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Posts posted by InterLinked

  1. Hmm... maybe I'm doing something wrong, but if it is, no idea what.

    Is Firefox 45 SSE supposed to run on Windows 7? I'm getting this error.

    I downloaded all the Roytam1 browsers yesterday when updating my scripts. Everything seems to work fine except this one, which gives this upon launching:



    This occurs even after installing the 2013 vcredist_x64.exe as some sources suggest.

    Second error is "Couldn't load XPCOM"

  2. @i430VX

    I updated my Roytam1 installer scripts to account for:

    1) Hostname changes (breaking)

    2) MailNews directory renaming (breaking)

    and a few more things.

    Now, everything works as expected again.

    I also found other issues with the script I hadn't found before since I don't use the other programs. Those are fixed now to the best of my knowledge.


    Last updated 2020-10-24 with following patches:
    - Hostname changes and MailNews rename fix
    - MailNews directory renames to match repository
    - Borealis to bnavigator dir renames to match repo
    - Created Borealis directory creation script (previously missing)
    - Fixed inherited K-Meleon Goanna directory inconsistencies and script issues
    - Fixed inherited Firefox 45 SSE script issues

    Latest revised scripts can be downloaded at the top of the page here: https://w2k.phreaknet.org/

  3. OK, what's going on now?

    I ran my updater today and MN and NM were completely wiped out. Gone! Rather than fail to "could not update", it deleted my software :(

    https://o.rths.ml/ is not responding for me, either. Is the repository gone?

    @i430VX is yours still working?

    UPDATE: Ah OK, I see the hostname changed.

    Did a find/replace on that, now New Moon updated back. But MailNews is still gone...

    Here's what I'm trying to do:

    cd /D "%~dp0"
    set Arch=x64
    if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" ( 
        if not defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 set Arch=x86

    if %Arch% == x64 (
    set choiceprog=choice
    set archstatement=64-Bit [x64] With at least SSE2
    ) else (
    set choiceprog=choice16
    set archstatement=32-bit [x86]
    if exist "%ProgramW6432%" (
        set x64progdir=%ProgramW6432%
    ) else (
        set x64progdir=%programfiles%
    if exist "%public%\Desktop" (
        set publicdesktop=%public%\Desktop
    ) else (
        set publicdesktop=%allusersprofile%\Desktop
    if exist "%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" (
        set startmenuall=%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
    ) else (
        set startmenuall=%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs
    echo Now Installing MailNews...
    wget -O - http://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp|for /F "delims=<> tokens=5" %%f in ('findstr ">mailnews.*win32-.*-xpmod\.7z"') do echo %%f >%tmp%\lastfn
    for /F %%f in (%tmp%\lastfn) do wget --tries=75 -N -P %tmp% http://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/%%f
    for /F %%f in (%tmp%\lastfn) do "7z.exe" x -y %tmp%\%%f
    START /wait mkdirspinoffmailnews.bat
    move /Y interlink "%programfiles%\mailnews\"
    icacls "%programfiles%\mailnews" /grant Users:RX /T
    xxmklink "%publicdesktop%\MailNews.lnk" "%programfiles%\mailnews\interlink\interlink.exe"
    xxmklink "%startmenuall%\MailNews.lnk" "%programfiles%\mailnews\interlink\interlink.exe"

  4. 16 minutes ago, win32 said:

    There is some other non-Vista stuff I'm working on, and this would fit right in with it. :sneaky: But it would take longer because of the Vista stuff.

    And yes, everything from that "other" project will go back to Vista.

    Awesome! HT on Vista would be swell.

    Here's another port project... albeit in the other direction.

    I've been using HyperTerminal on Windows 7 for a while, like many, and it's awesome. Only problem is no icons.

    I found on some forum that you also need hticons.dll in system32, so I found that and copied it in. But, even after a reboot, no icons :(

    I ran Dependency Walker and I got these files as missing:



    Everything else looks good. Not even sure where I would find these, should I port them from XP to W7? If so, would just putting them in the same directory as hypertrm.exe be the way to go?

    FWIW, XP ain't perfect either - these are missing there:


  5. 7 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

    The point is though is not even the UI or that. Sure, Windows 10 uses a lot of ram, and it's not surprising because as time goes on, the operating systems for whatever reason keep getting bigger.

    The main reason for this in Windows 10 is the addition of like 100 more processes running, most of them being svchost.exe. Microsoft added a LOT more services into Windows 10, most of them being diagnostic and telemetry related. First red flag there.

    I will continue to hate the Windows 10 UI until it is consistent. Fun fact, there are still Windows XP and 2K icons in Windows 10. Generally because shell32's code hasn't changed since then. Only the resources have.

    The telemetry is the main reason why I really want to leave 10. I don't like having my data sold, its not Microsoft's data. The OS on my computer is what I purchased. I have the right to tamper with it, modify it, and use it without what I do on it being sold and Microsoft telling me that I can't modify it. They think that Windows is a service that you bought to use your computer. They call it that so people don't realize that its really just so they have control on the computers. 

    People say that Satya came in and fixed everything. That is a businessman's perspective. On the consumers, it completely destroyed our right to use Windows privately and personalize it the way we want to. Remember back when everyone used 7? How most of the time you would see really modified and personalized installations? You don't see that often with 10 anymore.


    Exactly! My feelings exactly. IMO, MSFT went downhill when Satya took over. Not from a stock perspective maybe, but from a quality perspective.

    To be fair, Windows 8 happened before Satya, so it's not completely his fault.

    Gates should have just stayed CEO. I'll take Internet Explorer over Edge any day.


    7 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

    For those who like 10 and argue back to the ones who hate it, saying that modifying it is casuing the bugs with it, you are right. Exactly correct. That is the problem. We shouldn't NEED to modify our OS just to make it secure and less invasive. That is just how Microsoft made it need to be. 

    Does anyone still remember when Microsoft actually had Windows Update channels regardless? People who clicked Check for Updates more often got less-stable updates on purpose because Microsoft assumed they wanted beta software?

    Windows 7 was the last OS that Microsoft actually tried to make good. After the rocky road with Vista they wanted to redeem themself. And they did. Everyone loved Windows 7. People still use it 11 years later.




    7 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

    Windows 8 was the first attempt at a "OS for all." They failed at that because they never made it appealing for mouse and keyboard users. They overestimated the growth of touch screens.

    Windows 8.1 just added the start button back and nothing else. Still fine as you can use Classic Shell to fix this.

    Windows 10 was supposed to fix all the issues of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, as well as bring all the features loved. We're talking the best OS of all time. But what we recieved at launch was an incomplete OS that had LESS features than Windows 7 and 8.1. The worst part of all, is that unlike Windows 8.1 release and Windows 7 release, this time Microsoft wanted people to use it. So GWX existed. 

    Never had that happen on previous releases of Windows. People hated GWX because some people got forcefully upgraded without their consent and against their will. Microsoft never owned the computers. They do not have the right to forcefully change how our computers work. I BOUGHT THE COMPONENTS AND THE LICENSE. It doesn't matter what the EULA says even though it may be in there, but it is my property and I have the right to do whatever the hell I want with it.

    In fact, a small business computer, which was used for basically all their things, was forcefully upgraded to 10. The upgrade failed and the revert failed so it was stuck in an unusable state. They sued Microsoft for it.

    Microsoft calls it the "latest and greatest Windows ever" because its extremely profitable for them. They could not care at all what you think about it.


    Ironically, Windows 10 is very lax about activation, so I don't see how they're making money off it. The "free upgrade" still works. They know it's so bad, there's no way people would use it if they forced people to pay...


    7 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

    Microsoft also tries to shut out the competition and absorb it if they find it dangerous for their business. Its an extreme monopoly thats happening there.

    The reason that Office 2019 didn't support 7 or 8.1 even though they were still in support at the time was because they wanted you to stop using 7 or 8.1 regardless of support or not. They wanted you on 10 so they could earn more money. Telemetry did exist in 7 and 8.1 near the end of its life because Microsoft made it that way, but you could easily disable it and remove it, because they were just Windows Updates.


    Yeah, Microsoft took a page out of Apple's playbook. "Break everything possible."


    7 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

    Another reason is that WSL suddenly over the last few years got a lot more development going on with it. Mainly because, Microsoft does realize how much poetential Linux has in the future. To prevent Linux from gaining motion, they suddenly started developing hard and fast with WSL to drive people considering to switch back into Windows and move some Linux users back to Windows. 


    WSL isn't new. I have the Unix Subsystem on Windows 7. Requires the Enterprise/Ultimate SKU I think, though.


    7 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

    Nothing will change under Satya at this point. They never wanted to copy Apple. They just had a strategy to control their userbase and shape it into what they wanted it to be. And we here are the last of the legacy Windows fans.

    I loved Windows 7. I was such a big fan of it. I just loved how it was so simple and I was so much more productive on it. It was an actual tool, unlike Windows 10, where you have to tool the OS.

    I really don't know what type of drugs happened in 2014 but ever since then Microsoft has completely destroyed that Windows fans loved about the OS.

    And all of this will be forced upon us in the next few years. As programs drop support for Windows 7 and 8.1, we will find most of us forced on Linux (which will also fall apart because of Microsoft trying to destroy it) and last of all Windows 10. Microsoft will force everything to run Windows 10 in the future. It's how they want it.


    Not true. I will just stay on 7. Linux is untennable. It's a server OS, not a workstation OS. Love Linux, all (well, most, besides the Windows Servers) my servers run headless Debian, but it's an awful workstation OS. You can't beat Windows, no matter how crappy it gets.


    7 hours ago, Tonny52 said:

    Until there is a class action lawsuit against them (which will never happen, because those companies get some nice juicy data about their users from Microsoft) nothing will ever change and we could be seeing the most unexciting software.

    I guess in the future its time to just give up our privacy and right to own our computer.


  6. 3 hours ago, win32 said:

    Extending DLLs by adding functions and new code will be the way to go. Anything else will typically result in failure.

    I'm afraid this is way beyond my level already. I only half follow ;)

    Is this a project you'd be able to help with, or are you too buy with your Vista dev?

    Hey, in theory we can port this to W7 *and* Vista!

  7. 17 minutes ago, win32 said:

    Yes, it's definitely possible to extend the DLLs much like I've done for Vista. And perhaps something will be done for 7 as software continues to drop support for it.

    But starting with Windows 8 and especially with 10, things get weird with those One-Core DLLs. They make everything look very stubby.

    Any thoughts on what I might try, then?

    Snipping Tool is all I want, I don't give a hoot about any other Win10 stuff

  8. 6 hours ago, UCyborg said:

    Assuming dependencies are satisfied, you have to modify the .exe so it doesn't specify minimum required OS version as 10.0 using a tool such as CFF Explorer. If I remember correctly, you're looking for MajorOSVersion/MinorOSVersion and MajorSubsystemVersion/MinorSubsystemVersion, they have to be modified to target 6.1 instead of 10.0.


    I guess that would make sense... so all I need to mod is the exe? No DLLs or anything?


    6 hours ago, UCyborg said:

    It'll probably also need MUI files carried over before it'll work, but I can't say more ATM as I'm not on computer.


    What are these? I don't use different language packs, just English


    6 hours ago, UCyborg said:

    PS: that error message is misleading, you have to upgrade to Windows 95 to get more accurate error message.


  9. Any thoughts on porting the Snipping Tool from Windows 10 to Windows 7?

    Pretty much everything about Windows 10 sucks in comparison to Windows 7, but the nifty "Delay" feature of its snipping tool is quite useful, have to hand it to them. I'll commend them when they do something well and criticize them when they screw literally everything else up.

    Obviously, the delay feature isn't worth downgrading to Windows 10 for, so is there any feasible way of porting it that people have figured out?

    I went down the Dependency Walker rabbit hole a while back but when I copied everything over it, it didn't work, and just said it was not a valid Win32 application. So I'm unsure what they've done or how they could have modded the tool so much that it's not even recognized as Win32 anymore.

  10. 1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

    It works!


    Works for me too, I think!

    At least I don't get "Diagnose Connection Problems" anymore in IE8.

    Not sure how useful this is, since updates aren't being released for XP anymore, but still nice to see! But then I get:

    The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.

    For self-help options:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Find Solutions

    Windows Update Newsgroup

    For assisted support options:

    Microsoft Online Assisted Support (no-cost for Windows Update issues)

    But I borked the update catalog on a different OS here a few days ago, and maybe the catalog blacklisted me or something, who knows. Have to use a proxy in order to access it now!

  11. 1 hour ago, win32 said:

    No. USP 5.1 is just an alternative to SP4 UR1. HFSLIP includes DX9.0c, IE6 SP1, post-EOS updates, XP embedded updates etc. And nLite is also an alternative to HFSLIP; they almost do the exact same things.

    Awesome, just was scared I was missing updates for a second. That's one thing I hate - not having the latest versions of all my old software!

  12. 2 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    On Windows 10 Home updates are installed whether you like it or not AFAIK. On Windows 10 Pro, which is what I have, you can defer them for a period, but that's all.
    Not quite the same thing! Doesn't worry me as I'll want to install the updates anyway.


    Whoops, I was thinking of Windows 7! :D


    2 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    That's good to know! I was fairly convinced that MS had now gone down the rental route with Office, like another major software vendor *cough* Adobe *cough*.


    Oh, yeah, that's just disgusting. But Adobe has the same problem anyways. Their Reader DC programs are absolute dog stuff. I prefer XI and the older programs anyways, so good riddance. I can stop paying two pipers at once: Microsoft AND Adobe... thanks, guys! :D


    2 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    I wish you could still buy copies of things like Photoshop and Premiere outright instead of having to permanently rent them for a monthly fee, but I guess that's never going to happen again now.


    Well... you could use the old ones... they're better anyways, IMO partly for that reason.


    2 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    I was fairly convinced that MS were doing the same, and it's good if they are still going to be producing standalone versions of Office that you can just buy and keep.
    I still reckon I'll update before Office 2022 comes out though!


  13. OK, here's something weird... @Dave-H

    So I went through and tried installing all the EXE updates I'd determined from CABs (and previously deleted the corresponding CABs, since I don't need them regardless).

    Most of them actually installed, so a lot of these older updates still are required to get up to date and aren't superseded.

    These all said "already installed" so these are in practice superseded or irrelevant - and now noted in my Excel sheet (not yet updated online):

    oart2010-kb3115197-fullfile-x86-glb.exe - probably would've been valid but there's a newer update in the set
    oartconv2010-kb3115248-fullfile-x86-glb.exe - ditto

    So, I deleted all of these. This is part of why I wanted to back-trace the CABs to KB #s. I knew that some of them had to be irrelevant. I suspect some of the CABs I've not been able to trace to KB #s are also irrelevant, but not sure how I can test that or get KB #s easily from those still.

    Only thing left is powerpointloc2010-kb4022136-fullfile-x86-glb.exe

    When trying to install it says:

    There are no products affected by this package installed on the system

    and I can't figure out why. My sheet doesn't show it's been superseded and it's a "relatively" new update. It says PowerPoint 2010 equation editor, and I don't see how that wouldn't affect me. There is also talk about "localized versions of PowerPoint", but I don't really get what the deal is here. Why is it refusing to install?


  14. 2 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    I don't think that not installing the updates is an option, Windows Update will just do it automatically.


    Can't you set it to "Download but let me choose to install" or whatever it's called?


    2 hours ago, Dave-H said:


    They will remain listed in Windows Update though so it will be easy to see which ones were installed.
    I don't know when I will get to doing this, don't expect it too quickly!
    My plan is to probably uninstall Office 2010 from the Windows 10 side of my main machine, and replace it with Office 2019, which I suspect will be the last standalone non-subscription version of Office.



    Nope, they've already confirmed there will be a non-subscription "Office 2022" next year. Course, I won't be buying it.

    I honestly wouldn't care much now if they discontinued the perpetual, because Office is so awful now (like Windows) that I would never use a modern version. 


    2 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    Then I will use the Office 2010 licence key from that old desktop installation to install it on the Windows 10 side of my netbook.

    OK, now we're talking!


    Here's where I've gotten. Surprisingly, my spreadsheet helped me considerably in tracing many of these CABs. I probably could trace about 60% already. I need a bit more help with the other ones. Most of the newer ones I was able to trace, but some of the older ones are more difficult because there aren't EXEs available and CAB tracing is a mess. If only there were a way in the catalog to feed it a CAB name and get a KB back. But nope. Tried it, and now I get a server error every time I use that. Have to check the catalog in a different browser now.

    Anyways, here's what I've gotten at so far - traced/confirmed KB #s listed below the appropriate update - the way I traced was not actually using the signing time as much but mostly just the version numbers, then going there in the sheet, finding the appropriate category, and checking each of a handful of updates until I found a file name match like "access-x-none" for instance:

    SigningTime : 2/15/2019 6:38:33 PM

    SigningTime : 10/14/2015 11:50:17 AM

    SigningTime : 8/25/2017 8:11:33 PM

    SigningTime : 9/5/2015 1:36:14 AM
    3054886, no EXE (CAB only)

    SigningTime : 3/23/2015 1:47:50 AM
    2589348, no EXE

    SigningTime : 8/13/2015 8:20:05 AM
    3055047, no EXE

    SigningTime : 6/18/2019 4:55:07 PM

    SigningTime : 11/20/2014 12:12:59 PM
    3054873, no EXE (CAB ONLY)

    SigningTime : 6/24/2015 3:22:34 AM
    2553154, no EXE

    SigningTime : 10/3/2014 7:04:45 PM
    2589386, no EXE

    SigningTime : 7/24/2013 10:24:55 AM
    --- Patch;gfx;14.0.7106.5000 - somewhere around Apr 2014?

    SigningTime : 5/17/2016 8:01:29 PM

    SigningTime : 12/18/2013 8:11:06 PM
    slightly older than https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2825817/description-of-the-sharepoint-workspace-2010-hotfix-package-groove-x-n

    SigningTime : 7/16/2015 10:24:02 AM

    SigningTime : 2/10/2016 12:47:59 AM

    SigningTime : 12/18/2013 8:10:34 PM

    SigningTime : 4/17/2014 6:12:41 PM
    2880971, no EXE (CAB only)

    SigningTime : 12/11/2015 5:09:19 PM

    SigningTime : 10/25/2013 7:47:32 PM

    SigningTime : 8/14/2013 4:40:23 AM

    SigningTime : 12/18/2018 12:28:58 PM

    SigningTime : 2/17/2015 8:16:04 PM

    SigningTime : 9/7/2013 1:11:01 AM

    SigningTime : 10/20/2018 4:22:37 PM

    SigningTime : 11/12/2014 2:05:51 AM
    2553140, no EXE

    SigningTime : 8/28/2018 5:11:46 PM

    SigningTime : 1/22/2019 6:44:30 PM

    SigningTime : 5/17/2018 2:43:51 PM

    SigningTime : 1/22/2019 6:44:02 PM

    SigningTime : 5/17/2018 2:43:31 PM

    SigningTime : 6/17/2015 5:26:57 PM
    2553347 (no EXE, CAB only)

    SigningTime : 2/15/2019 6:40:22 PM

    SigningTime : 11/30/2018 3:50:03 PM

    SigningTime : 7/12/2016 11:56:08 PM

    SigningTime : 5/14/2015 6:12:33 PM

    SigningTime : 6/27/2018 10:15:24 AM

    SigningTime : 6/26/2018 2:18:58 PM

    SigningTime : 11/12/2014 2:05:53 AM

    SigningTime : 2/10/2016 12:48:40 AM

    SigningTime : 3/14/2019 1:52:12 PM

    SigningTime : 7/12/2016 11:28:26 PM

    SigningTime : 10/16/2013 5:04:14 AM

    SigningTime : 6/26/2018 2:55:23 PM

    SigningTime : 6/5/2017 5:33:40 PM

    SigningTime : 5/17/2018 2:44:16 PM
    4011186 (SUPERSEDED)

    SigningTime : 7/16/2015 10:25:29 AM
    2589318, no EXE

    SigningTime : 2/15/2019 6:41:52 PM

    SigningTime : 8/14/2013 4:46:08 AM

    SigningTime : 7/21/2011 3:12:30 PM

    SigningTime : 8/27/2017 1:28:39 PM

    SigningTime : 4/12/2017 2:28:42 PM

    SigningTime : 10/20/2016 3:18:56 PM

    SigningTime : 5/17/2016 8:03:01 PM

    SigningTime : 1/22/2019 6:45:24 PM

    SigningTime : 5/17/2016 8:00:40 PM

    SigningTime : 6/5/2017 5:03:52 PM

    SigningTime : 9/5/2015 1:37:31 AM

    SigningTime : 12/28/2018 11:43:19 PM

  15. OK, @Dave-H and @crashnburn4u

    I figured out part of what's going on, in the process of tracing my mysterious CABs

    Now that I have the Excel sheet, it's fairly easy. Properties displays the version number of every MSU in the files extracted in the CAB, so I just go in each folder.

    What I'm finding is that what happened is that catalog.update.microsoft.com offers update in CAB format. However, the newer KBs, from at least the past few years, link to EXEs on download.microsoft.com.

    I think what happened is up through February, I was copying KB #s into the Catalog portal, and downloading CAB files, but after that, I just clicked the links in the KB articles and downloaded the EXEs, and never looked back. Interesting!

    Personally, I prefer the EXEs, because they contain the KB number in them which makes referencing really easy. The CAB file names are only listed in update.catalog - I would need to make some kind of script to trawl through the site and iterate over all KB numbers and make a list of which CAB file names go with which KBs - and not sure how to approach to be honest... esp. since some KBs have multiple files for download.

    Also explains why I only downloaded the en-us CAB for some of those updates, whereas the EXEs have all the languages. Didn't want to manually download every language update!

    Many older KBs do not have EXE updates, though, so I have to keep the CABs around in the event they are necessary. Once I know exactly what CABs are which KBs, and I know if they were definitely superseded or not, I can then manually try installing them on my patched Vista testbench and see what happens. Then, we'll know a little bit more, and maybe some of those CABs really are redundant.

    At that point, I'll be feeling much more confident about all this!

  16. OK @Dave-H

    The Excel file is complete.

    Downloadable from w2k.phreaknet.org - it's right at the top

    It contains *EVERY* single Office 2010 update ever released, to my knowledge. I scoured all the Microsoft KB articles. Probably took around ~5 hours total.

    Supersedence for every update is also listed where provided, and formulas and colors keep track of which updates have been made unnecessary by future updates.

    There's still some questions I have, but this helps, so it's a start.

    Anyways, could be a great asset in crosschecking updates now. I'd be interested to see what updates you're offered and how they line up on this sheet. Maybe you can note the KBs but not install?

  17. 1 minute ago, Dave-H said:

    Well I'm thinking of installing Office 2010 on my netbook, which is Windows 10 32 bit.
    I already have it on the Windows 10 side of my multi-boot main desktop, which has the 64 bit version on it, and Windows Update has always worked fine to update that.
    If I go ahead with the new 32 bit installation, I'll let you know what updates get offered!

    Awesome, thanks! It'll be interesting to see where that lines up.

    One problem I've noticed is Microsoft is, well, sloppy about supersedence. For one thing, a lot of their Outlook updates (the really large ones) show up as not superseded, except I know, in practice, they have been, becuase there'll be a newer version with a similar filename that's only a few KB larger or smaller. I'm still finding non-superseded (possibly legitmate) updates though as far back as 2016. Talk about a real PITA. NOWHERE on the official update webpages does it say, oh yeah, go back and download all these updates since 2013. It just links to the latest KB as if that were all you need! What a joke!

  18. 50 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    FWIW, would one way of determining exactly what updates are current be to install a clean pre-service pack Office 2010 onto a supported operating system like Windows 10, and then see what updates are offered for it by the Windows Update system?
    Any which aren't offered can surely be presumed to have been superseded?

    Hmm... it could certainly corroborate other methods... but Windows Update has been so whack I don't I would rely on it. Is it something you're able to do?

    WSUS apparently has some way of showing supersedence for updates, but I'm not running a WSUS operation here!

    I'm currently extending my Excel sheet back so I can use it for crosschecking updates. In the middle of 2016 so far, will probably have to take it back to 2013 or 2012 or so.

    I was able to successfully check a few CABs, 2 were not superseded and 1 was. Still need to do the other ~50 eventually!

    I'll continue making my findings available as I learn more. Wouldn't it be nice if Microsoft just released SP3? :D 

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