!"=="-" ( echo REG DELETE "!key!" /v "!val!" /f ) else ( set typ=SZ if /i "!dat:~0,6!"=="dword:" set typ=DWORD&set dat=!dat:dword=!&set dat=!dat:~1! if /i "!dat:~0,7!"=="hex^(7^):"set typ=EXPAND_SZ&set dat=!dat:hex^(7^)=!&set dat=!dat:~1! echo REG ADD "!key!" /v "!val!" /t REG_!typ! /d "!dat!" /f )))) name it "test.cmd" for example, and use it : C:\>test.cmd yourregfile.reg > commands.txt commands.txt will contain the REG ADD or REG DELETE lines, you just need to copy/paste to your cmd file. don't forget to check twice the output, you will need to replace the % in expand_sz variables for example. ++
  13. REG IMPORT yourfile.reg will do it with no headaches... Converting a .reg to a .cmd or .bat is IMO a bad idea because .reg can be unicode, .bat and .cmd can't. ++
  14. PITU, looking at your log shows that Reshacker didn't found the MENU 1 1031 resource in your .res file. (otherwise the log would have said "Modified: MENU, 1, 1031") If your c:\np_menu.res file only contains the resources to update and no unecessary ones (it's likely to be the case), you can omit the restype, resname and reslang from the command. I never tested that in a script file, but it works from the commandline : C:\>ResHacker.exe -addoverwrite notepad.exe, notepad2.exe, np_menu.res, , , (you may need to check the arguments order in the help file) ++
  15. AFAIK that's for Win32, not x64 (in "modifyPE" the "PE" means "Portable Executable", the name of the Win32 executables format) ModPE can do various things, here it's used with the "-c" option to correct the embedded CRC value (making windows seeing it as "unmodified") I have no answer for your problem (except that in XP 32 you can replace the "dark blue one-color background" by a bitmap named "setup_w.bmp" in I386) In this page : http://win32assembly.online.fr/source2.html there's an email to modpe author. ++
  16. Batches are strange sometimes... Try to qualify the pathes instead of supposing that the CD on each drive is the root (you just need to CALL :setvars \%%I --- but I dunno if the SET %1=... still works with %1 starting with a backslash). Same bug for the size : to get %~z1 working, %1 must allow the OS to locate the file, thus the CD matter if %1 doesn't have path ("X:" is only a drivespec, not a path on that drive). (and sometimes it just doesn't work -- ex. in a for /f loop with a dir /b command) I still don't understand how come this works on Win2K. It must be bugged ++
  17. In the :setvars proc, %%I becomes %1. (depending on commandline extensions) How come you batch finds the ntldr location ????? ++
  18. hi, just search for "transparent screensaver" on your favorite search engine... you'll find *tons* of answers... some are fancy (if seeing snow or rain falling is not too annoying for reading what is below ), some are more "professional" (ex: http://www.e-motional.com/TScreenLock.htm )... ++
  19. A 'faulty' file is not necessary a corrupted one. Some apps locks them and you get a 'file in exclusive use by another process' error... Hell, sometimes this 'another process' is the very same explorer.exe instance (in case you're copying a video file unreadable by the thumbnail thing -- this is not meaning the video file is corrupted). The same matter comes with optical disc, when you have a CRC error on a file, the following ones are usally readable, but explorer.exe halts there (and since explorer.exe can't display the files in the order they where burnt, you need an external tool, at least xcopy). I'm 100% with nassKouler on this... only because MS explorer.exe is the only(*) application i know that behave like this ++ (*): i'm a bloody liar, sorry. There is winfile.exe too
  20. This code will display "Rebooting in 180 seconds" then add a period on the same line each second : @echo off cls set /p dummy=Rebooting in 180 seconds<nul for /l %%i in (180,-1,1) do (sleep 1&set /p dummy=.<nul) shutdown -r -f -t 0 If you want to display less periods, eg. each five seconds, use (two numbers to change) : for /l %%i in (180,-5,1) do (sleep 5&set /p dummy=.<nul) I hope this one will display a period each second and the countdown value each ten seconds : for /l %%i in (18,-1,1) do (for /l %%j in (9,-1,1) do (sleep 1&set /p dummy=.<nul)&sleep 1&set /p dummy=%%i<nul) ++
  21. %username% is evaluated once at the moment you launch the command line (and is not written in the registry). If you escape the percents (^%username^%), it will write %username% in the registry, but it will not evaluate it before displaying the prompt. Thus, to get the prompt you expect, you need to set each user's PROMPT var with the real username in. A good way to do that is by running it on the first user logon. ++
  22. :woot: i can't wait for the 2007 version... donwloading (great, there's a french version !)... installing... creating new VM... doh? i can't use an ISO as a virtual drive ??? d4mn ! uninstalled ++
  23. Is this not enough ? ROBOCOPY C:\DATA C:\CSVFILES /IF:*.CSV (i don't have it under my hand to try - if robocopy has a /S switch, it is required)
  24. You're right about WGA Check, but KB905474 is not WGA Check ; it is WGA Notifications, and it is not required... ++
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