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Everything posted by slimzky

  1. wow Xpero nice release.. actually this is the first time i installed xpize.. coz i usually use it to patch xpcd.. i would say the theme included is superb one thing annoying, after rebooting , it now prompts for login password any idea why? thnx a lot!
  2. so u mean theres a stand alone ffdshow installer? does it support real and quicktime? ty. ps. care to share the link? this link follows with several links to download FFDShow http://www.google.com/search?q=ffdshow here are two reccomended links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ffdshow http://www.free-codecs.com/download/FFDShow.htm thanx alot
  3. so u mean theres a stand alone ffdshow installer? does it support real and quicktime? ty. ps. care to share the link?
  4. any idea whats causing this problem? this happens on IE too. I did not remove IE/IE Core during nLiting. thanx a lot.
  5. i was a FF user before, but switched to Opera months ago. i never switch back to FF ever since. Opera rocks. If u r a FF user and u want to switch to Opera, one thing that wud annoy you is the tab behaviour. but ul get used to it like me.
  6. i used the classic installer
  7. using this switch, the installer runs silent but still creates a profile folder in Docs and Settings
  8. thnx nuhi! more power!
  9. ive had the same problem a while ago. i nlited & created an ISO using nlite 1.0rc8. i wasted 2 CR-R's , 2 DVD-R's & used 1 CD-RW,, all failed with burning speed as 48x , 8x & 4 x non of them booted, but their booting in Virtual machine granting i used the image in the HDD. i had no choice but to create another build & that solved the prob. i suspect it has somthing to do with the latst RC
  10. just use a hacked sfc_oc.dll & disable windows file protection from the registry. that shud get rid of it. just search msfn.
  11. wow Duron! thnx for these resource BMP's . unfortunatley, all VIsta Transformation available packs doesnt hav those BMPs in dialog boxes..
  12. just want to share this, those square borders around desktop fonts tend to appear if u try to set a GIF image as wallpaper
  13. here's mine.. Opera 9 Beta 2 WMP 11
  14. For all Windows X fans still at TC, informing you that the Vista Transformation Pack 4 has been released! Due to TC and Windows X ending their relationship, the packs are no longer released here. WINDOWS X WEBSITE: http://www.windowsxlive.net NEW WINDOWS X SHRINE: http://www.jcxp.net/forums/index.php?showforum=71 You can download VTP4 at either of these locations. All discussions, feedback and support is now located at the new Windows X Shrine.
  15. that shot is from DeviantArt right??
  16. thnx to both of u guys! very handy
  17. @spiritpyre, thank you very much dude!!!! u know the "uponelevel" shellext will be very useful for those who are trying to mimic the looks of Woindows Vista like me. because i only use back & forward button in explorer. its pain in the a** without up one level.. but now its easier
  18. 1. Integrate Updates&Hotfixes 2. Nlite 3. replace with your own shell32.dl_ 4. make ISO
  19. eh guys, what about reg tweak to enter this? or a batch file maybe? thnx!
  20. slimzky

    bmp's, resources

    thnx :-)
  21. slimzky

    bmp's, resources

    hi guys, if u dont mind, can u give me the name of the files that has BMP resources in it like whats in this screenie.. http://xpero.msfn.org/screenshots/wizards.jpg thnx in advance,, i want to modify my own but i dont know what files contain those bmps..
  22. Sorry for my english. I've renamed my windows, program files and all other system dirs names to my own. So when i will put OperaDef6.ini to *.sfx i need to change default dirs names to variables like %SYSTEMDRIVE%. But there is no variable for C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Application Data\Opera\o90w_8333 to put there Profile folder. How can i put in win distributive Variables to use its when install applications? variables isnt neccessay in Winrar SFX.. i dont use it in some of my sfx installers. just try using the full path like so: ;Opera Profile Path=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Opera Silent=1 Overwrite=1
  23. @ ps-, cud u link the wallpaper pls
  24. @abadaba, dude, thnx a lot! it works like a charm. can u please work on how to bypass Adobe Bridge, Help Center, ExtendedScript toolkit installation. of course, nliter don't want them
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