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Everything posted by WULover

  1. Alright, tanks for reporting that. Windows Millennium Edition is still very buggy. It'll be fixed in the future. As for the patches, we can't add/remove them, so we do what the ones offered by Windows Update. Also the "Virtual Machine Verifier" update cannot be found everywhere.
  2. I meant only Windows 3.1, not 1.x and 2.x. The website was http://www.microsoft.com/windows.
  3. They had updates but only on floppies, or on small patches online with a crappy Internet connection. Windows 95 had updates available at http://www.microsoft.com/windows95/downloads/corporate.asp, and you had to download them manually.
  4. You are! Except for Windows Update v1 which was a preview/test version of the website, all is right. Also, please do not make this mistake: Windows Update v3.0 supported only Windows 98; Windows Update v3.1 supported Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, ME and 2000.
  5. This site is not "Windows Update", it's just the preview of the website. But yeah, the Windows Update website itself coud be Windows Update v2.
  6. Hello, welcome to the forums ! You're welcome! As updating a 9x computer was becoming hard, I decided, with the members of this topic, to recreate these old websites, to make updating easier. Not currently, V4 has been paused for now. The developer in charge of Windows Update V4 needed a small break. To try using Windows Update v3.1, visit http://v3.windowsupdaterestored.com
  7. You'll have to reinstall Windows, otherwise it won't work.
  8. Hello ! This error happens when you're using an unsupported language. You need to use Fiddler (proxy) to see what files are missing and which ones needs to be patched. If I don't have this log, I can't do much more.What is your operating system ? Windows 98 SE ?
  9. Hello ! Thanks for your feedback, it's very useful for us. For Internet Explorer 4.0, it's impossible to support it, we do not have the content for it. The warning you get is just the ActiveX control I modified to allow the site to find the updates catalogs, nothing more. Don't worry, it's secure and virus free. Other than that, missing files are just updates that are being added, but you'll have them on the server by the end of the year (it's very long). The JS errors are Microsoft issues, that came with the website. It's not an official site, so adding updates and fixing bugs is long and sometimes hard. You can try Windows 98 and NT 4.0 if you want
  10. It's not something we can edit, unfortunately. You know what is the Windows Update website, and what are the ActiveX controls right? It would be easier to determine that ActiveX controls cannot be installed on other systems than Windows & Internet Explorer. Sorry if my previous answer wasn't really clear, but regarding to the 58 previous pages of this topic, it was pretty obvious. I was not meant to be aggressive either. To make that simple, use Internet Explorer 5.0 on Windows 98 (SE if possible). These are the usage instructions. I'll add them on www.windowsupdaterestored.com once I'll get time. And websites from 1998 are not the same as modern ones...
  11. It's a site for Windows 98, not Android. And you need Internet Explorer, not Opera. Use a Windows 98 computer or Virtual Machine, then try again and see the result. It's not a website do manually download updates like the Microsoft Update Catalog. It's the original Windows Update v3.1 website from 1998.
  12. For the members of this topic/project: Windows 95, NT 4.0 and 98SE are now working properly with all necessary updates in French and English. If you have eny errors, let me know (I will need the Fiddler log, otherwise I won't be able to help you). Update your computer at http://v3.windowsupdaterestored.com
  13. Windows Update v3.1 (v3.windowsupdaterestored.com) for Windows 95/98/98SE/Me.
  14. The path is not fixed, and is setup up when running the setup. Could you explain what you meant please ? Also, what code should I add/change/remove from the existing one? The name of my .exe is the same for everyone, so it has to be hardcoded. Can you provide an example too please (I'm asking a lot but I do not really know how to code in VB 5.0). Thank you !
  15. Hello! I have a big issue in Visual Basic. When I create a shortcut on the desktop using a small program in Visual Basic 5.0 on Windows 98, the shortcut have its target on the previous folder (ex: C:\Program Files\ovtxt_xp_run.exe instead of C:\Program Files\OverRender OverText XP\ovtxt_xp_run.exe | you can see that the "OverRender OverText XP" folder is missing in the target. Here's the code in VB 5.0: ' Programme de création du raccourci d'OverRender OverText XP dans le dossier de l'application ' This program is a part of the OverRender OverText XP Setup. ' ' 2023 - OverRender.com ' Processus de création du raccourci Private Sub cmdMakeLNKFile() Dim Shell As WshShell Dim Shortcut As WshShortcut Dim DesktopDir As String ' Initialiser l'objet WshShell Set objShell = New WshShell ' Initialiser l'objet ObjShortcut 'the complete name of the .lnk file, include full path plus the .LNK file extension Set objshortcut = objShell.CreateShortcut(App.Path + "/OverRender OverText XP.lnk") ' Définir la cible du raccourci objshortcut.TargetPath = App.Path + "/ovtxt_xp_run.exe" ' Définir l'icône du raccourci objshortcut.IconLocation = App.Path + "/softassets/ovtexticon.ico" ' Définir le commentaire / la description du raccourci objshortcut.Description = "Create, open, edit and share documents easily by using OverRender OverText XP." ' Sauvegarder le raccourci créé objshortcut.Save MsgBox (App.Path) End Sub ' Exécution de la tâche "cmdMakeLNKFile" lors du lancement du programme. ' A noter : le programme est invisible. Private Sub Form_Load() Call cmdMakeLNKFile 'MsgBox (DesktopPath) End End Sub (do not worry about the comments in French, you can always translate them). Could anyone help me with that please? I have that since now 1 year and it's very annoying, as shortcuts are made to make the access to the program easy and not hard. Thank you!
  16. I don't have these pages sadly, and I don't know what they looks like. But yeah, the website is not for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or Windows 2000. It's Me or less.
  17. i searched in the Windows Update file, and I don't have this language. It was originally included in Windows Update v3.1, but the files were not archived by the Wayback Machine. I'll fix your issue with English files, and I'll see after if it's possible to make a special language pack for you. When it'll work, can you please give me the translation of the texts in Danish please?
  18. Hello! The reason on Control.htm is not the right one. The server is just missing files. Can I have your fiddler log to troubleshoot it please? I should be able to fix that. But your language is not common. I don't think I'll be able to find a language pack file (.gng file) for it. But anyway, let's try!
  19. I've added the right files and patched existing ones, you can now check for updates in all languages with Windows 98SE ONLY. Use Windows Update Restored to do that. In case you encounter an issue, please report it to me.
  20. Btw, this works on Windows NT4.0 and Windows 2000, but for 9x systems, only my method works, as 9x systems does not support any proxy sadly.
  21. WINDOWS UPDATE V3.1 FILE FORMATS Windows Update v3.1 uses the following file formats, associated with what they are for: - .CAB : This stands for the ActiveX controls (ACTSETUP.CAB, IDENT.CAB); - .GNG : These are the language packs. They change the language of the updates names & descriptions; - .AS : These files are the "redirections" to the right .inv and .bm files to detect updates and display them; - .INV : These are the inventories. They store a list of available updates; - .BM : These are also inventory files, they also store updates; - .DES : These are (normally) the updates descriptions; - .CIF : These files are requested when downloading updates. They contain the download links. ISSUES WITH WINDOWS UPDATE V3.1 When using the Windows Update v3.1 website, you may encounter errors. This is mainly due to missing files on the server. If you host your own copy of the Windows Update v3.1 website and you encounter an error, please indicate it into your question. If you're using Windows Update Restored, also indicate it, we may fix the issue. Help us save time As the issue is mainly due to missing files, here's a small way of saving our time and yours and solve the issue quickly: 1) Install a proxy on your computer (for example, Fiddler Classic: https://www.telerik.com/fiddler/fiddler-classic) 2) Open Internet Explorer on the computer where you want Windows Update to work, and go to Tools > Internet Options. Click the Connections tab, then click on LAN Settings. Check "Use a proxy server", then click Advanded. DO NOT FILL THE FIELDS BEFORE CLICKING ON ADVANCED. In the Advanced dialog box, under HTTP, enter the IP address of the computer where your proxy is running, then the port (for that, enter 8888). 3) Click on OK, then OK. Now, go to the Advanced tab, scroll down, then click on "Enable HTTP1.1 through proxy connection." 4) Click OK to close the Internet Options. 5) In Fiddler, go to Tools > Fiddler Options. Click on the Connections tab, then check "Allow remote computers to connect". For the port, choose 8888. 6) There you go! You can now see what requests Windows Update sends, and what filenames are missing! NOTE: If you do not know what's an IP address, or if you're not familiar with Internet Explorer, learn what's it and how to get it before asking "What's an IP address" or "Where is Internet Explorer". Hope you'll find this helpful
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