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Everything posted by reboot12

  1. I use Pale Moon 28.10.6a1 (64-bit) 20230413 mega.nz works well only at the first visit. At the following sessions there is a problem with displaying files and only shows an Empty folder The same problem is on Win7 To display files, you need to close the browser, delete the %appdata%\Moonchild Productions folder, start the browser and log in on mega.nz
  2. You don't have to install SP2. When the value of CSDVersion is default 256 DEC then install error: but after changing value of the CSDVersion to 512 DEC and restart instalation goes:
  3. @Adrian_ https://msfn.org/board/topic/183956-asus-b85m-e-with-core-i5-4590-code-10-in-device-manager/
  4. @FantasyAcquiesce Install MS Anna TTS: https://www.betaarchive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40135
  5. @verta Give the compiled version ntvdmx64
  6. @Danial Braine OMG! It's not about that !!! I want to right-click on a file, select from the context menu, for example, called "Copy to" after which the window selecting target appears and the field in which I can enter the new file name. A specific example. On the partition D: I have a long name ISO file pl_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_618244.iso I want to copy this file immediately to a pendrive in one step under another name win7.iso I do not want to copy a file with a long name, later change the name manually!!!
  7. @Danial Brain Bla, bla, bla... Read the first post carefully. The topic applies to the old ThinkPad T61 laptop.
  8. In QEMU (virt-manager) on Linux you have to do this: qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu host,-sse2 In QEMU on Windows: qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu qemu64,-sse2 In the Linux host system, e.g. Debian you need add the option clearcpuid=26 to the kernel cmd line in /etc/default/grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="clearcpuid=26" then update-grub and reboot To check if it works: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags How to disable CPU Feature / Flag HLE "Hardware Lock Elision" on RHEL x86 - intel cpufeatures.h #define X86_FEATURE_XMM2 ( 0*32+26) /* "sse2" */ How to achieve the same for Windows without using a virtual machine? I found it: set-sse2-enable but this is a guide on how to compile their own applications so that they do not use SSE2 sse2_use_not_use.zip - test tools fo Win 32-bit
  9. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD PC1: Try a virtual machine QEMU (virt-manager) on Linux e.g. Debian9 and Serial TCP net console Client Mode - set IP PC2: IP install Fabulatech Serial Port Redirector, add virtual port COM Server eg. port TCP 4555, port COM12, speed 115200, Raw Data Run Windbg -> Kernel Debug on COM12 115200
  10. On some computers, hibernation works in WinXP 64-bit if we add in boot.ini option /maxm=4096 https://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/viewtopic.php?p=15842181#15842181
  11. @Dave-H Delete the Restart button from msgina.dll file (Dialog 20100 resource), e.g. using Resource Hacker :-)
  12. @pta54 Try this: Install WinXP from USB
  13. What version because 3.3.61 does not work on WinXP. Old version 3.3.19 works but not support TTS. Balabolka can read many files and also from the Windows clipboard and works on WinXP 32/64-bit (tested version Can use TTS and Microsoft Speech Platform voices.
  14. @gerwin Try the drivers 355.98 > Windows XP (x64) and very high resolutions with NVIDIA (and now: ATi / AMD) These drivers are better than the latest because they allow you to add a custom resolution.
  15. In 1994 I only had a ZX Spectrum clone (resolution 256x192) and I heard about PC from television and newspapers
  16. You've been looking poorly. I found audio drivers for ThinkPad X61 in 2016, i.e. 6 years ago - a microphone works and my drivers are newer X64.rar Installing Windows XP (x64) on an x61s Thinkpad I found the driver on the microphone works
  17. @Andalu Maybe you're right. I have a Samsung NVMe drive so I prefer the Samsung NVMe driver on which TRIM works - I don't need a SiliconMotion driver.
  18. From what I found out, the diskdump.sys file is used when BSOD appears in the OS - then debugging information is saved on the disk in %SystemRoot%\Minidump I found the update of the diskdump.sys file for Win7 without which during saving debugging information may be damaged volume on disk if is larger than 2 terabytes: One or more volumes are corrupted on a hard disk when a dump file is saved on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 if the hard disk space is larger than 2 terabytes My NVMe disk is 250 GB so I don't think these updates are needed.
  19. @George King I have a question? Before installing the NVMe 1.3 driver by Schtrom installed the WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB932755-x64-ENU.exe update that updates files: storport.sys and diskdump.sys Then I updated the NVMe driver for a corrected Samsung_NVMe_3.3.0.2003 which probably replaced the storport.sys file. The diskdump.sys file was remained from the KB ...755 update. Will NVMe drivers work properly without an updated diskdump.sys file?
  20. @George King OK, SourceDisksFiles.amd64 but I corrected the rest of the mistakes well.
  21. @George King I have fixed the secnvme.inf x64 file and works without any problems including TRIM in O&O Defrag secnvme_fix_by_Gelip.zip Silicon Motion Generic_NVMe_10.4.49.0 works only because I updated the driver when the Samsung driver operated - it is exactly about the secnvmeF service running. After switching off the service: sc config secnvmeF start= disabled I turned on the Windows debug through the serial port in BCD and after restart OS I have a 7B error in WinDbg: WinDbg 7B error log SmartDefrag 4.2 and TxBENCH 0.98 not make TRIM on any driver O&O Defrag make TRIM on Generic_NVMe_6.1.7601.23403, fixed_Samsung_NVMe_3.3.0.2003 and Silicon Motion Generic_NVMe_10.4.49.0 with secnvmeF service running (from Samsung driver)
  22. I have a Samsung 970 EVO Plus disk and the secnvme.inf file is appropriate PCI VEN DEV However, I looked at file and it looks like there are simply mistakes: [SourceDisksFiles.amd64] should be probably [SourceDisksFiles.NTamd64] [nvme_inst.NTx86.CopyFiles] should be probably [nvme_inst.NTamd64.CopyFiles] I don't understand why you are running the TrimCheck program 3 times? All you need is 2 times! During the first launch, the program creates a trimcheck.bin file on the disk, saves its location and a few bytes of data in the .json file and then deletes the trimcheck.bin file and then informs the user to now make a manual trim so you do TRIM, e.g. in O&O Defrag. After TRIM You run TrimCheck again, which compares the data contained in the .json file with data in the disk cluster.
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