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Posts posted by burd

  1. 33 minutes ago, HyperbolicEllipsoid said:

    Really? I remembered hearing that Windows XP works with CSM since CSM boots in the same way as BIOS systems.

    From Wikipedia:

    If Windows XP doesn't work on CSM, is there any way to deploy it using the EFI files from Vista so that it works on UEFI?

    Edit: Also curious as to why exactly XP would work on legacy BIOS and not CSM if CSM replicates legacy BIOS. What exactly is the difference?

    Afaik , it would still not work i could be wrong though , i doubt the efi files can be used as well , although for vista and 7 a pure uefi boot can be achieved using w10 files , for xp I don't think its just possible , i don't specifically remember the inns and outs of bios/uefi so im just saying based on experience.

  2. Steam verifications can be bypassed by placing a cfg near steam.exe it would seem , it would get rid of the checksum issue and stop redownloading everytime. Also used the Chromium 77 files from my Dec 2019 build and steam is still blank and steamhelper still crashes :thumbdown.





  3. 5 hours ago, asdf2345 said:

    Could you give me your current x86 extensions? I have a collection of older Steam clients, and I'd like to try them with the extensions

    it doesn't work on my Dec 2019 build doubt it will be different in your case , it just wouldnt load

  4. 1 hour ago, win32 said:

    The notion of running new versions of Steam on Vista is not as clear cut as it should be; Application Verifier does not bypass the check. So I looked in steam.exe and found this:


      Hide contents

    .text:00503F60 sub_503F60      proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_42AC60+34B↑p
    .text:00503F60                                         ; sub_42F280+1729↑p ...
    .text:00503F60                 mov     eax, dword_6D9058
    .text:00503F65                 cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
    .text:00503F68                 jnz     locret_504088
    .text:00503F6E                 push    0
    .text:00503F70                 push    4
    .text:00503F72                 push    6
    .text:00503F74                 call    sub_503EC0
    .text:00503F79                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:00503F7C                 test    al, al
    .text:00503F7E                 jz      short loc_503F98
    .text:00503F80                 call    sub_503E30
    .text:00503F85                 xor     ecx, ecx
    .text:00503F87                 test    al, al
    .text:00503F89                 setnz   cl
    .text:00503F8C                 add     ecx, 10h
    .text:00503F8F                 mov     dword_6D9058, ecx
    .text:00503F95                 mov     eax, ecx
    .text:00503F97                 retn
    .text:00503F98 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00503F98 loc_503F98:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_503F60+1E↑j
    .text:00503F98                 push    0
    .text:00503F9A                 push    3
    .text:00503F9C                 push    6
    .text:00503F9E                 call    sub_503EC0
    .text:00503FA3                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:00503FA6                 test    al, al
    .text:00503FA8                 jz      short loc_503FC2
    .text:00503FAA                 call    sub_503E30
    .text:00503FAF                 xor     ecx, ecx
    .text:00503FB1                 test    al, al
    .text:00503FB3                 setnz   cl
    .text:00503FB6                 add     ecx, 0Eh
    .text:00503FB9                 mov     dword_6D9058, ecx
    .text:00503FBF                 mov     eax, ecx
    .text:00503FC1                 retn
    .text:00503FC2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00503FC2 loc_503FC2:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_503F60+48↑j
    .text:00503FC2                 push    0
    .text:00503FC4                 push    2
    .text:00503FC6                 push    6
    .text:00503FC8                 call    sub_503EC0
    .text:00503FCD                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:00503FD0                 test    al, al
    .text:00503FD2                 jz      short loc_503FE9
    .text:00503FD4                 call    sub_503E30
    .text:00503FD9                 movzx   eax, al
    .text:00503FDC                 neg     eax
    .text:00503FDE                 sbb     eax, eax
    .text:00503FE0                 add     eax, 0Dh
    .text:00503FE3                 mov     dword_6D9058, eax
    .text:00503FE8                 retn
    .text:00503FE9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00503FE9 loc_503FE9:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_503F60+72↑j
    .text:00503FE9                 push    0
    .text:00503FEB                 push    1
    .text:00503FED                 push    6
    .text:00503FEF                 call    sub_503EC0
    .text:00503FF4                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:00503FF7                 test    al, al
    .text:00503FF9                 jz      short loc_504013
    .text:00503FFB                 call    sub_503E30
    .text:00504000                 xor     ecx, ecx
    .text:00504002                 test    al, al
    .text:00504004                 setnz   cl
    .text:00504007                 add     ecx, 0Ah
    .text:0050400A                 mov     dword_6D9058, ecx
    .text:00504010                 mov     eax, ecx
    .text:00504012                 retn
    .text:00504013 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00504013 loc_504013:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_503F60+99↑j
    .text:00504013                 push    0
    .text:00504015                 push    0
    .text:00504017                 push    6
    .text:00504019                 call    sub_503EC0
    .text:0050401E                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:00504021                 test    al, al
    .text:00504023                 jz      short loc_504041
    .text:00504025                 call    sub_503E30
    .text:0050402A                 xor     ecx, ecx
    .text:0050402C                 test    al, al
    .text:0050402E                 setnz   cl
    .text:00504031                 lea     ecx, ds:9[ecx*2]
    .text:00504038                 mov     dword_6D9058, ecx
    .text:0050403E                 mov     eax, ecx
    .text:00504040                 retn

    .text:00504041 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:00504041 loc_504041:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_503F60+C3↑j
    .text:00504041                 push    0
    .text:00504043                 push    1
    .text:00504045                 push    5
    .text:00504047                 call    sub_503EC0
    .text:0050404C                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:0050404F                 test    al, al
    .text:00504051                 jz      short loc_50406B
    .text:00504053                 call    sub_503E30
    .text:00504058                 xor     ecx, ecx
    .text:0050405A                 test    al, al
    .text:0050405C                 setnz   cl
    .text:0050405F                 add     ecx, 7
    .text:00504062                 mov     dword_6D9058, ecx
    .text:00504068                 mov     eax, ecx
    .text:0050406A                 retn
    .text:0050406B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:0050406B loc_50406B:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_503F60+F1↑j
    .text:0050406B                 push    0
    .text:0050406D                 push    0
    .text:0050406F                 push    5
    .text:00504071                 call    sub_503EC0
    .text:00504076                 movzx   eax, al
    .text:00504079                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:0050407C                 neg     eax
    .text:0050407E                 sbb     eax, eax
    .text:00504080                 and     eax, 6
    .text:00504083                 mov     dword_6D9058, eax
    .text:00504088 locret_504088:                          ; CODE XREF: sub_503F60+8↑j
    .text:00504088                 retn
    .text:00504088 sub_503F60      endp


    So you can see that it does a different thing for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and Vista and even has code to detect XP and 2000.

    The simplest thing to do, is to replace

    push        0

    push        1

    push        6


    push        0

    push        0

    push        6

    (or just changing the push 1 to a push 0. but I like to be on the safe side, and your Vista and 7 don't share the same Steam install.)

    After that, it brought me to the login window! Steam.exe is for reference purposes.

    But, that was only achieved when offline! If the file has been modified and you try launching it when online, Steam notices that the checksum has changed, tries to "update" itself and immediately replaces itself with the non-working file.

    So I disconnected from the Internet when launching Steam, but reconnected right before signing in. It worked, but showing the old UI with nothing (not even library view) and the "will stop working on Vista in 0 days" banner. Why was Steam still not thinking W7? Well, steamservice.dll in the bin subfolder has the same version check! But even after changing both, nothing changed.

    In fact, all of the latest Steam binaries seem to be capable of running under vanilla Vista and possibly XP, even the Chromium bits. It's just the code that sniffs out older OSes that messes stuff up it appears. And I haven't found it yet.


    What software is to be used to edit this? also somehow in my case application verifier worked after a reboot , but even so crash on "ntdll.dll"

  5. 3 hours ago, yoltboy01 said:

    I thought porting IE10 back to Vista could be my next goal. Vista‘s IE 9 has the version 9.0.8112.x 

    So, doesnt that mean that this IE version is ported from Windows 8 Build 8112? Because IE11 on W7 also has the version number 11.0.9600 which means it is ported back from W8.1? I looked it up and such a build really exists but cant be downloaded anywhere. However, it may be possible to port back IE10 from Build 8250 (Consumer Preview) or?

    W7 has 11.0.9600 which obviously doesnt work on Vista , i had even tried IE10 from W8.0, not sure which version , the only IE10 Version that works is the IE10 Platform Preview 2  , IE10 8250 i'm not sure where one could find now.

  6. 51 minutes ago, win32 said:


    Of course, some parts of those mfplat functions are hideously complex though. But I don't they'll beat my XP x64-based LoadLibraryExW rewrite (mostly done, but some subroutines need to be fixed up). :puke:

    Is that the same thing you were working on to remove most of Vista's errors or im off the mark?

  7. 9 minutes ago, Vistapocalypse said:

    When it comes to Firefox, you are absolutely correct: ESR 52 would probably work just fine on Vista REM, certainly on SP1, and supported XP. Why would it have any need for a Windows update that was released after Vista’s EOL?

    I believe you are also correct that the OP has unresolved Windows Update issues, and I wish you luck with that.

    With the possible exception of @burd, I also believe I am thus far the only poster in this thread who has actually enabled TLS 1.2 on a Vista system, and I do not believe I will be posting here again.

    Yup , its enabled for me , but the options to toggle them only appear in the 64bit IE9 for me , but im sure the setting still applies to the 32bit IE9(though i havent been bothered enough to test).

  8. Great video @WinClient5270 :thumbup


    you claimed FF 78 doesnt work in a comment thats because you need to open up firefox.exe in CFF Explorer, go into the import table, select ntdll.dll and change the entry RtlQueryPerformanceCounter to NtQueryInformationProcess , maybe you can add that in your description , credits go to @win32 ofcourse , once again.

  9. 6 minutes ago, terryindorset said:

    Hi.  You're much more switched on about this tham I am !   I've not got a clue how to do it.  I read a peice yesterday about using regedit & it meant clicking from this to that & on to that.  Not having done this before I'll have to read it 3 times before doing anything.  BUT, have you got time to write a how-to for me ?  I got the impression I'll have to add folders for TLS 1.1 & 1.2..........

    I've copied your above mod.................and this screenshot is what my Internet Options has,



    try the 64bit internet explorer , while the 32bit one doesnt display the tls 1.2 options it will still apply , atleast in my case

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