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Everything posted by fizban2

  1. Dell at work, Will be switching to Lenovo for both Desktop and laptop by the end of the summer, Custome Built machine at home
  2. mm the question was anwsered clearly lets not get off the topic here closed
  3. use the skipRearm functionality to get your patches intergrated, then generalize the image without it when done. that should get you around the problem
  4. Cluberti, it could be worse ohh so much worse.....feeling sick......
  5. do you have any kind of NAT setup? that should care of routing issues on the network
  6. is the vista machine part of the domain? have you loaded 2003 drivers for the printer?
  7. open the security center from the control panel. on the left hand side, click on "Change the way Security Center Alerts Me" in the dialog it opens, choose what level you want
  8. Hey guys, trying to expand my vb knowledge, thought i would start with easy task, just reading 2 columns on excel and comparing the values of one column to the other and look for the same values and highlight those cells, running into issues with the nest DO loops. Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open _ ("<file>") dim approved(70) dim Current(70) Dim y Dim x intRow = 2 intRowy = 2 Do Until objExcel.Cells(intRow,1).Value = "" approved(x) = objExcel.Cells(intRow,1).value Do Until objExcel.Cells(intRowy,2).Value = "" Current(y) = objExcel.Cells(intRowy,2).value If current(y) = approved(x) Then objExcel.Cells(intRow,1).Interior.ColorIndex = 46 objExcel.Cells(intRowy,2).Interior.ColorIndex = 46 msgbox "approved x: " & approved(x) msgbox "current y: " & Current(y) intRowy = intRowy + 1 y = y + 1 else intRowy = intRowy + 1 y = y + 1 End if Loop msgbox "test" intRow = intRow + 1 x = x +1 'msgbox approved(x) 'msgbox current(y) Loop objExcel.Quit is it current form, it will cell 1 on column one, then get cell 1 in column 2, will compare the 2 but then won't restart the second loop, on the end if statement it will kick you out of the nested do loop, should it do this? in a non nested loop this does not happen. thoughts?
  9. best bet if there is a GPO that is running on the domain that at least the last 3 profiles are cached, have her log onto the machine and then log off, pull the network cable and then then have her log on again, if she can get on the profile caching is setup on the machine, granted she can't get to any network resource unless she has a VPN connection. VPN is fairly easy to setup on server 2003 if you are a smaller company.
  10. i don't think we have many coders on teh apps forum here, your best bet is the the MSDN forum over at MS, have you checked teh Vista SDK to see if the functionality was changed in vista?
  11. browse your motheboard makers webpage and see if the baord supports 4 gigs of ram, bets are it doesn't but you would have to find out based on the model
  12. how are you trying to connect? by IP? is there any firewall setup on the windows 2003 machine?
  13. go download the latest drivers from Nvidia's site
  14. how were the shares setup on the vista machines? did you use the easy sharing wizard or was the simple file sharing turned off?
  15. there is always the chance that the card is going bad, possibly a capacitor or something else on the card is going bad. this fit well with how you say it just started one day. hard to say, a quick way to tell if it is the video card would be swap it out with another card or test that card in anothe rmachine and see if the same issue can be recreated with that card in another machine
  16. http://www.nvidia.com/object/winvista_x86_158.18.html newest drivers from nvidia for the 6000 series, released May 2nd, try these ones
  17. it most likely a Video driver issue, not DX 10 CS:S, BF2, WOW are all DX 9 games, they don't have DX 10 patches yet, Only 8000 series videos support Dx10, currently there aren't any DX 10 games out soon though, most likely you are seeming artifacts from the Revamp of the video system and the Nvdia drivers not up to snuff, the driver revision do you have?
  18. right now i run Virtual PC or Virtual server 2005 R2 on a 64 bit xeon with 2 gigs of ram, Server 2003 R2 64 bit install as the host OS. the more ram you can get the better, 4 - 8 gigs would be ideal depending on how many VMs you want to run at a time.
  19. what are you looking to transfer? what roles does this server hold? any details about what is cofigured on the machine and what its role in your environment will help us better anwser your question
  20. Gibbon, when you log into safe mode you use your User name and password just like you would log into the computer normally, if your account has no password then it won't in safe mode either, the accounts that are used are the same.
  21. Process Explorer would be a good place to start, check out the tools here for more options http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/default.mspx
  22. Gio, the junk email filters you are talking about are discussed here (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/HP052429671033.aspx) really you
  23. with the machine being outside the domain you are going to have issues scripting it to work properly. Mapping a drive to the location in question might help. Also look at RoboCopy (Part of the 2003 resource tool Kit) robocopy is pretty flexible and very powerful
  24. if that is the case then the DNS naming convention was setup incorrectly, it should be something like "ndaviess1.local" the DNS name local.ndaviess1.<somethinghere> would specify a child domain the domain ndaviess1.<somethinghere>. it what ever the case there should be something (.com, .edu, .org, etc ) after the ndaviess1
  25. <<script LANGUAGE='JScript'> all that is missing is the "<" , at that point it will run fine. you have to add in the code for your app to run though
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