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Everything posted by WULover

  1. Look a Step 22 in my guide, I've explained how to stop redirection.
  2. Add &g_sconsumersite at the end after?ln= For example ?ln=fr&g_sconsumersite
  3. Read the guide I wrote, you will see the answer of your question. Yes, you can.
  4. HOW TO RESTORE WINDOWS UPDATE V5 This message is for all people who want to restore and run the Windows Update v5 site on their computer. This is the 1st guide to restore Windows Update v5. Disclaimer: The v5 site can contain bugs. Please report bugs, so they can be solved by us. Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012 R2 recommended. The IIS and DNS features (roles) are necessary to do this guide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Download the latest Windows Update v5 files : Download Windows Update v5* 2) Extract the files in a folder on your server. 3) Go into "the folder where you extracted the files > v5consumer > shared > js" and rename the file "redirect.js" to "redirect2.js". 4) Go to your DNS role (Start > Administrative tools > DNS). 5) Create a new zone called "v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com". 6) In this zone, create a Host record (A) and enter ONLY your server's IP address (in the IP field, like that "" - this is an example). To know your IP v4 address, press Windows + R, then type cmd. When the Command Prompt appears, type ipconfig. Your IP v4 address should appear.). 7) Close the DNS, then go to IIS. Create a new website (in the left sidebar, expand "your server name", then right-click on Sites and then click on "New website".). 8) In the field "Site name", type v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com. In the Path field, click on Browse, and then browse to the folder where you extracted Windows Update v5 (this folder should contain the folder "v5consumer" - DO NOT SELECT V5CONSUMER. In the Binding group, use the default settings. In the Host name field, type v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com. 9) Do not forget to install the IIS url2rewrite module - Download the module (english) (overrender.com is my website, and this file hasn't been modified, it's the original one from Microsoft). WARNING! x64 INSTALLER! IF ENGLISH IS NOT YOUR IIS SERVER LANGUAGE, SCROLL DOWN TO THE ADDONS SECTION OF THIS POST. 10) Go to your client (Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 2000). Go to the DNS settings, then enter the IP of your server in the Prefered DNS field. Click OK. 11) Check if you can access the Windows Update v5 website. Open Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer 6 recommended), and type v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com. If you can access the site, continue to Step 12. Else send me a Private Message. 12) Download ProxHTTPSProxy Mii v1.3a - Download the file 13) Extract the file on your host computer (only if you're using a virtual machine. If you're using a real computer, extract it on your server). 14) Go into the extracted folder, and double-click on "ProxHTTPSProxy.exe". This will create a file called "CA.crt". 15) Double click on "CA.crt", then (in the window) click "Install certificate" In the wizard, click Next. Click on "Place all certificates in the following store", then click "Browse...". Check the Checkbox, then go at the top of the list, then expand "Trusted root certificate authority" and click on "Local computer". Click OK, then click Next, and close the window. If the certificate was imported successfully, you will get a message box saying "The importation was successfull" or something like that. 16) Go to the ProxHTTPSProxy folder, then open the Launcher.exe file. It will open in the System Tray. 17) Open Internet Explorer, then go to the Tools menu, then click on Internet Options. Go to the Connections tab, and click "Lan settings." Check "Use a proxy server for your LAN". Click on advanced and, in the HTTPS field, type the IP Address or the computer where ProxHTTPSProxy is running. In the Port field, type 8079. 18) Click OK, then click OK. In the "Advanced" tab, scroll down and find the Checkbox "Use HTTP 1.1 with Proxy connection". Check it, then click OK to close the Internet Options. If this was done successfully, download the "Restore_WU_XP.zip" file - Download the file 19) Extract it in a folder onto your client (ONLY THE CLIENT). Then run "Install.cmd". When a prompt "Windows File Protection" appears, click CANCEL (this is VERY important). 20) Restart your client. 21) Open Launcher.exe (in the ProxHTTPSProxy folder). 22) Open Internet Explorer, then type http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx?g_sconsumersite and try Windows Update v6. 23) If you can check for updates without problems, type http://v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com and the v5 site should work. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD-ONS This section is for add-ons (multilanguage files, etc...) IIS Rewrite Module (Official Microsoft Site) : Go to the IIS website --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is not definitive and might be updated in the future. So, stay up-to-date! If you have any question or problem, send me a Private Message or ask @maile3241, @WinFX or @ByQuadCore. If your problem is happening to many other people, I'll post a solution. All files except the Windows Update v5 files are hosted by OverRender.com. Report a missing file or a problem with them to me. This site has been restored with the great help & work of @maile3241, @WinFX, @ByQuadCore and me. - WULover
  5. Did you add the IP of your IIS Server in your client's DNS settings ?
  6. "I have already tried the steps,but the server returned me a 500 error,what should I do?(My server is Windows Server 2022)" Because I never got this error, ask @WinFX. I think he can help you.
  7. V3 works with ie5 and 5.5. In ie6, you'll get less updates or a crash.
  8. Yep, you need Windows Update V3 with IE5.5 to run the site correctly
  9. Yep, and it send requests to getmanifest.asp. Getmanifest.asp is the problem.
  10. Create a DNS zone in your DNS called v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com, then create a Host Record (A). Enter the Ip of your server at the bottom, then validate and close the DNS. In IIS, create a new website called v5.windowsupdate.microsoft.com (in Site name), and enter this in Host name too. Set the IP address to "All IPs", then enter the physical path where you store Windows Update, and here you go! To access Windows Update in virtual machines, type the IP of your server in their DNS settings (this is for the client).
  11. Hello ! Welcome to do the forum ! Wu V5 is almost restored, V4 and v3 hast a lot of problems...
  12. It's currently Work in Progress, but yes, there will be Chinese don't worry !
  13. No, there are still problems, like the update descriptions in the Update History, or the torubleshooter. But we're about to finish that, thanks to @WinFX. V4 has sadly nothing new, and the getmanifest.asp problem is a very big problem... Btw, @maile3241 and @ByQuadCore are working on how to use Windows Update v5 / v6 with the client.asmx from WSUS. I am personally working on all WU versions. FOR PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP RESTORING THESE OLD VERSIONS OF WINDOWS UPDATE: I will release Windows Update v5 in a zip as soon as it is fully restored. If you want more information, send me a Private Message (if it cannot fit in this topic).
  14. This is not a simple URL, you need a Windows Server Computer / Virtual Machine, DNS zones ans IIS.
  15. Windows Update v4 is currently experiencing problems due to getmanifest.asp, so it will come in a moment. But v3 is working and v5 too! WinFX and maile3241 did a very great job.
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