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Everything posted by n7Epsilon

  1. http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/windo...-Tab-in-XP-Home
  2. You enabled the "Use only FIPS-compliant cryptographic algorithms" windows local security policy using Belarc Advisor. This does not change how Windows encrypts, hashes or signs anything but it just prohibits programs from using non-FIPS approved algorithms. You shouldn't need this settings unless you work for a top secret organisation where just running a non-FIPS approved application is a crime IMO... In addition, this breaks almost all older applications (that enforce windows security policies). FIPS on Wikipedia. What the setting you changed means. WMP11Slipstreamer makes use of the MD5 hash algorithm in its implementation and while I perform extra measures (hash salt) to prevent it from being reverse engineered, MD5 was demoted from the FIPS specification because it can now be broken with Rainbow Table technology (however, that only works if it is unsalted and the source password is short and easily predictable). Rainbow Tables depend upon creating the hash for *every* single possible password and trying to do a reverse lookup from the generated database, so salting the hash (ie: Adding random info to the data being hashed) will make each result completely different and thus be immune to this attack. However Windows does not understand this, and in accordance with your security policy, blocks WMP11Slipstreamer from creating an instance of the MD5 algorithm... How to undo this change: 1. Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policies 2. On the left panel, expand Local Policies > Security Options 3. Scroll down to "System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing and signing.". Double click on it and change it to "Disabled" 4. You may need to reboot your PC for the change to take effect (because Windows only reads the security policies once when it boots (by csrss.exe and lsass.exe))
  3. When do you launch cWnd, from a batch file that is launched by WPI ? Is this during XP Setup ? Does this happen on normal running Windows ? Please more details...
  4. How are you using cWnd from WPI ? cWnd's @ option will hide any parent window, not just consoles. All the problems with "@" have been due to my attempts to retain Windows 9x compatibility (I am doing it the very tricky way instead of using the Windows 2000 and up only GetConsoleWindow() function). I want to fix all issues with it while retaining this compatibility if possible. If all else fails, I will drop 9x support. If you mean to launch installers hidden use cWnd /hstart or /hstartwait, else report in the cWnd thread how you are launching it please.
  5. Please try with version 0.6 that I just released and tell me if it fixes the problem please :-).
  6. Starting from 0.4 the issue should be fixed. I was using GetForegroundWindow() to get a handle to the window to hide in 0.3 and I discovered that was wrong (because if another window became foreground while executing, it would get hidden instead). In 0.4 and 0.5 I do it differently. Thanks to some help from code65536 (on RyanVM forums) I now obtain the process ID of the parent process. Then enumerate all top-level windows to find the window where the ID of the process that created it matches with the one I obtained, and then hide that one. A potential issue may arise if the window is not a 1st level child window, but I haven't tested (but I will now try to create a test case). It would help if someone could tell how is cWnd in the failing part getting called ? (which batch / cmd file, running from where in setup). Edit: I think it is failing in setup.cmd because of this. For HFSLIP.CMD, the parent is cmd.exe (the command interpreter of the batch script) and cmd itself is creating a top-level window so it gets found. But in the 2nd case: IE7.exe > cmd.exe > cWnd so cWnd probably cannot see the 2nd cmd.exe window (but can see the IE7 window). This is just a hypothesis, but I am going to see how I can implement looking for child windows...
  7. See this, it may help: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1653
  8. DirectX 9.0 April 2007 = DirectX 9.0c + some new DLLs. Uninstalling DirectX will leave your XP unbootable (or severely crippled). Please don't do that. Install it over.
  9. Try right-click on the XP_Source folder remove checkmark from readonly and then apply it to all subfolders and files... Also check that you have NTFS Write and Modify permission on that folder (Security tab in XP Pro, if you have XP Home then ignore this sentence). This will be done automatically in the next version.
  10. wow the much famed gosh is here, Nice to meet you . I built my programs based on the principles you left on your homepage. Thanks a lot. I think that is one of the founding pillars of the addon phenomenon that started here.
  11. Intel 945G CAN run Windows Aero, however Aero is being disabled because of your 512 MB RAM. http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-023606.htm#1
  12. Change the block for ul.menu to be like this: ul.menu { margin: 0; padding: 0; } And it will work properly in both .
  13. This happens because you had an older installation of Windows XP that was using this folder, and then you made a new installation over it (not Upgrade) without formatting the partition (ie: You pressed L to delete the current windows installation during Textmode setup). So when the new installation tried to create a Administrator folder for the new "Administrator" account, it had to change the name to something else. No, you cannot rename it and its name will not change with the name of the PC. The only safe way to do it is to create a new temorary account, copy needed files out of administrator folder and administrator.pc000, then delete them both, then create Administrator again and login to it, (or better, then create a new account, it is not wise to use "Administrator" imo as a normal account) and then copy back the stuff from the temp user to it and delete the temp user... Of course, windows will not normally let you delete "Administrator", so you will have to do net user Administrator /DELETE and net user Administrator /ADD to add it back.
  14. How about something like this: .mydiv{ background-color: black; color: white; position: fixed; left: 10em; top: 10em; right: 10em; bottom: 10em; height: 100px; } To make its height fixed, i overrode the auto height adjustment with height: 100px. And if you change position to absolute instead of fixed, it will be like a normal div, else now it is fixed in the middle.
  15. Could you implement simple user-defined (and/or extension-defined) categorization. In the Add Job/Download dialog or something ? Categories could be stored in an ini/xml file or in the registry.
  16. I just tested Ie7 integration using nLite 1.2.1 and I have to say it works great but I have a few minor requests: 1. Can nLite make the files 8.3 compliant ? I see multi-dot extensions now in i386 (.exe.mu_) and LFN CAT files in the SVCPACK folder. I think the same occurs in Windows Media Player 11 but I haven't tested direct integration with nLite yet. 2. After installation IE7 reported that it was not set as the default browser despite the fact it appears correctly and runs when double-clicking on a html page, perhaps there's a missing registry entry ? - I was testing a clean source base with only RyanVM's 2.1.3 pack and no installers of any kind included.
  17. True, but then you can't set a range of numbers to make the random number in, hence all the loops...etc. I do actually access the %random% variable several times, I also found a utility somewhere called random.exe which allows me to do exactly what I want but I'll just stick with this for now... (and probably will re-write this in C++ when I learn enough since depending on a 23 MB framework for such a simple task is not justifiable (writing in C#))
  18. Thank you Yzowl ! , your method is so much faster moreso after removing the verification findstr command and it is also much more CPU friendly (when executed in a never ending loop)!
  19. Thanks it works perfectly although a bit slow (due to the execution of 2 FIND commands for each query) btw, I made up my own random generation algorithm (the following makes a number between 0 and 600):
  20. @Yzowl: Thanks for the help, let me explain it better. Here's a clear example to what I mean: - Imagine a file called colours.txt, which contains the following And my batch file is as follows: The problem is in what for command would look like. I would also be nice if I could find a way to generate random numbers within a range I can set. I have to use a program called random.exe to do that but a native way to do it without it would be great.
  21. Hi, I have a small batch scripting question... I have a list of names in a text file. I want to somehow use the FOR command to read just 1 line and allow separating into tokens ... etc. Example of Names.txt I tried this (assuming names list is names.txt and that the names don't have any spaces in them) FOR /F %%i IN (Names.txt) Do Echo %%i This gave all the lines in separate Echo commands. So I tried this: FOR /F "tokens=1" %%i IN (Names.txt) Do Echo %%i and it gave the same output ! I know of the delims option but how can I make Windows understand to use the CRLF as a delimiter so I can retrieve the lines by token number ? or is there some other way to do it ?
  22. I just replied to sharazmohd's PM on Siginet's forum. Just for record, here's the contents of the message (for anyone who has a similar problem): --- Begin Message Quote: The entries specified are just variables that allow the use of the variable instead of the filename in the rest of the entries.ini, so like this it won't work because you are settings the variable to 2 values at the same time. -- Notes: 1. You must rename the entries.ini file something else eg: entries_myBrand.ini to prevent conflict with RyanVM Update Pack. 2. It is also wise to rename the Title.inf to something different, example, MyBrand.inf, So, the solution is: 1. Merge both INFs to one: - Simply open Title.inf for example in Notepad and open Brand.inf in another Notepad. Copy all of the data inside the AddReg section [REGEntries.AddReg] of Title.inf of the files and paste after the data inside the [REGEntries.AddReg] section of the other INF and save, so now you have 1 big INF and delete the other one and then change its name to MyBrand.inf and then remove the maininf=brand line from the [filenames] section and when you do that, change the maininf = title.inf to maininf=MyBrand.inf in the entries_myBrand.ini file. 2. If you want to use FGCBA, make a new folder and put the "entries_myBrand.ini" and "MyBrand.inf" inside it and then open a command prompt in that folder, (use command prompt here) and use this command : FGCBA "entries_myBrand.ini" /build:MyAddOn.CAB. Then after that a folder called Output will be created in the folder we are in, go there and take the MyAddOn.Cab and integrate it with nLite or RyanVM integrator. OR - If you don't want to use FGCBA, then make a new folder and put entries_myBrand.ini and MyBrand.inf in it and then open a command prompt in that folder and execute: MAKECAB MyBrand.INF, this will give you a "MyBrand.IN_" file (compressed), then delete MyBrand.INF, then use a program like TUGZip to make a new CAB file (MyAddOn.CAB) which then you can use in nLite or RyanVM integrator. - Note: ENTRIES.INI (which in this case is called "entries_myBrand.ini") file must NOT be compressed. You're welcome ! .
  23. I have a 200 MB 3200 RPM Seagate, that works silently but horribly slow with zero bad sectors, use it for small text files... (maybe a hard drive for my SmoothWall).
  24. I write in C# and know about the .NET Framework. I have to say .NET makes it a lot easier to write programs. While it can be slow, a properly optimized and GAC'd .NET program can run as fast as a native program. And with utilities like FxCop, writing good .NET applications is easy to learn and .NET can be made portable with Mono. Also .NET doesn't have as much an overhead as Java IMO and it makes it easy to write secure code. The only disadvantage I can think of .NET is requiring a 23 MB runtime (but that will be standard in Vista onwards I think) and that we can't write low-level kernel mode stuff with it.
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