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Everything posted by MadBoy

  1. You can also check my program. It was built for that It's in my signature.
  2. New version out. Changelog for - Fix of archives detection. Even thou <drivers_packed> option was No program was always checking for archives and not going further if it doesn't find any. @Kickarse: tnx, and try newest version. There was a bug that I've introduced when i did changes at last moment :/ As for documenting the XML i was thinking about it but i don't have much time to do that. It took me 2 days to update first post page and it explains most. Also i am soon planning to fix the configuration window I mentioned to you (Choose File -> Configuration) and that will be only official way to do changes in XML. And that window i meant is not disabled (as in not grayed out) but not realy working As for your concerns about " found the drivers directory in C:\D " it's perfectly OK. It only does simple check for Directory Existance. Nothing else. Maybe i will rephrase that sentence in future versions. Hope this explains your concerns.
  3. I'm using WMI call (more then one actually) to get all devices and all their problem ids. I'm still using devcon to remove devices. Just to mention "configuration window is left not disabled" but it doesn't work realy I'll be trying to work to get this program better just need some confirmations current code works
  4. New version is out. Check FIRST PAGE for details! I tried to update information on it as much as i could, but prolly some old entries in it. Should be easier now to update/release new versions when i started and have to just modify things. So without further ado... Changelog for - Changed completly aproach to program due to several bugs in old code. - Changed program name to Pro-S Hardware Professional. - New GUI. - New CODE. - New configuration file (format .xml). - New features. - New autodetection of .7zip or .rar archives (only requires now drivers_packed set to Yes). - Removed Backup option as it wasn't realy working. - Removed Leave_registry_entries option as it wasn't realy working. - Renamed Reboot option to auto_reboot_when_done. Other options not working! as this will come back in newer better form. You can see in XML file that it's gonna be nice. - Changed so now Debug option was moved to log_option which now takes Simple/Advanced/Debug as variables. - Changed how variables look like in LOG section - they now start with $ instead of & as this char is unsupported by XML format. - Too much to list all changes @All: Lemme know how it works @Kickarse: Thank you, friend already fixed me something nice and fast and stable i hope. Was just at last moment porting config file .ini to .xml so took some time to make it all good and working!
  5. For those that have downloaded 1.8.5 before this message please redownload it. I've overlooked that i have set the config file for XP instead of PE is used in that version. I have reuploaded correct version of 1.8.5 now.
  6. New version released (1.8.5) - Added posibility to change settings for ghost32 (check newest config file) @poppyq - Enjoy
  7. I was actually thinking about that. I'll see what I can do today and release new version
  8. You may want to try my little app to achieve what you want to achieve http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=104410 I think it can do what you require. MadBoy
  9. Last Updated: 6.XII.2009 Current Version is What is it for: Image Manager was written for use within Windows PE 2.0. It's purpose is to make imaging (saving or loading) a lot faster comparing to procedure used within dos. This program to work requires Symantec Ghost (ghost32.exe). Program also supports Gdisk32 wipe functionality. To run program you just need: 1. Working WinPE solution 2. image_manager_<version>.exe (either x32 or or x64) 3. image_manager_config.xml file 4. ghost32.exe and optionally gdisk32.exe (if you want wipe functionality) Features: 1. Three simple steps to LOAD or SAVE image (skip one if you don't use mapped network drives) 2. Maps network drives (can map more then one drive with single click) 3. Preset settings in .xml file for easier/faster use. - Option to check on SAVE for special files (to make sure the files are there before making image) - Option to check on SAVE for sysprep files (to make sure sysprep.inf located in multiple locations is the same size and exists) - Option to cleanup some directories that you always forget to clean before imaging - Option to delete some files on LOAD (as in if you want to fix something and you know some .vbs/.exe file will be run on startup) - Option to preset more then one domain account in .xml file for more convinient use of program - Option to preset more then one (or just one) network share in .xml file for more convinient use of program - Option to predefine images in .xml file for easy loading from share. - Many more Unfortunately due to how WinPE works the files location has to be special. Program will look for config file on the same drive that "\Sources\BOOT.WIM" is located and will check if this path exists: "\Main\image_manager_config.xml". Don't worry if there are more then one directory like that. Program goes thru all drives looking for those 2 files. If it doesn't find the config file it will start in "Deploy" mode only. You won't be able to save image with it. But you will be able to deploy one. This is one of the features so if you have Build team that creates images you can share the WinPE USB PenDrive image with affiliate without need to give them option to create their own images. XML file is self explaining. Keep it similar to given examples. Also ghost32.exe/gdisk32.exe location also needs to be special. Program by default will look for it in directory GHOST\ghost32.exe (gdisk32.exe) that should be located in the same directory as image_manager_<version>.exe. However if program won't find ghost32.exe it will display FolderGUI (Similar to MyComputer) so you can easly find it. If you will find program will continue. If not tough luck. Following ghost switches are used during creation of image: -clone,mode=dump,src=1,dst="' & $ghost_file & '" -sure -fx -z9 -fni -fns -span -auto' Following ghost switches are used during loading of image: -clone,mode=restore,src="' & $ghost_file & '",dst=1,sze1=80P -sure -auto -fx' You can force change of them in .XML file (check config, entries on top). I suggest to not touch it unless you know what you are doing. Things you should know: <write_access>No</write_access> - If you remove write_access entry you will disable write image functionality. This is useful if you give affiliates program to just load images, and they don't need to save them. You can of course also use Yes/No switch. When mapping drives program searches for builds_list.xml file. It allows easy populate of images to deploy in the main listview on first tab. Download program and config file from this location. Changelog: Version - Added button proceed is now disabled if GHOST32.EXE or GDISK32.EXE aren't found. - Added Recovery Console - Fixed possible config places - Fixed problem with wrong image name when saving (lack of space) Version - Renamed couple of functions to be more descriptive - Fixed reloading of drives on disk wipe - Fixed tab names that were causing gui issues - Added special option that enlarges Builds Window and hides save build features if the Save option is not enabled. - Fixed couple of issues with disk wipe view to make sure proper drive is choosen when selecting Version - Added initialization for Windows PE. This is important as it installs PnP drivers etc - Added force for the keyboard to UK layout - Added Wipe Function progress display in LogBox - Added some CDROM "startup" functions Version - Fixed Wipe function progress was displaying unnessecary space in the begining of percentage. - Fixed Wipe function - additional sleep commands, a bit more changes to wipe look - Fixed Wipe function - problem with array (hopefully). - Added full DVDROM "startup" support. - Added variable to remember the old choice of image Version - Fixed Wipe function - problem with array (100%) - Fixed Wipe function - progress display should be more accurate Version - Fixed Wipe function - problem with array (200%) Version - Fixed DVDROM booting function - problem with array Version - Added progress bar for WIPE option - Removed progress from LogBox for WIPE Version - Optimized progress bar for Wipe option - Added progress text for Wipe option aswell Version - Added About Window - Added initialize commands to .xml config file Version - Fixed problem with error msg "Use GUICtrlDelete to delete items or if items created with UDF function make sure to pass in handle to control not the controlID" - Fixed mapping of drives so all fields have to be typed in before proceeding - Added diagnostic mode Version - Added commands to log window that are executed in diagnostic window - Added waiting screen while winpeinit is running. - Modified Recovery Console behaviour - Fixed loading of config file not always happend. Program will now wait for winpeinit function to execute and find external removable devices. - Fixed extended waiting timeout to 60seconds for Winpe Init function Version - Internal company release Version - Internal company release Version - Little fixes (non-public) Version - Removed company code Version - First public release of 2.0.X version Have a nice day! Feel free to provide ideas/suggestion and bug reports!
  10. Be patient. I'm still waiting for my friend to fix me server and put domain on it, set it up etc. It's taking time but it will be done No worries. As soon that's done i'll upload new version, and modify first page with updates.
  11. Well I'm only saying that if he wants to get better in auto it he should go to AutoIt Forum which gives a lot of support to people You were here this time but on AutoIt forum he can get more help (from you aswell)
  12. Just a thought why don't you go to AutoIt Forum with questions related to AutoIt? There are a lot of ppl there and can help you to achieve what you want? MSFN is good but for AutoIt purpose i would suggest using official forum
  13. Non of the links work as there was a bug in my program that I have to fix. Since i couldn't get the old program version to work i decided to use my other project which is called Pro-S Hardware Professional which uses a bit diffrent methods then my old one. So now i have ported some old code to new proggy and basically now i just need to do few tweaks and i will start testing how it works (if it works ;p). When i will get it to do what old proggy was doing i'll release and just start working on additional features to it. Anyways for information it should be ready in about week or so (if the tests will be sucessfull). If not it might take longer. Anyways just add this thread to "watching" and you will get announce when i post new version with working link. I also lost my hosting server from my ex-work so i have to find another one where i can host my domains and files. Ps. Is there anyone that would like to prepare nice help file to my proggy? You know like many programs have (HTML based or so). I don't have much time to actually work on that and i'm preety sure someone can do it much better then i do
  14. Well just press enter on it, or double click on it. This should add entries to registry and woila. Fix applied. Not 100% sure what it does but if it's from trusted source just run it
  15. nightshift: thanks but i already solved the problem. turned out to be context menu asking for \\server\path_to_app which wasn't available for it Thanks anyway again!
  16. Thanks for help however i have used ProcMon one more time and turned out that every time you press right click on a file system goes thru HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\ and for each application there it checks HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\<every app>\shell\edit\command. Now in my case it stopped on ghost explorer which i started one time from microsoft share here at company so every time i wasn't on company network windows was waiting for share 30 seconds to get information that share is unavailable. Now after i removed ghost.exp entry from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\ windows works like a charm again! Thanks for many help
  17. I must say i feel a bit stupid as for knowledge i have i would expect to fix this issue but it seems i can't find a reason why when my computer isnt connected to company network right clicking on anything on desktop, in documents or basically anywhere thru Explorer (my computer etc) it takes about 30 seconds to show menu with actions. Also when i double click something it takes 30 seconds to start it (even simple jpg, txt file or doc). It's like it's looking for something in the company network before doing the action. WHen doing things thru Total Commander or directly from other apps everything works fine. Just anything thru Explorer takes 30 seconds. It takes 1 second when i am on local company network. Also my computer is Core Duo with 1gb ram so should work just fine. Anyone have any ideas what to check for/where to check for? Process Explorer/ProcMon doesn't give any answers to this. I have disabled almost all apps / processes and it still happens when not on network. It's preety crazy since after creating simple txt file i have to wait a longer while before i can type anything in it. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Removal of device should be instant. Also the program after adding everything to registry should take a couple of seconds per device, maybe a bit more. So the whole process wouldn't be so long overall. It was preety fast in everything most of the time except the unpacking part where my program uses 7zip but that's up to your computer power. I was given a tip that after computer crashes you can do following: It brought back computers to live. However the thing is i checked your log and you have 1024 chars in registry so i don't know why would it crash in your case. I don't think there's sense in any more testing. I will just remove some code and put some new one. Might take some time but it should work better i guess. Just gimme time. I am currently realy busy at work with other projects that might release to public aswell and then i have some vacations. So might take 1-2 months for me to give you new fully working version. THanks for testing and keep poping here now and then or just set the thread to mail when new post arrive. I will try to fix stuff asap and post new version here.
  19. I've got an email that 0.7.1 is working just fine. Can you confirm this? Also set the Problem_Ids to 01,10,18,24,28,37,39 or just remove the whole line from .ini file. Also program displays all Problem ID's not only the ones to be removed. So there can be situation that you see more devices displayed then the program will try to remove. Also Device ID - ROOT\LEGACY_SERIAL is nothing to worry about Thanks to everyone for the testing. Actually i think i'll just move some parts of the code from hardware_standard 0.7.3 to hardware_professional 1.0.1 and release it and we will see if it works any better. It has diffrent aproach and all so it might not be affected by the crashing.
  20. No problem. I would put myself in spam if i could asap ;P
  21. I'm still waiting for report from toastycheese678 if the versions i sent him work. Then i can compare the changes i have done and maybe the program can be back on track ;p
  22. Send me message with your email and msn number and i'll contact you asap as i will have compiled versions of oldest codes i have. Thanks
  23. You can try the 7.2 version from here (DOWNLOAD REMOVED) Try it on non-essential system (best that can be reinstalled seconds later) as it might have that bug that makes your computer unusable. Please and report if it crashes computers ASAP. If it does then i'll keep looking in changes i have done during the last 5 versions or so. At some point i must have done something realy bad ;p
  24. Well actually i can't find anything that may be causing the issue in last version. I haven't modified the function with devcon removal of devices which causes the big problem. I think 0.7.2 works fine, and 0.7.1 also just the new 0.7.3 causes problems. Didn't had much time to compare those 2 and eventually find problems. I've been asking around for help with dll call so i could replace devcon totally with internal dllcall. I even asked on autoit forum but no response. Maybe someone from here is a bit better on dllcalls and can help to solve the mystery for me Link to Microsoft: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms792970.aspx If you guys can point me to right directions on how to convert this, what to do etc.. i will greatly appreciate it. Thanks
  25. go to driverpacks.net download Sound Drivers. Unpack, find the right driver. Go to DeviceManager (choose the device you have with (?!). Right click on it. Choose update driver or similar and choose path to driver there. It should install correct drivers.
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