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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. Oh yeah, forgot to add NM28. NM27 has always "felt" much more responsive than NM28 - at least now I have a "benchmark" that kinda proves it also :) NM28 28.1.0a1 (2018-09-21) == 25.3 +/- 0.44 NM28 28.10.2a1 (2020-10-23) == 27.7 +/- 0.34
  2. I'm not generally a huge fan of "benchmarks" because they focus too much on graphics and I don't do a lot of videos or YouTube. But here's one that touts to focus on "the responsiveness of web applications" - https://browserbench.org/Speedometer2.0/ Below are my results on an i7-4770 running XP x64 (I run 32bit browsers even though on a 64bit OS) [higher numbers are better], "mileage may vary". NM27 27.6.0a1 (2017-10-29) == 36.6 +/- 0.39 NM27 27.9.7 (2020-10-23) == 36.3 +/- 0.47 Arctic Fox 27.10.2a (2020-10-23) == 36.3 +/- 0.67 Mypal 28.2.2 (2018-12-12) == 27.2 +/- 0.64 Mypal 28.14.2 (2020-10-13) == 28.86 +/- 0.25 BNavigator 0.9.7559a1 (2020-10-09) == 27.5 +/- 0.31 Basilisk/Serpent 52.9.0 (2020-10-23) == 27.28 +/- 0.15 Chromium 49.0.2623.112 (2016-12-24) == 59.8 +/- 0.81 Chromium (Advanced Chrome) 54.15.5320.0 (2017-10-29) == 51.6 +/- 1.3
  3. You shouldn't hold your breath on getting a direct reply. Roytam offers SEVENTEEN different browser builds if I counted correctly. You need to find one that "balances" most of your needs - you will NOT find one that meets "all" of your needs. It took TWO YEARS for an "about:permissions" bug to get 'partially' fixed in NM27. I personally hold the view that a "patch" applied INCORRECTLY actually INTRODUCES security vulnerabilities. That didn't stop people from using NM27 during those TWO YEARS. We do have a "large following" here that FALSELY thinks they are "secure" just because they update their browser 'weekly'. That is NOT meant as any disprespect, so to speak. We all have differing perspectives on "security" - 'to each their own' :)
  4. regarding ArcticFox vs NM27 -- about:permissions is still broken in ArcticFox but has been 90% fixed in NM27 a month or so ago
  5. This can be done relatively easy using an older program called "Proxomitron". Huge fan! Couple it with GreenBrowser and that was my default-for-everything combination for a good 4-5 years or so. The creator passed away a few years back but there is a recent project being updated every once in a while. Though might be easier to see if a NM27 addon can be created.
  6. No disagreement on "security" perspectives. I did point out that as far as browser preference goes, that the reality is that nobody can answer that question but you (the person that was asking which browser to use). Sure, we have a lot of "cheerleaders" here that will say "use this browser, I use it and so should you" (paraphrasing, of course). But I was striving to provide some "logical justifications" as to why I use NM27 over NM28. I only use EIGHT add-ons so I don't doubt that my needs are for sure less "broad" than others. I do take the security stance of "save often" and kinda don't 'care' if I get hit with a virus (I never have, knock on wood). I keep a disk image handy for full unattended reinstall and don't save anything to the local hard drive. My computer can crash and I'm back up fully operational in 20 minutes.
  7. I think you'll be happy with that NM28 version dated 2018. I personally use a NM27 version dated 2017. I will take quick, snappy, and responsive any day of the week over "patched for security". "Security", in my view, is a d@mn dog chasing its own tail. And, in my view, unless you're visiting p0rn sites or illegal downloads, then "security schmaacurity". Most "security vulnerabilities fall in the realm of "stand on one foot, rub your bellie clockwise, tap your forhead, flush the toilet, cycle the furnace" and everything has to happen precisely within milliseconds to actually be "vulnerable" - one in a million shot... Just never happens in "real life"... I'm also NOT a fan of "feature creep" - explain to me why a browser targeting XP has code for Start Menu Tiles that are only Win 8 and higher ??? But I digress.
  8. AGREED! My computer has FIVE monitors and it's not uncommon during research projects to have FOUR of them with New Moon Windows each with a DOZEN or so tabs. NM27 is much more responsive than NM28. If you want to run a test, use this version of NM28 - http://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.1.0a1.win32-git-20180922-3c04affe2-xpmod.7z That NM28 version will be just as snappy and responsive as NM27. It was shortly into the 28.2.x versions that the NM28 sluggishness set in.
  9. Here is Stylem in NM27 and NM28. Style edits "color-code" better in NM27.
  10. I do have the offmainthread active but do not have hardware acceleration active. I recall that I enabled offmainthread from a "fps" comparison and don't recall hardware acceleration making any difference so kept disabled. But, apples to apples, I also do NOT enable hardware acceleration in Chromium either. I'll do another side-by-side comparison later in the day as far as YouTube on NM27 vs NM28 vs Chromium v49. The last time I did the comparison Chromium v49 "won" *easily*. But I didn't try any YouTube addons in NM at the time. I actually HIGHLY prefer NM27 over NM28. One reason is the way that Stylem works in NM27 vs NM28.
  11. I am aware. My web browser is used as a "portable" browser and is used across several computers. While I cannot remember "why" exactly, I prefer hardware acceleration disabled.
  12. "Here we go again", as the saying goes. I am not a "fan" of these types of questions - the reality is that NOBODY can answer this question but YOU. But, having said that, I admit that I also asked the same question when I was "new". I have ran everything from GreenBrowser to Iron to Maxthon to Sleipnir to SlimBrowser to Chromium to Chrome to Firefox to Opera to Waterfox to Vivaldi to Comodo Dragon to QupZilla to Falkon to SeaMonkey to Pale Moon to MyPal to BNavigator to New Moon to ArcticFox and another good dozen or so I just cannot remember at the moment. I also consider myself a bit of a "tweaker". I take CPU temperature, processor percentage, and RAM usage into account (I've attached a YouTube test for reference, "mileage my vary"). It's not "all about" whether YouTube will play or not. My computer-room computer NEVER plays YouTube - it's for paying bills, tracking finances, reading news, et cetera - it runs New Moon v27 and nothing more. My living-room laptop (below screencap) does play YouTube and sends it to the Big Screen TV - it runs Chromium v49 and none of Roy Tam builds has dethroned Chromium v49 for "my" YouTube needs.
  13. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning! I tested PM v27.6 from October 2017 over the weekend and all 11 of my usually-problematic sites now WORK. Them not working was the only reason I ever "upgraded" to v28. A kid in a Candy Store! I've never been a fan of "feature creep" and I don't like (or need) all of the "features" that have crept into Pale Moon since the days of 27.6. Truly Ecstatic!
  14. i read them also. BUT i look for ONE key word - "typo". it wasn't until a "typo" was fixed in v27 correcting an issue dating back to 'at least' 2018 that i *finally* was able to upgrade from 28.1.0a1 2018-09-21. i never really liked v28 (manage styles in Stylem don't color-code properly) but was kinda "forced" to use it due to a couple of bank account sites. i wasn't able to upgrade back to v27 until a "typo" causing about:permissions to not work correctly was fixed. so now i'm using a version from last month where that about:permissions typo was finally fixed. a small portion of about:permissions is STILL broken - but it's fixed enough to at least return to v27 as my default-for-all. do not know when the bank account sites started working again in v27 because i waited for the about:permissions page to be fixed before reverting back to it.
  15. Ah, thanks. I would like to learn how to compile but every instruction guide I've tried was OUTDATED and no longer works. A how-to-compile thread would be nice
  16. Could you explain what this means? Is this a v28-only build preference or does this effect recent v27 builds also (ie, the week or two that Roytam had computer issues)? My default is v27 dated 9-12-20.
  17. Bite your tongue, mister. I would personally PREFER my web browser to be called "Browser".
  18. That worked perfectly and was just what I needed, many thanks. I did not know about Classic Add-Ons Archive.
  19. Does anyone have any addon suggestions for NM v27 where I can redirect pages? One of my banking sites has an "offer" page that I would like to redirect "around".
  20. I would actually prefer a month-or-two release schedule as opposed to weekly. I like how MyPal only releases "milestone" versions as opposed to weekly.
  21. What do you mean when you say "YouTube doesn't work" or that "Google is trying to kill" v27 ??? I didn't have to do ANYTHING and YouTube works for me right out of the box. I don't have a "sign in" for YouTube but videos play and at about 15-degrees cooler than my other browsers.
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