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Everything posted by MadBoy

  1. @wisalius My program discovers devices that have some kind of problem but are visible in system. That's why in your case it wouldn't work as my program will check for Problematic devices and notice there aren't any. This is done so users won't do unnessecary work on this. However i can add option "force_run_anyway" (or so) to my program in [ADVANCED] section in .ini and it would skip that check. If it skips the check here's what happens: 1. Adds path with drivers to REGISTRY 2. Tries to remove problematic devices (but it doesn't find any so no problem anyway) 3. Force Plug & Play detection .... and here your devices should show up and drivers installed properly 4. Program would terminate after drivers get installed At least that's theory
  2. http://www.driverpacks.net/ --> driver packages done by Bashrat. Next time pls do some searching for it.
  3. Yes this method is for using it after first windows start. However you can try using it in other phase nobody realy tested what the program can and can't do. If it won't work to achieve what you need you could do it this way (however my program isn't fully yet ready for that but it will be if i get time and when i will need it for my own needs at work - and soon i will) 1. Setup unattended CD with 1st autologin to windows 2. Setup my program to be autostarted with RunOnce method, make it detect drivers etc (set it up in auto mode) -- here i need to add "reboot" option and auto login option (actually not that hard but it will require you to put login/pass into .ini i think) 3. Here my program autoreboots when it's done and autologins to windows 4. Cleans up his entries in registry about autologin and woila I think i'll start with adding reboot option (easiest) then you will just have to login to windows and you will have what you need.
  4. Hrmms, i might see where the problem is now for you. You have pci extender switcher so when you switch your device to another windows it doesn't notify windows until you get it to rescan devices and in case of my program it won't run until it has uNknown devices in system or devices with bad drivers. I implemented that check to not run my proggy if not nessecary however for your problem it would be nicer to have it. I will think about it and maybe implement option to override first checks so it can be run even if no drivers have failures so my program would add registry entries to registry and then run Plug & Play for you and it would find the devices you need. Tell me if i understand you right?
  5. Actually if you read the first post my program does what you need i think. It removes devices from system without drivers, puts correct paths into registry (you just give it like C:\Drivers) where all drivers are included (can be dir in dir in dir etc) and then runs Plug and Play rescan. If drivers are found no popup etc. But maybe it's not what you're looking for. Only reason why i would like to get rid of Hardware wizard is when lets say you deploy image, and you get my program started but before it manages to do anything you are getting hardware wizards. So what you could do is to run script before my program stats that kills rundll32.exe and then postpone my program like 15 seconds and start it to discover devices and make it use correct drivers. I think i could add an option to my program to kill hardware wizard before running my program in that (15 second period or so) when it starts.
  6. Well have you tried using my program for that? Or just put driver paths yourself into registry and then you won't have to click next... as it will discover device automatically.
  7. I'm not sure realy what you want to achieve but if you want to stop Hardware wizard to popup you might want to kill rundll32.exe process that starts up. So your little script would have to wait for process to show up and if it does kill it. Hope this helps
  8. Use http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=70209 which deletes devices without drivers, add all drivers to registry and forces p&p to redetect devices and finds correct drivers for them from bashrat packs. Cheers
  9. @Jedi82 Well you can do 2 things. Have the drivers unpacked on DVD and this should work, or have the drivers packed on CD (as the bashrat drivers unpacked take a lot of space, and have them unpacked by my program). However 2nd option is much slower as it needs to unpack stuff first. Me myself i prefer to use USB Sticks (much much faster - 20mb/s read comparing to slower CD) and i bought 4gb one to just use it for this kinda stuff You should be able to notice that it works when you will see that my program adds registry entries with full paths to drivers (you can see that in log file or log windows when it's doing so). Have a nice time playing with it. It has a lot of functionalities.. If you want your .ini to be independant on CD/DVD settings.. you can set the Drivers_Drive to RELATIVE which is quite good. Check first page for details on that option.
  10. Is it visible in Device Manager? And says that it has problem? ANd if yes what problem number it is?
  11. I would suggest using Bashrat Drive Packs with my app http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=70209. Works like a charm!!! I used it quite often for such cases. Eventually you can add other drivers that are missed in Bashrat packs like modems etc.
  12. Well if you are using Group Policy that means you are having Active Directory, and that also means there is special option in add to turn on so the Driver Signing is ignored :> Have phun looking for it, but it should fix your issue!
  13. Driver Genius Professional if i remember correctly can do those things you ask for.
  14. @kickarse: it's a yes that there are already programs that exist and do similar things that jravin has proposed but i can't remember single tool that would do all that in automated process that could be used in deployment process... What jravin wants is to have stadalone app to use one/two computers and there is plenty of that if you realy take time to google on it. What i would like to make is to make such app but for deployment solutions. If i wouldn't be lazy bum i would probably be already half way or even have first betas working on that But oh well i am lazy! jravin: just so you know, it's not near to be an easy project, but eventually someday i'll make such proggy unless someone will do it before me ;P
  15. Unfortunetly this tool only works on drivers with problems aka without drivers. The new one i work on with speed of the turtle that also takes lonnnnnnnnnng breaks between coding is supposed to support what you want ;P
  16. For me to diagnoze where the problem is you need to turn on Debugging option and logging option Advanced. Then i can tell more from log what went wrong and eventually fix it. Unfortunetly 1.01 version is very slow so no no big deal. I'll soon replace the code with new code in it and will see if the speed improved. As for 0.6.8 soon i plan to release 0.7.0 but need report from kickarse and Anamnesis about the fixes if those helped or not As for beta testing, it's of course possible but there is like nothing to test. New version with diffrent approach isn't even near finish so nothing to be done with it realy Except GUI and few nice tricks it isn't usefull. You can always contact me thou on MSN if you like, but i don't think in near future i will have betas ready. As for the AutoRun.inf well it's posted somewhere here in this thread how to make one. As for MsgBox asking if you want to run it or not, i'm not sure how to make it in AutoRun but i always can code it in my proggy, just don't know why would you need it, and in which mode ?
  17. Download newer/older driver from producent and check on it. Eventually remove permamently bad driver from system (if it got installed earlier and try again).
  18. Don't put drivers yourself in that System32/drivers path or on C drive directly. In registry you can put paths to drivers (to .inf files) in following key: $HKLM & "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", "DevicePath" But remember that you need to enter every path that has .inf into there for it to work (remember to use semicolon every new path) when devices are P&P detected. You can take a look at my proggy that's in sticky (http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=70209) which will do what you need for you. Just point directory you have drivers in and it will do it for you (well more things than just that) or use pyron's setdevicepath.exe tool if you want to do something else then what my proggy does.
  19. Unfortunetly i left the source at my parents home and now getting my sister to send me my projects to mail ;p It's preety hard. Anyways if i remember correctly this line you pasted comes from function for getting Devices P&P redetection. I can modify code a bit and we can try using devcon rescan instead and see what happens. if it works i can add 'option' in .ini file to either use autoit internal code or devcon Will fix soon i guess. Tnx for report. If you wish you can always msg me on MSN (pm for info) or IRC (EFNET), on which i am non-stop (more or less of course), with problems so we can try to fix things on the fly. Keep in mind thou, time diffrence ;P
  20. When, what, how Elaborate on this a bit Error alone doesn't give me anything
  21. Seems like a nice idea to replace Screen Saver with hardware detection mechanizm. Why won't you integrate the drivers into sysprep image totally for all devices? I'm asking because i've recently changed my job and i was told that the company has 88 builds that will have to manage and i will have to cut down the numbers so i'm wondering on possible solutions on how to achieve a lot less like 1-5 images + some dvd with applications of their choice (if multiple options of course). I haven't had occasion to look how they are doing it now since i need to go to .UK to be first introduced on how they are managing all that and how it's done ATM, but i want to have some background and some ideas first to shoot with
  22. Ah i read it wrong "before" login. I read it "after login. Well you could prolly use the proggy sometime sooner but guess you don't need my proggy then as Windows would detect the drivers itself. You just need to give him paths where to look for. My program is typically done for After first login to windows either from automatic point of view or manual.
  23. Well i'm sure there is, as probably that's why there was timer added by me on someone's request. WINNT.SIF - You can do something like this (that's just an example): I'm sure in other modes like SYSPREP.INF or RIS or whatever you can do similar things. Just google for it.
  24. Nah, it was for this chineese guy that had some problem I have some ideas how to speed it up but it will be always slower then using DIR output. It will be less messy in code thou. Nicer for me. I wish i would get some kick in the head so i would start working on professional version as it looks realy good even now ;P
  25. Just thought i would share a bit of stats with you guys - hardware_0.6.7.exe was downloaded 984 times since december when i've enabled counting - hardware_1.0.1.exe was downloaded 139 times even thou it wasn't even "officially" rlsed and is same as orginal just a bit diffrent code and was released for testing purposes for one guy - hardware_0.6.8.exe was downloaded 20 times but it was released yesterday so nothing big Thanks all for support, you make me "going".
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