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Everything posted by VistaLover

  1. ... There's a slightly updated "beta" version (not by JustOff), v1.16.4.31b2, tucked away inside PR#330 : https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/pull/330#issue-1206437114 that I have been using for the last few months, without any noticeable problems so far... @roytam1, any clue on your side? Relevant upstream issue being: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/2193 However, I couldn't help noticing: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/2193#issuecomment-1204235263 ... to which no follow-up has been posted... I won't pretend I fully understand all this , but are we sure the updated URI works 100% with "legacy" ?
  2. ... Well, 2022-05-28 is NOT recent in terms of the UXP-forks release cycle... After the "*-git-20220521-*" packages, there have been 12 (!) "palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-*" packages released after it; I'm not suggesting you should be updating your NM28 installation weekly just because "weekly" (or, in some cases, bi-weekly) builds are being released, but I would consider it prudent if you did update to the latest available build ("palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20220903-d849524bd-uxp-64173440f-xpmod.7z" as I'm typing this) before you reached out here to report a web-incompatibility... He assumed you are running some sort of script/content blocker extension like NoScript or uMatrix (which, by default, are being aggressive at blocking scripts needed for the proper functioning of sites) ... Is that the case? FWIW, my Serpent52 copy dated (2022-08-05) - already a month old - has no issues with the site you referenced: Just running uBlock Origin "legacy" here...
  3. ... With respect (and I'm not just saying so ), I still differ here, because it's extremely easy to locate/identify one specific bookmark if you have a vague recollection of its name... By habit, I mostly use the bookmarks sidebar, not the bookmarks toolbar, and it comes with a very handy bookmark search bar... I have more than 1,000 bookmarks myself, but by just typing the keyword "about" in that search bar, I have quasi-instant access to the "about:about" bookmark: Please also remember that any extension, when enabled, will consume an additional amount of RAM, although I suspect in the case of TB it'd be infinitesimal... If you already have TB installed in order to use one of its many "other" buttons, then all would be fine, but I wouldn't myself install it just for the sake of an "about:about" button... As I said already, "whatever tickles your fancy" ... Kindest regards
  4. ... A simpler solution, at least according to me , would be to just create a new bookmark pointing to "about:about": Result in St52: Of course, this is just a personal preference ... Others may be fine with installing a dedicated extension, along with an additional toolbar button... In any case, my moto is: "The more choice there is, the better" ! ...
  5. @basilisk-dev wrote: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?p=231654#p231654 ... Actually, there's a "special" version of CTR that Basilisk/Serpent 52.9.0 users should install: https://github.com/Aris-t2/ClassicThemeRestorer/releases/tag/ Specifically, "latest" version CTR_v1.7.8.2019.10.27.xpi Related CTR issue: https://github.com/Aris-t2/ClassicThemeRestorer/issues/402 OTOH, Serpent 55.0.0 users can install the EoS version, CTR_v1.7.8 (Posted in the spirit of mutual gains between the official Bk and St52 communities! )
  6. ... Use your Web Console | Browser Console | Error Console : It's the same underlying issue causing the recent breakage of Google Drive ...
  7. In the last week or so, Moonchild updated his Gitea instance in the https://repo.palemoon.org/* code repos, from v1.12.1 straight to v1.17.1; while this was probably a good thing in itself, as the updated version comes with patched security holes, fixed bugs and new features (including localisation to my native tongue, Greek, of all things ), it has unfortunately resulted in broken support in the Goanna3-based apps, namely New Moon 27 ; "buttons" with drop-down menus no longer work, same for "ellipsis" (...) buttons and several other GUI areas (e.g., you now can't change the Gitea localisation via the footer "button") ... Below screen grab is from https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon/issues loaded in latest NM27: The issue sorting buttons remain unresponsive ; likewise, when loading https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon/commits/branch/27.9_RelBranch tree branches can't be selected via the branch button, nor can you expand a commit's message via the ellipsis button ... Web Console reports: SyntaxError: invalid for/in left-hand side index.js:9:211593 where the culprit file is https://repo.palemoon.org/assets/js/index.js?v=7ea14c4ca3b4ece8917e08968da69260 Can something be done to restore Gitea support, or is everything lost in NM27? NB that GitHub is severely broken, too, while GitLab won't even load at all, so this latest development practically rules out NM27 for "reading" the most frequently used open-source, on-line, code repositories... Thankfully, UXP-based apps can handle Gitea v1.17.1 fine...
  8. ... Apologies for the tardiness in responding to this... Indeed, reverting: - Bug 1191042 - Use CreateOffscreen for WebGL instead of CreateHeadless. - r=jrmuizel (f98fd02e59) in your "palemoon27" tree: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/commit/1a712471fb1ffc702fabc8ee3dcaf5e17783a9b3 fixes ALL the issues I had with NM27 builds after package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20220723-b6b16147cc-xpmod.7z" . Below is latest NM27 release: WebGL Renderer is, again, being enabled by default, "about:support" loads as expected (without crashing the whole browser) even when the "about:config" pref "webgl.force-enabled" is toggled to "true" ... Many thanks!
  9. Many thanks for your presence here and your moderate/kind language . To the best of my knowledge, this was not a request for you inside these forums ; "official" (as in by MCP) Bk never came with support for XP/Vista (while that was true for its initial fork point, Mozilla Firefox 52.6.0); what was probably meant is that you do not declare full-blown war against the Serpent 52.9.0 fork by Roytam1... While the main dev, myself and several other "advanced users" of St52 ALWAYS make it clear that St52 != Bk, some of the (newer) St52 users on XP occasionally turn to the official PM forums for St52 support; this is wrong on them, albeit a small "nuisance" for you that you "should be prepared" to live with for as long as these users can't tell apples from oranges ; kindly redirect them here until, as you said, you remove the "Serpent" unofficial branding from Basilisk (which, hopefully, reduces the number of these "occasions") ... What is really hoped for "here" is that you "accept/acknowledge" the existence of the "fork" and that both user groups (Bk+St52) mutually benefit between them... I am much grateful for that ; a second laptop in my household still runs Win7 SP1 x64 on 2010 era H/W, with only 4GB of RAM; 32-bit Bk runs better there, without depriving the OS from needed resources to concurrently run other applications... Perhaps you could also accept Basilisk-specific verified bugs in another section of the MSFN forums, possibly in https://msfn.org/board/forum/200-web-browsers ? Yes, this is crystal clear and shouldn't be expected of you ... Since I spoke of Basilisk-specific verified bugs, kindly revisit below report: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?p=231584#p231584 I verified it in my own Bk-52.9.2022.08.06 x86 installation; the default setting for PDF files in Basilisk is to "Preview in Basilisk"; with that setting enforced, the embedded PDF.js viewer should be triggered to open (on-line/local) PDF files inside a browser tab[/window]; but in your latest Bk Windows build, the resultant tab[/window] is blank ... OTOH, Serpent 52.9.0 (x86) doesn't suffer from this; the OP's on-line PDF file, https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_Chapter12_FINAL.pdf opens, as expected, in the native PDF viewer, inside a browser tab (the file itself is ca. 35.5MiB in size, so the speed at which it fully renders depends on your connection...). Welcome to MSFN, my kindest regards !
  10. What made you think that latest NM28 would behave differently in rendering web content between (first) Win7 and (then) WinXP? If the site in question renders broken in Win7, there's almost certainty it will do so under XP... The opposite is not always true, when the site's server performs UA-sniffing and blocks loading/rendering simply based on the OS (XP) reported in the UA... Already reported upstream: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=28747 Sadly, it's not; as your posted Error Console Log says, this is due to missing Regex Unicode Property Escapes support in UXP ; upstream have open issues for it at: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/1282 (=> https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/1286 [closed, unresolved] =>) https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/1675 but they have seen little action as of late... TL;DR: Switch to a Chromium-based browser for Google's proprietary services... (... perhaps the palefill extension can be enhanced to add such missing support into UXP-based browsers, but it's not ready yet... )
  11. Someone else already posted about this on Aug 7th: https://msfn.org/board/topic/182647-my-browser-builds-part-3/?do=findComment&comment=1223526
  12. All Basilisk-related infrastructure was transferred to the new owner/maintainer of the Basilisk/UXP application: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=28657 The ABBO "service" was configured to accommodate the app's new owner: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=28657#p230858 The most-up-to-date Bk release is v52.9.2022.08.06, available also as a 32-bit compile! ... Well, actually no ; the "EoS" Basilisk version released by MCP was (as a 64-bit compile, only) v52.9.2022.01.27, so just over 7 months ago... That version was built on the ill-fated GRE platform and had no internal updater - that is, you have to fetch and run the standalone setup for 52.9.2022.08.06 in order to update it...
  13. In my Serpent 52 copy, I have: (for APMO) general.useragent.override.addons.palemoon.org;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/5.2 Firefox/68.0 PaleMoon/ (for ABBO) general.useragent.override.addons.basilisk-browser.org;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/5.2 Firefox/68.0 Basilisk/52.9.2022.08.06 I'm on a 32-bit OS myself, so I spoofed Win8.1 x86 as the OS - you can modify this to suit your personal case/taste... Too old a spoofed browser version will get you the "Update Pale Moon (Basilisk)" warning in the add-on(s) page(s)...
  14. Yes, PM-28.10 LPs aren't fully compatible with NM28.10.6a1; but most areas of the GUI a "general" NM28 user would frequently access function adequately... Web Developer Tools and some other "advanced" GUI areas might have "glitches" (or don't even open at all...). FTR, New Moon (both v27 and v28) was NEVER meant (by roytam1) to be localised; the fact that "upstream" PM language packs once used to work fully with past versions of NM28 was, of course, a welcome one by NM users, but also one more point of contention by upstream, who licence the PM LPs to be used exclusively on their own "official" application; if left unmodified, PM LPs, when installed in NM28, will turn the "unofficial" NM branding to "official", copyrighted, PM one...
  15. i.e. "general.useragent.locale" from "en-US" to whatever the installed LP is (I suspect "ru" for OP...); NB: A browser restart is required for the change to take full effect!
  16. @Anbima As NotHereToPlayGames told you, the site referenced fails to function properly in 360EEv11 because it requires the JS feature called "the Object.fromEntries() method", which was first implemented in Chromium 73 (while 360EEv11 is Ch69-based): ... hence the link to your previous post of Aug 18th (but you've also asked this on Aug 4th and Aug 6th and Aug 17th ) ... Missing "methods" can be polyfilled (please search what a "polyfill" is) and polyfills (in essence, pure JS code written in a syntax compatible with previous standards that the deprecated browser supports) can be inserted in pages via UserScripts; you need to install first a userscript manager, like Tampermonkey (closed-source) or Violentmonkey (open-source, it's the one I use, but v2.13.0 will be the last properly supporting 360EEv11) and write a simple userscript containing the polyfill code... If you're not bothered to even learn how to compose a VERY SIMPLE userscript (that works selectively on shop.brink.eu or, even, globally in the browser), this tells us that you probably like to be "spoon-fed", which won't make you appear very "attractive" in these places... Another way to inject code (a polyfill in this case) is via an extension, but I suspect you writing one from scratch just for that would be "totally out of reach" for you... An obvious solution to your problem(s) - without needing you to learn "very complicated" things - would be updating to a later version of 360EE, v12 (Ch78-based) or v13/13.5 (Ch86-based); on the plus side, many more "recent" sites will be better supported; on the minus side, your (probably old) H/W might not bode well with them... A sort of "spoon-feeding" solution would be to install below extension: https://github.com/InterLinked1/chromefill It isn't available as a .CRX file, but you need to install from zip while being in (extension) Developer Mode (or you can convert the zipped source into a CRX via the browser itself and then install that CRX); the extension provides polyfills for Object.fromEntries and several other methods missing in Chromium 70... Most of the rest of your eventual questions can find answers if you type them in your browser's Search Bar...
  17. @roytam1 : Upstream UXP issue #1977: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/1977 Upstream implementation: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/28e73defa3021293bfd220bbceed04d04fd169e7 https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/8a10b7bf8b45952f862f07842d0efb12c4feff04 "Your" implementation, custom branch of your UXP fork tree: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commit/707d74421937e75e0c0581d6ac9facbd83dd20ea https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commit/0c5c349ca688b879c587a7509eea88de46fcc1d1 In file "modules/libpref/init/all.js", upstream have: +// Whether we should play wave files opened in a "media document", i.e. wave +// audio opened as top-level documents, as opposed to inside a media element. +pref("media.wave.play-stand-alone", true); + while you have: +// Whether we should play wave files opened in a "media document", i.e. wave +// audio opened as top-level documents, as opposed to inside a media element. +pref("media.wave.play-stand-alone", false); + i.e. "they" default to "true", while you default to "false"; why?
  18. ... Just a small "tidbit", if you will... While FxESR 52.9.x doesn't support the final Draft 28 (later known as RFC 8446) of TLS v1.3, it has support for a previous draft (26?), that can be enabled via setting: security.tls.version.max;4 While the majority of TLSv1.3-enabled sites won't accept that "non-final" draft, a few will; case in point being: https://clienttest.ssllabs.com:8443/ssltest/viewMyClient.html which will report for FxESR 52.9.1 that:
  19. ... This has come up before in these forums, but @mina7601 is definitely a "he"... Depends on how old.... If you're referring to Chrome 49, EoS version for XP SP3 (SSE2), no, it can't cope adequately with the web of 2022 ... Should use the 360EE forks, based on later Chromium versions (69/78/86) ...
  20. OT : This must have set you back a small fortune, hasn't it? High-End H/W is constantly on the rise here price-wise, due to 1. shortage of rare-earth metals (and other semiconductors) used inside electronics chips 2. exorbitant rises in energy costs (natural gas, electricity, petrol, etc.) - in part due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict - which is reflected in elevated production/transportation costs ... A laptop of those specs can easily cost something near (or above) the neighbourhood of 1,000 Euros here, when the average (monthly) salary is considerably below that ... Take good care of your high-performance laptop, then...
  21. This is indeed correct - most UXP-based browsers are now natively supported in palefill's install.rdf file; it's only Serpent 55 that isn't: https://github.com/martok/palefill/issues/25#issuecomment-1157015223 @Mathwiz is mainly using St55, so perhaps got confused and assumed this is still the case for UXP-based browsers ...
  22. This isn't true ; with the last (semi-)official release (v.1.2.19) of github-wc-polyfill prepared by SeaHOH, the GitLab link posted has no problem fully loading in my latest Serpent 52 copy (manual modification of 1.2.19's install.rdf is required to allow installation in St52): NB that SeaHOH has abandoned further development of github-wc-polyfill, but our own @roytam1 has provided (at least two) updated XPIs for it in below "upstream" issue #68 thread: https://github.com/JustOff/github-wc-polyfill/issues/68#issuecomment-1218104421 So one should install v1.2.19.2 now to keep up with GH's shenanigans ... OT: MSFN's post/comment editor is overly problematic today, I find ...
  23. ... Well. most application authors currently behave like sheep , blindly (no offence meant, BTW ) following ONLY what Microsoft supports at the time they release an update for their app... My gut feeling is they didn't go for DirectX 11.2 specifically, rather they dropped support for previous DirectX versions, as these are to be found in OSes MS no longer supports (free of charge, as in not ESU ) ...
  24. ... Why would you be off-topic if your query pertains to Serpent 52.9.0 ? Well, here's the long story of it: My complete theme is called Photonic and it was created by Lootyhoof, a member of the upstream MCP dev team, who specialises in Complete Themes for the Pale Moon browser! Photonic had originally support for both Pale Moon (which has a pre-Australis default theme) as well as support for (official) Basilisk (which has the Australis GUI). As such, it was hosted in both https://addons.palemoon.org/themes/ (where it still is) and https://addons.basilisk-browser.org/themes/ In late January, Moonchild halted further development of Basilisk; in May, Photonic was removed from: https://addons.basilisk-browser.org/addon/photonic/ (archived snapshot: https://web.archive.org/web/20220511055801/https://addons.basilisk-browser.org/addon/photonic/ ) Lootyhoof continued the theme's development, but he removed Basilisk support in versions > 4.0.0... The source code repo for Photonic is: https://github.com/Lootyhoof/photonic A no-longer-maintained mirror is: https://repo.palemoon.org/Lootyhoof/photonic The easiest way to get the last Basilisk-compatible version of Photonic is via GitHub: https://github.com/Lootyhoof/photonic/releases/tag/v4.0.0 But (there's always a "but" for us on "unsupported" OSes+forks), getting that XPI is NOT enough, sadly... As you might know already, (official) Basilisk is meant to run on Win7+, so Photonic's author made sure to use Win7+ specific CSS code during its development ; many of its internal CSS scripts have the below code: @media (-moz-os-version: windows-win7) { which makes sure the theme (is designed for and) properly runs at minimum on Windows 7, only! Additional specific code @media (-moz-os-version: windows-win8) { and @media (-moz-os-version: windows-win10) { configures the theme on Win8/8.1 and Win10 - there's absolutely no provision for the theme running under XP and/or Vista, which are the target (i.e. most frequently used) OSes for Serpent 52.9.0 users... Fortunately, its install.rdf file is compatible with St52, so it doesn't require any modification to install the theme there... But: I don't have XP here to check, so I have no clue how the theme behaves (if and at what degree it works) under an XP installation of Serpent 52.9.0... All I can tell you is that when I first installed it in my Vista SP2 installation of St52, the tab bar was BROKEN/mostly unusable; I had to unpack the theme and apply trial-and-error many times, adding several additional "(-moz-os-version: windows-vista)" conditionals to select script places, to get a properly working tab bar on Vista, keeping full Aero support, too... Along with the theme itself, I'm also using the "Classic Theme Restorer v1.7.8.2019.10.27" extension (by Aris), to further modify it to my liking... A glimpse of what it looks like as I type this is: I understand Photonic (being an abandonware for Basilisk, at least for now) is susceptible to future partial/complete breakage, as Serpent 52 is being further developed - though, TBH, I don't expect "deal-breakers", as "upstream" very infrequently touch the GUI code; some minor bugs did fall under my radar, but I'm willing to live with them for the time being... So, now you know!
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