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Everything posted by n7Epsilon

  1. Hi, Sorry but I can't seem to get the command line to work correctly.... I used this: H:\WMP\slipstreamer_v3.exe /i386=H:\TESTPCK\I386 /wmp=H:\WMP10\mp10.exe /silent and then all I get is a couple of errors: -> WMP.INF/WMP.IN_ not found in I386 folder -> Media Player 10 Setup executable not found.... --> Also, please include examples of command line usage in Parameters.txt --> Thanks for the great slipstreamer, works great manually, but I want to use it in a batch builder script .... EDIT: I tried quoting the paths, escaping the paths, replace / with - and everything, I can't get it to work.... --> Please post a working example of command line usage....
  2. Hi, --> I have managed to create this batch file that can read and process each separate line from a REG_MULTI_SZ variable, here is the source code, took me about 2 hours to fully test.... --> However it depends on 2 external programs that need to somehow be copied to %SystemRoot%\System32 before T-14 (SVCPACK.INF)... --> Programs are: 1. Linex.com (extracts individual lines from stdout of a command) 2. Windows Global Search and Replace (GSAR.EXE) -> Can someone please examine my source and see if it can be optimized... --> Can I replace these commands by Windows-native programs ..... To Test: -------- - Download attachment, unzip to a separate folder and double-click TEST.CMD to execute.... @Echo Off REM REM -- Created by n7Epsilon @ MSFN.ORG REM - Feel free to incorporate into your batch files REM but just don't remove these non-intrusive remark lines... REM Echo. Echo *** Read HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup Echo *** Read "Installation Sources" REG_MULTI_SZ value and process Echo each line individually... Echo. Echo. Echo ** Press any key to start ... PAUSE > NUL Echo. Echo ** Looking for Windows XP installation source ... reg QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" /v "Installation Sources" | find ":" > %TEMP%\fndsrc.tmp gsar -s:x5C:x30 -r:x0D:x0A -o %temp%\fndsrc.tmp > NUL gsar -sInstallation:x20Sources -r -o %temp%\fndsrc.tmp > NUL gsar -sREG_MULTI_SZ -r -o %temp%\fndsrc.tmp > NUL gsar -s:x20:x20:x20:x20:x09:x09 -r -o %temp%\fndsrc.tmp > NUL goto process :process find /C ":" %Temp%\fndsrc.tmp > %temp%\no.xx gsar -s:x0D:x0A -r -o %temp%\no.xx > NUL for /F "usebackq delims=," %%i IN (`type %temp%\no.xx`) DO set loops=%%i set loops=%Loops:~-2% del %temp%\no.xx goto loopstart :loopstart set fndcnt=0 :loop If exist %temp%\work.ctl del %temp%\work.ctl > NUL set srctest= If not "%SRCPATH%"=="" goto srcpathset If "%fndcnt%"=="%loops%" goto loopfail set /A fndcnt=%fndcnt%+1 linex %fndcnt% < %temp%\fndsrc.tmp > %temp%\work.ctl FOR /F "usebackq delims=," %%i IN (`type %temp%\work.ctl`) DO set srctest=%%i set srcstbx=%srctest:~-1% Echo %srcstbx% | find "\" > NUL If not errorlevel=1 set srctest=%srctest:~0,-1% If exist %srctest%\WIN51IP.SP2 set SRCPATH=%SRCTEST% goto loop :loopfail set fndcnt= set loops= Echo. Echo !!!- Error: Unable to read Windows XP installation Echo !!!- files source path from the registry... Echo. goto end :srcpathset set fndcnt= set loops= Echo. Echo ** Windows Installation Source Folder: Echo * %SRCPATH% Echo. goto end :end set srcstbx= PAUSE TEST.zip
  3. Hi, I have always used my CD using the $OEM$ folders and etc. but I discovered something... I don't use any DriverPacks or hacked files, so I am trying to get rid of the $OEM$ distribution folders.... --> The reason: WINNT.SIF not being executed when setup is launched by WINNT32.EXE, and I would like to retain the ability to install using this method (useful for BartPE...) ---> So, I am trying to migrate the RunOnceEx.cmd code to a CMD file that gets executed by SVCPACK.INF .... --> My only problem is that I cannot create the %SRCPATH% variable that contains the source of the installation files .... --> In $OEM$ distribution folders, when RunOnceEx.cmd is executed, Windows makes the current folder %CDletter%\$OEM$, so if I use relative paths in the batch file, RunOnceEx.cmd becomes independent of the CD-ROM drive letter and I can install Windows XP UA from the CD or the hard drive, but if I use the normal CD-ROM detection code: FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) Do if exist %%i:\BootCD.dat set SRCPATH=%%i: - RunOnceEx will always require installing from the CD-ROM since when installing from the hard drive the paths will get messed up and none of my customization will be executed... ---> So now, I migrated the code the SVCPACK.INF, but the problem is: --> When SVCPACK.CMD launches, the current directory is %WinDir%\SYSTEM32\inetsrv, not %SRCPATH%\i386\svcpack, so I cannot use relative paths anymore.... --> So I thought of a workaround :: --> If Windows stores the location of its installation source in the registry I can implement the following code: reg QUERY "%REGKEY%" /v "%VALUE%" | find ":" > %PP%\fndsrc.tmp FOR /F "usebackq delims=," %%i IN (`type %PP%\fndsrc.tmp`) DO set SRCPATH=%%i set SRCPATH=%SRCPATH:~33,-1% %SRCPATH:~,2% cd %SRCPATH% - So I can change the directory to %SRCPATH%\ so I can use relative paths again... --> But problem is I cannot find the registry key that points to Windows Source Paths... - 2 keys I tried ... HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion - There is a REG_SZ value called SourcePath that I tried, but I found out that this value isn't written to the registry until SETUP ends so I cannot use that .... HKLM\Software\Microsoft\COM3\Setup - There is a REG_SZ value called "Source Path", but the problem is that it works fine when booting from CD, otherwise it is changed to C:\WINNT????.~LS folder (?? I cannot remember the name) when installing from WINNT32.EXE or WINNT.EXE, so I cannot use that ... - 1 key still not tried... HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup - There is a REG_SZ value called "ServicePackSourcePath" that is pointing to the location of the Setup files, but I don't know, will that key exist during SETUP... ??? -- Can I modify SETUPREG.HIV to add such a key.. I so how, and what should I enter ..... ---> Sorry for lengthy post, but I try to include as much detail to what I'm doing as possible.... -- NOTE: WXP SP2 + RyanVM Update Pack 1.2.2 a FULL + Gnome's WMP10 Slipstreamer.... --> Feedback appreciated.....
  4. @erik_demon: Yes you got me right, use the HDDINST.SIF as your Unattend.txt file to allow you to use the installation on a CD later....
  5. I too had this problem once (early with the 1.2 pack), it made me pull my hair out too, but this will hopefully fix it... It worked for me... - Try changing this value to 1 ie: change it to MsDosInitiated="1" - But that also means that the WINNT.SIF that will contain this line can only be run in DOS ... Unless, of course, you leave the original WINNT.SIF intact and put this in a HDDINST.SIF, which you would use as your answer file on installation from the second hard drive - That way, you will make the installation working in both cases (CD install, HD install)
  6. Hi, I'm trying to integrate this fix into my CD.... --> I'm trying to apply this patch into the CD, it contains a new MP4SDMOD.DLL file... --> I tried to just drop it into I386 but it doesn't overwrite any files there... --> The closest file I could find is an MP43DMOD.DLL file in I386 .... ----> it seems that MP4SDMOD.DLL isn't copied over using BTS script... (or maybe it wasn't in the WMP10 original package)... ----> It also seems that WMP.INF needs to be modified... (and I don't consider myself qualified to modify INF files... Last time I tried tweaking LAYOUT.INF, I spoilt the whole setup !!!) --> Any help please ..??
  7. Hi, I think because it is a Windows Media Player Update and not a Windows XP update. It fixes some problems with MPEG-4 Videos... -- Hmm, I guess I shouldn't called it a hotfix, but it has been recently released nonetheless...
  8. Hi, A new hotfix has been released... http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;895181 --> Can I slipstream it by just extracting the modified files from inside the hotfix program, MAKECAB them and then dropping them in I386 overwriting the older versions there ???
  9. Hi, IMO, People, this is MICROSOFT !! --> How can Windows be a Microsoft OS if there aren't 4-5 Service Packs for it !!?!?!
  10. But, don't codecs install themselves in FireFox via browser plugins ? -- eg: QuickTime: npqtplugin6.dll
  11. Hi, I myself prefer to keep it afterwards since programs that like to install FireFox plugins copy files to %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla FireFox\plugins which of course doesn't exist before installing FireFox... --> So JRE first, FireFox second, Codecs and others third... --> That's my setup and works flawlessly...
  12. Hello BTS, Can you please, make it so that the WMP files are protected by Windows System File Protection whilst maintaining what they did.. (bashly, etc.) (ie: Re-enabling MP3 encoding / playback) in WMP10... --> Also, they are trying to make Windows recognize the WMP9 playlists...
  13. Hi, To blinkdt: --> Can you please post the instructions, How exactly did you do it...?
  14. Looks like I'll just stick with integrating the WMP updates only till someone gets this MP3 thing sorted out... --> Tested hotfixes in WMP10, working great...
  15. Hi, Testing in a few minutes... --> But, I have another question here, It seems that BTS Script does integrate the WMP10 files but they are not protected by WFP like when you install them from MP10Setup.exe.. ---> How can I get the WMP10 files (that are slipstreamed into Windows XP installation source), to be recognized by Windows File Protection and protected like the rest of the system files...?? -----> I would like to see that in 1.2.. --> Would the process be as simple as copying all the .CAT files from MP10Setup.exe to the SVCPACK folder (which, if you are using RyanVM's pack is specified as an [OptionalSrcDir] in DOSNET.INF) in the distribution source... --> But since not all files are copied from MP10Setup.exe, could someone tell me which .CAT files...?? or is the entire theory impossible...
  16. Hi, Will version 1.2 include this new update ?, if not, can someone post instructions on how to integrate this update.
  17. Hi, Just in, is a new Diskeeper Build 524, which I can download by checking for updates using Diskeeper Pro 9.0... --> So, now I want to integrate the new Diskeeper Build on the CD... --> I am only on dial-up !! and I don't want to download the full installer again.... --> Is is possible by any means to somehow integrate the new Diskeeper update into the main (Build 515-Retail) installer (which I got when I purchased the program), to install the latest build directly from my Unattended CD...??? ---> As far as I know, I think the only difference between the update installer and the original installer, is that the update installer looks for the older build before copying the new files since the size of the update is almost as large as the full installer.. --> I downloaded the full Build 524 Update and I really don't want to download the whole thing again, the wait is traumatizing on 56K dial-up !!! BTW, the update like is here: Diskeeper Update
  18. Here's my CONFIG.XML file... Note: Upon installation GSAR translates the variables (eg: $RepLong$) to correct directories using environment variables (eg: $RepWin$ becomes %SystemRoot%)... config.txt
  19. Hello guys !!!!! I figured this one out on my own and I'm going to share this with the forum... to: buletov, If I disable the firewall using the [WindowsFirewall] section in winnt.sif by settings "mode = 0" the firewall does get disabled and zonealarm installs, but later if i close zonealarm, the Windows Firewall STAYS in the off state.... But I wanted to retain this capability: So this is what I did... [Reference: Word Document (can't remember name) in DEPLOY.cab in \SUPPORT folder] -- I created a new NETFW.INF file from scratch that disabled notifications, then a batch file copies that over the %SystemRoot%\system32\netfw.inf and execute NETSH FIREWALL RESET from command script, so zonealarm installs... -- then another netfw.inf (i called it NEtfwon.inf) adds vsmon.exe to Windows Firewall's exclusions list (It is located in %SystemRoot%\System32\zonelabs), copy it over the the modified NEtfw.inf in SYSTEM32 folder and once again execute the NETSH FIREWALL RESET command from the same command script immediately after zonealarm has finished installing... -- and that's all, now zonealarm installs without a hitch, imports my CONFIG.XML file, and then finds Windows Firewall ON on next reboot and disables it, thus accomplishing my task and retaining the aforementioned capability... to: Fonceur When I try to manipulate the firewall from the registry, the firewall doesn't seem to respond immediately to the REG change, so I used the NEtfw.inf method instead... -- thanks for all replies before.... ---- cheers. chipcraze23
  20. Hi, I have searched and searched for the last 45 minutes but can't seem to find what I need. Here's the problem... --> I have finally created an unattended install of ZoneAlarm Security Suite and got it to auto-register... (using the /lickey syntax) ----> I have also created a CONFIG.XML file that it sees and imports my application lists automatically... --> I even used GSAR (Global Search and Replace) to specify replacable parameters for %SystemDrive%, %ProgramFiles% and %SystemRoot% in CONFIG.XML so I can deploy my CD to any Windows folder on any partition in any way I want with the settings correctly preconfigured and the applists pointing to the right files... -> But the problem is that when ZASS installer executes in RunOnceEx section, after it completes, it tries to start the VSMON service but for some strange reason, Windows Firewall pops up and blocks it and gives me that annoying error: "Blah Blah blocked some features of this program blah blah blah..." Ask Later - Keep Blocking - UnBlock -> While the RunOnceEx completes and the system reboots and it is fixed, I would like a way to eliminate this message.... ---.> Things I have tried: -> using [WindowsFirewall] section to add VSMON.EXE to exclusion list -> Installing with NO CONFIG.XML --> But I still get the error.. --> I know that I can disable Windows Firewall by using the [WindowsFirewall] section in WINNT.SIF and setting the MODE to 0 (as described by REF.CHM in DEPLOY.CAB in the SUPPORT folder on XP CD) but I want to retain the cool ability that ZoneAlarm has which is: ==> Auto-Disable >> Windows Firewall when ZA on. ---:> When ZA Off >> Windows Firewall ON -> If I completely disable Windows Firewall, cool thing #2 (above) will not work (ie: Windows Firewall will STAY OFF even if ZA is turned OFF) _--> Anyone know anything to alleviate (and/or) fix this situation.... ---> I think this is a new issue....
  21. Hi, I am new in this field and I have a simple question here... ---> I have a created an EZBoot Menu for my CD that allows me to boot either to an fully updated and slipstreamed-with-the-latest-hotfixes XP PRO installation or to a 98SE shell where I can run diagnostic software like AIDA16...etc.. --> The problem is that I have set EZbootLoader to load the bootsector from "Microsoft Corporation.IMA", so when I choose XP Setup from the menu, it goes to a black screen saying, press any key to boot from CD... and if I don't press anything it continues to boot from the hard drive... ---> Is there a modified Windows XP bootloader I can use that immediately skips to the Setup initialization part without waiting for keyboard input... ---> Thanks a lot. I have learned a TON of information from this wonderful site....
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