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Everything posted by MadBoy

  1. Changelog for 0.6.8 - Added option RELATIVE to drivers_drive that takes the drive letter from path where the program is started at. So no more setting drive letter for harddrives is required. Just put hardware.exe on same drive as the drivers are located and it should find them with no problems. - Added check for / in drivers_dir so it can't be used Hopefully this addon works Didn't realy tested those so report errors @Anamnesis: That was actually nice idea so here you go And not realy hard to add.
  2. IR-Receiver drivers come in builtin in WindowsXP (and 2000 if i am right). So no need for external drivers. It should work without problems straight away.
  3. @kickarse: sorry for late replay but since you edited your post it didn't had the question to me when i read it first time ;p Well i write my code in AutoIt It's very good language and preety nice but slower then C++. Hope this answers your question. @fatlam: thanks
  4. @Jefflin: i'm not able to help you a lot in this. First of all your .ini file is poorly done. That's yours. Should be: (notice - Drivers_Drive and Drivers_dir must be case sensitive. Also make sure in C:\drivers drivers are unpacked) Lemme know if this .ini works.. Also i noticed you use Windows 2000. Unfortunetly Windows 2000 isn't fully supported by my program. It should work, but Windows 2000 messages about detecting of new devices might show up. In Windows XP everything should be realy automated. Lemme know if this helps. Also make sure that device you are removing from system realy have the drivers for it in C:\drivers dir. Bashrat Packs have most of drivers needed for system but not all. So it might be also that if drivers for your device aren't found that they simply aren't there.
  5. @jefflin http://www.pro-solutions.pl/download.php?id=2311123534 --> this is test version with diffrent code for .inf finding. Lemme know if it works for you. It's not realy tested so expect bad things to happen. And like i said before it's slower then 0.6.7.
  6. I will need couple things more. Paste entire log or send it to support@pro-solutions.pl and i should take a look at it. As i noticed your hardware.ini file is a bit misconfigured i would say, or use in non-supported way to be precise. The way u use the program now you have to have your drivers packed in .7z format? Do you have that? Check what i changed. Put packed drivers in DriversPacked dir on C and try that config below. Might work. Also tell me what your system language is? I think it might be problem here as i believe DIR command might have diffrent output then on ENGLISH/PL system. I think i'll add an option to use either this function or the new one i wrote (slower but language independant i think). And let ppl decide which one they want to use. Anyway lemme know what is the result. [iNFO] Start=Manual Drivers_drive=C Drivers_dir=\DriversPacked Device_manager=Off Method=RegistryDevicePath Logging_to_file=Yes Logging_option=Advanced Drivers_Packed=7zip Copy_drivers=Yes Copy_where=C:\Drivers Delete_drivers=No Create_backup=No Debug=Yes
  7. Yes, i also wanted to automate it thru AutoIt like i said with GUI and all. Options to choose what you want to do, maybe automatic download from office page etc
  8. It's not late at all! I'm still here developing it once per week or so but i kinda lost some motivation after doing tests on changing function for RegistryPathAdding in pure AutoIt without using Dir command output.. and even thou the code looked great it was much much slower....!! So kinda dismotivated me as it was clue to more and nicer features. Problem with your requests is that CMD windows (and that's a clue to working on with DIR command) won't work with network drive that easy... And as for the relative path it can be done easly i guess. JUst i am dismotivated but maybe new job that i am about to start on january will speed things up a bit ;D Tnx for appreciation. New version that i started working on looks much much nicer but it will take longer while! I wish i could do it in C# or C++!
  9. That's nice. I was thinking about making it in AutoIt with GUI and all Much cleaner etc. Pictures are very early engine test version. FIrst one is Office installer that you send to ppl thru email and they start it .. program checks for network, detects version of office and checks for domain. Gets office installer from closest server and install stuff This program is office updater i was talking about. After updating Administrative image you just run that program on each computer (would need to make some installer switch so the shortcut to it is added after office installation) and it updates current office Anyway i'm very lazy latly and since usually there is hardly any appreciation for such projects i'm not into this much
  10. I guess i will add my 2 cents: Office 2000 updates: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/download...0225771033.aspx Office 2003 updates: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/download...0798601033.aspx Office XP updates: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/download...0225741033.aspx Not realy hard to find those I've used Administrative Office Point for longer while now and i encountred couple of good and bad things in it. One problem is that Office Update thru WWW doesn't work on most updates (usually those packages that are somewhat connected to earlier update that was slipstreamed already). So i had to solve it. Usually when you install Office on someone's computer and then you update your administrative install with new updates you want to update computers aswell. And since they can't realy use Update Office thru WWW they can do that by clicking setup.exe on Administrative point setup and it will ask them if they want to upgrade their rls. But that requires user interaction so usually users won't even want to hear about that. The funny thing about it is that the UPGRADE is actually whole reinstalation of office :/ (ye i know a bit bad). So back to the point. I wrote little app that checks computer for domain, checks for nearest server to the user and then checks for installed office XP, 2003, 2000, and then (this feature is not yet added but i already thought about it and it wouldn't be problem) it compares Serial Number for office if it matches company serial number. If it does it updates the office automatically, if it doesn't then it terminates. Also the program would need to have some block so you can't update every 1 hour but like every 1-2 weeks because of huge bw/load that would occur when couple of users would decided to upgrade their office every 5 minutes (because like i said it reinstalls office and there's no real alternative to that). Also it would need just some simple function so when you install office the updater would be installed to the same Dir and all shortcuts created. Atm program is a bit personalized but i think i could release it aswell and if TomCat would be interested we could prepare some nice/easy deployment of office if of course needed. Anyways, wrote too much things already ;p
  11. Use IceMan tool to backup drivers straight from system... drivers that are applied by microsoft update can be easly (maybe too big word as he put a lot of work in it) backed up by his tool.
  12. Yes DELL's have that option and prolly other computers aswell. I have used it once for a bank that bought 10000 DELL's for WindowsNT. I am just wondering if the combined mode doesn't slow down the drive as i think IDE is slower then SATA so i wonder what happens when COMBINED mode is on. If it's slower, the same or fast er ? Would be nice to have some tests on that.
  13. @jaqie: Exactly what i said
  14. Are you doing IDE --> SATA or SATA --> IDE If IDE --> SATA you would have to make sure SATA drivers are installed within system before you do image of it. I believe if you would make image on SATA based system (that is working on SATA already) you wouldn't have problem with using that image on IDE system, as IDE is builtin, just SATA support has to be added. So to summarize my believes: 1. Create system image of system that has SATA drive installed and working. Test it on IDE based hw. Should work. or 1. Apply sata drivers into system that is installed on IDE disk. DO image, deploy it. Works?
  15. That ain't very easy and most likely will be available in Professional version of my app that i try to write when i have time. But since i am chaning jobs now (again), moving to other city so it will take some time to produce it I tried to change some code in last hardware version to cleanup some code and to make it more efficient but actually it was slower then with old code so i kinda got depressed and started to think that i need to learn C++ or/and C# to do it properly.
  16. AutoIt -> http://www.autoitscript.com/ AutoIT Forum -> http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php Read about it, read help, read forum, try yourself, go for help to that forum (but use netiquete for posting on for ums).
  17. Unfortunetly Vingen it's not possible to do that in simple registry, file based way. I think within those 6 pages on forum here i've explained it a lot. Only way to do this is to use AutoIt to simulate clicking in right places (kinda like doing it by hand). No other way for that. EDIT: Here is why: Signing of drivers isn't 100% working. Unfortunetly Microsoft implemented it the way it can't be realy done just by registry. Tests shown that also during change from Warn to IGNORE mode (My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Driver Signing) besides standard registry keys that can be found all over the internet this key below also changes. On my computer it has 2 values (one for IGNORE and one for WARN). So unless i'll find a way to fix it.. Bummer. Maybe someone has some nice idea? Each computer has their own diffrent keys so it's not that simple as i seen on other forums in some posts newwink.gif - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\PrivateHash 15 CA EF C3 34 E8 C8 78 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\PrivateHash 01 32 A3 68 55 C2 D2 00 Problem of signing drivers on unnatended cd doesn't exist because you can set the right value in winnt.sif or sysprep.inf. Or so i have read on Microsoft pages smile.gif Oh well, we will see.. I know Bashrat used program made by pyron but i don't think it works 100% :/
  18. Yes, you could use AutoIt V3 to achieve this. Wouldn't be that long. Maybe even less then 100 lines
  19. Haven't seen the source I just rewrote it in AutoIt from scratch.
  20. I don't think it's error in your script. I've seen couple of times drivers that are missing some files or have problems like that with instalation. Setupcopyoeminf works in Windows XP. I only wonder if SetupCopyOemInf does correctly it's work If you have that problem with just one or two drivers i would expect it to be problem with Driver itself
  21. Hey, You can also take a look at my program which kinda works preety great with DriverPacks and does what you need i hope http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=70209
  22. I'm not sure if i understood your correctly but lets pretend I did. You're saying that if you use RegistryDevicePath it won't work when you switch lets say USB device to other slot. Well i can only see one thing that happens here. Check registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion --> DevicePath. It has to have "%SystemRoot%\inf;" (the key can also have other values that setdevicepath adds to it but the main thing has to be there).
  23. Well first i would have to add DB feature, either in file or other way. As right now the program just points directories where Windows can find drivers. And then Windows just looks in that dir for everything that matches. It would have to look like this: 1. Scans HW on system 2. Creates lists of HW_ID's used on system and marks the ones that have no drivers installed 3. Connects to DB or reads file from WWW which is in lets say this format: HW_ID, DriverName, DriverLocation 4. Downloads .zip from WWW for all needed drivers 5. Unpacks them to correseponding dirs. ---- 6a. Adds drivers paths to registry and force Plug&Play redetection or 6b. Uses devcon to force Windows to install new inf for specified device (risky method but i guess it's better one) ---- 7. Reboot That can be done. To make it even better program the DB should have Drivers Version Number so after comparision if OLDER that driver also could be updated (uses 6b or other function). But a) I would need help in DB/Drivers preparation (maybe i would have to make some program that would prepare zip's version for each device for easier download (i guess working together with Bashrat The Sneaky would be the best option here so we wouldn't double it up) B) I would need some beta-testers To clarify, autoit has option to use Mysql so it wouldn't be that pain in the a**, but i guess to start with we can use just normal file as DB. I just wonder if Bashrat would be up to such project with me And in the meantime maybe some nice php, www developer will get in touch and can make some nice web for that
  24. I would lie if i would say i'm not thinking about it or preparing for that. But i can't do this alone. This requires a lot of work WWW(php,graphics,mysql), database building and the program itself to do it ;>
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