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Everything posted by oneless

  1. i use a lot of gcond's gcond[pn]=['FileExists("%ProgramFiles%\\BSPlayer\\bsplayer.exe")']; so , the variable is defined.
  2. all my critical hotfixes are like : for gcond = true , i have not gcond_color (.gtxt) , i have instead normal_color (.txt) IF , i delete deps[pn] line , then the behavoiur is normal , .gtxt appear. ? anyway , still need here a tip for enable on load gcond check boxes, with .gtxt color.
  3. how about hot keys ? without buttons. i like one for turn on <show extra buttons> , when run from hdd and is off this switch refreshing WPI interface, restarting the timer. (instead edit manually useroptions.js) or maybe just turn on the switch temporary , without write this in the file useroptions.js next WPI boot starting with saved switch off. and other , when run from any media the WPI interface, to open in notepad.exe the last <WPI_Log.txt>, stoping the timer.
  4. sorry , over 2 weeks holiday . but never isnt too late. the script is up to date (including august hotfixes) for every installed hotfix , create a file kbxxxxxx.log in c:\windows\debug (%windir%\debug , in fact) i choose this , because i am a ccleaner fan, and ccleaner use to delete all logs from systemdrive , including those with same names kbxxxxxx.log created by hotfixes during instalation in c:\windows folder. so i use in WPI something like all my config.js here post #9 (and some more explanations about my config.js) if this help you and you need more help just say it. CloseMyComp.au3 _biblioteca.au3
  5. you can get that with Ctrl + Shift + Esc . why you want use Ctrl + Alt + Del for same purpose ?
  6. my config.js . all entries have cond's , part of them have gcond enabled (from those only my 56 critical hotfixes already installed have both : gcond and deps enabled). 1 use for every critical hotfix 2 entries (each entry in different category), one with gcond+deps (for installed hotfixes) other only with deps (for UNinstalled hotfixes) i use different categories because, i want the uninstalled hotfixes in separate category for check them all more easy config_oneless.js
  7. i wrote above , so , the gcond color is vanished by the change, gcond colour entry exist in wpi.css .also i wrote
  8. thank you @sadicq . this work . i have check boxes with gcond=true enabled again. BUT (always must be a but) i havent anymore gcond color for ALL my entries with gcond=true (they change to selected color when selected) anyway , before that change , i havent gcond color for my entries with deps enabled ?! this is a bug in my opinion , new in 5.3. i have only the 56 critical hotfixes (today) with deps[pn]=['QCHAIN']; none have gcond color, they have normal color. (cannot select them, before above change) other entries with gcond=true and without deps enabled have gcond color.
  9. i use this autoIT script. loaded and modified somewhere from www.autoitscript.com/forum (maybe a script with a talking clock there !??... downloaded some months ago) but i do not run it on beginning , i run it when wpi ends his job. just before my own multi-oprtions shutdown/restart... script. IamReady.au3
  10. i still need to have program check boxes enabled even gcond is true. the code is changed and the @sadicq's trick must be renewed properly . (old trick)
  11. i use and like music . from media player i use sometimes PAUSE or STOP button ! nothing else .
  12. themes \..your theme..\wpi.htm edited with notepad if you search for "volume" can find some like <param name="Volume" value="100">i suppose you can decrease the sound here.
  13. would be nice in the future when you ask someto point the unsuccesfull tries. then a lot of us can learn from your experience and maybe other can spare time. autoIT is 100% free and like @zorphnog saidan .exe file is just an .exe file . WPI is an open project , more people work hard and spend a lot of time to improve it, test it,and if any person blame WPI without reasons, this do not contribute in any way in WPI developing. returning to your specific problem , like i said, and others said before me, gcong has a problem with read regs. in this moment WPI had other major problems , so i advice you for twice , to use other way. probably after a stabilised version of WPI , a lot of minor issues like this will be solved properly. if you want i can attach for you my autoIT script.
  14. part of answer could be found here not tested , because @Lawrenca do not give me an answer and already i have implemented other method for eliminate regs gcond error. i run an autoIT script before launch WPI and if reg condition is true , then the autoIT script create for me a file, like KBxxxxxx.log , in a specific place (c:\windows\debug, folder here) and my gcond use FileExist() function , who never give me errors. if you want to test @Lawrenca way , let me know if works.
  15. Soon WPI 5.9 will replace Windows (any version , just you will check what you want : 3.1, 95, 98SE, Me, 2000 , XP, Vista...) the next version 6.0 will replace also Linux , Unix any version, OS2 and more others OSs version 6.5 will include WPIOFFICE , WPINERO,WPIWINDVD ... and nothing for free for every click on WPIOS your PayPal account will increase (contextual) with 10 or more $...
  16. YES , but THIS IS NOT DOING BY WPI. also , WPI DO NOT install anything UNATTENDED WPI DO NOT put anywhere serials if your program CAN ACCEPT as parameter or switch something like changing the default folder where you install the program, or set a serial, or more others.. WPI will cooperate with this. this is your job to find the ways . WPI just RUN your programs @Kelsenellenelvian , i think is time to elaborate a bit the Sticky: What is WPI? more and more new post with questions like this .
  17. probably the last file (downloaded) with definitions , sfx-ed with options like ;The comment below contains SFX script commands Path=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\ Silent=1 Overwrite=1 this the way i use for lavasoft, SE not Pro. no separate program folder here.
  18. some problems here with player in install part. my old song .mid in WPI is playing , in install not (Ozone - Dragostea Din Tei) other .mp3 in install part is interrupted twice on every second .. starting for 10..20 seconds ok . and when start the interruptions , the install process is delayed ...!? i burn already a CD with WPI (separate CD, not uA) same old song in my old disks wpi 4.38b2 , install part, is ok ! ok , ok , i made with your recommendations some MINOR changes , but yours WPI how are they playing ? especially in install part ? (not from harddisk) maybe some wrong with my media player + updates v. ?
  19. 1. comment : pause button can be nice. something like , if you press this button , the entry in use will be finish the next entries will be ignored (+/- execute after ??) 2. on topic : maybe for 5.3 , but if we have tool tips , why cannot see them in install window ??? ...somewhere somehow... i have 1024x768 pixels if a program is installed , during this, its tool tips can be showed, somewhere the text , someelse the image... 3. on topic : a scrolled window pointed to a file info_ro, info_en..., in lang golder (or other names) info_xx , containing tips ... like and others .position of this window : Interface tab ( a lot of space there).
  20. for me, for your need , the simply way is to use cond (vs gcond) if cond is false , WPI do not show the entry , so if you do not see it , you cannot check it ... sample here, for a critical hotfix for XP cond[pn]=['getOSver()=="XP" && FileExists("%wpipath%\\_WPIapp\\_XP32\\Hotfixes_Critical\\KB873339.exe") && FileExists("%windir%\\Debug\\KB873339.log")']; if os is DIFFERENT THAN XP , WPI hide this entry . for me gcond is good to know if the entry is already installed. gcond only change the color for me (good thing also) . maybe you must look for the operators : == equal != not equal && and || or ! not .... those i use i dont know all of them , maybe this kind of list can be helpful for all of us ...? kel ? i am sure you can help us with this ? a complet list of operators , variables.. (some of us are not friends with applets,scripts... java, html.....)
  21. i had another problem solved there by @sadicq 2 posts below. i have now entries with grayed conditions true enable for checking and if i check an entry with "deps[pn]" activate , mother entry is auto-checked. i dont know if this 2 things are related , but i have only the critical hotfixes (52 entries today) "deps[pn]" to qchain entry, the hotfixes are already installed , and now when i have them enabled , when i check one hotfix or category (all hotfixes), qchain is checked too (qchain is in another category ..). attention with same "deps[pn]" , do not work IF mother entry (here qchain) has gcond enable . with gcond for qchain , i have not auto checked for qchain if i check an entry or all category.
  22. Nice layout on M$ today ! XP Pro SP2 english here : malicious updated + KB916595 This is a reliability update for Windows XP machines. Install this update to prevent an issue in which you may receive a "Stop 0xD" error message on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2. The error may occur during startup, or after the system has started . KB914388 A remote code execution security issue has been identified in the DHCP Client service that could allow an attacker to remotely compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it . KB917159 A remote code execution security issue has been identified in the Server service that could allow an attacker to remotely compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it . -- this is a contextual hotfix , but who havent here .Net 2 installed ? -- KB917283 - UpDate Post .Net 2.0 A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system running the Microsoft .NET Framework and gain access to restricted data .
  23. with pleasure . welcome to MSFN. probably is enough , but cost you some the extra 2 lines ?? with them you are sure. i am not sure , but i explained you earlier, XP can set any image file as desktopany extension , but the real bitmap put on the desktop will be a .bmp file. if you set a file xxx.jpg, this will be set in "BackupWallpaper" and a temp file created by windows itself named xxx.bmp in "docs and sett/user...../" will be set "wallpaper" (or viceversa) anyway , if this is the way to work... reg tweaks use double back-slash . this is the syntax. if you put only one you will see in regeditsomething like C:WINDOWSWebWallpaperMyWallPaper.bmp who is not a correct path+name.
  24. mea culpa , i see one major error in your script. ANY reg file must begin WITH a LINE like Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00or older versions (for win NT) something with version 4 without this kind of line the file will be interpreted as text file , not reg file. so APPlications_before.reg must be like this : my APPlications_before.reg contain more tweaks , and i cut for you only the wallpaper part. ANYWAY , you can test the reg file without create a new unattended CD. you can run the .reg file manually (execute it) and after restart you will see the new wallpaper. in unattended CD you dont need restart because the tweak is applied early than desktop appear to you.
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